Zebra Con/2001

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Zebra Con 15 (2001)

This was the last year that the program book listed the names of the attending and supporting members.

  • The convention website is archived here: - Zebracon 15[1]
  • October 12-14, 2001 at Sheraton North Shore in Northbrook, EL
  • membership limit was 300
  • 267 attending members
  • 9 con com
  • 7 at-the-doors
  • 69 cancellations (The event took place one month after 9/11 and many attendees were nervous flying. Morgan Dawn remembers that the flight from San Jose to Chicago was so tense that not one single person stood or used the rest room during the entire 4 hour flight.)
  • 26 no-shows
  • 35 dealers
  • a whole lot of songvids shown
  • $3000 raised for the Red Cross
  • 2 frazzled con chairmen and a partridge in a pear tree [2]

From Progress Reports

From progress report #1:

A word about names... We don't care what name -fannish or otherwise -you put on your badge. But we must have your full, real, legal name, address and phone number for our records.

We would like to remind everyone that ZCON is a very slash friendly con and is geared toward adults. While we do not feel entitled to ban children under 18, we will not sell a membership to anyone under that age, and we strongly discourage members from bringing children or babies. Children are not allowed to run around the convention area unsupervised, and will not be allowed in any of the function rooms (except, if necessary, babies in arms). This year, due to the space limitations, there will be no strollers allowed in the dealers room.


Note: There is no Room Dealing allowed at ZCon! This is hotel policy, and they are very strict about it. If you are caught selling out of your room and tossed out, don't say we didn't warn you.

The Dealers Room will again be the Winnetka Ballroom, and unfortunately those blasted pillars are still there. We have fewer tables than last time due to the pillars and because the fire marshal will allow any of the access doors to be blocked (this was a problem last time). The Dealers Room will be available to dealers only for set-up on Thursday night. We strongly encourage the dealers with large or complicated set-ups (yes we're talking to you, Mysti) to take advantage of this. We would like to have all dealers set up no later than noon on Friday, if possible.


PRINT SHOP: The Print Shop and Charity Display will have its own room this year. There are no restrictions on content or number of prints; there is no hanging fee; the con takes 15% of total sales; you must be a member of the con in order to participate. The Print Shop will be run by Denise Clift.


CON GOODIES: Well, four years ago we gave up on t-shirts, and two years ago we tried mugs and tote bags and that didn't work out too well either (we ended up getting stuck with quite a few, which means we lost money on them). So this time we're trying something different. Ever heard of Cafe Press? This is an online imprint store that sells t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, mousepads, and baseball caps. What we will do is open a store on line, with various kinds of ZCon merchandise. You order directly from Cafe Press and they send it directly to you. We will have several different designs available, some fandom-specific (e.g. Pros, Sentinel, S&H, etc.) and a general ZCon logo. Probably featuring aflamingo. Each item will also have ZCon 15, Chicago, and the date imprinted. We will try to have this up and running by the end of May. There will be a link to the storefront from the ZCon site. For those of you without net access, you will have to let us know what you want and we will do the ordering for you. Pictures, prices, and more details will be in PR#2 in June.


SONG TAPE CONTEST: We haven't heard otherwise from Carolynn, our Mistress of the SongTapes, so assume the rules are the same as always. To wit: 1) You must be a member of the con to enter. 2) No entry may ever have won any other SongTape contest. 3) No more than 3entries per person/group. 4) All entries must be consecutive on the tape (nothing else in-between). 5) Only SongTapes entered in the contest will be shown. 6) SongTapes must be turned in, either directly to Carolynn or to Registration, by 2pm Friday. No last minute tapes will be accepted. 7) Please use a high quality tape, as all entries will be placed on as ingle tape to make things easier/quicker. 8) The entry blank must be filled out and attached to the outside of the tape box. Each tape should be marked on the outside with the owner's name, and the entry blank must be filled out completely with fandom(s), song titles, and artists. 9) There will be a "Con SongTape" available afterwards. If you do not wish your entries to be included on this tape, you must state this on the entry blank. 10) All tapes must be picked up immediately after the contest or at Registration on Saturday morning. 11) Categories are; Best Humorous, Best Dramatic, Most Romantic, Best Technical (voted on only by the participants) and Best In Show. Awards will be given out at the Awards Ceremony on Saturday night. (The entry blank may be found at the end of this Progress Report.) The SongTape Contest will be held Friday evening, 8pm till whenever... Rules for Spectators: Please, be nice to your fellow fans who are there to listen to the songtapes and be as quiet as possible!

PARTY: Come to our Luau! Put on your ugliest/loudest Hawaiian shirt or sexiest sarong and come roast a pig with us! The party is included in your membership fee, and is always the climax of the weekend. So to speak. <G> We'll have the menu set by the time of PR#2, but we do promise a cash bar, flamingos, tikis, palm trees, awards & contests, door prizes, more flamingos, entertainment, and maybe even a few grass skirts. Everybody gets lei'd, that's our motto this year!


WRITERS' CONTEST: We've been averaging only 3-4 submissions for the last couple of cons (which is pathetic, people) so we're trying something different this time. The contest begins now, and runs until September 1. All entries must be in by that date (snail mail or email; if the latter, be sure and send it privately to Karen and not to the on-line mailing list!), at which time ConCom will read them and pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The 3winning stories will be printed in the Program Book for all to enjoy. Rules: Two pages maximum. Any fandom, any style; gen, slash, het, humor, drama, whatever. Entries must have a"tropical" theme or idea. Fannish names/pseuds are permitted. By participating in the Writer's Contest you are hereby giving permission for your story, should it be a winner, to be printed in the Program Book. After this one-time printing, rights to the stories revert to the authors. You must be a member of the con to participate.

PROGRAMMING: So far we have had requests for panels on Sentinel, Oz, SG-1, and Queer As Folk...but nothing specific. We need ideas for panel topics and we need volunteers to be on the panels! Of course w'e will playing another round of Sentinel Family Feud, there will be a Writing Workshop, and panels have also been suggested on Story Warnings and Fic Recommendations (Best of the Net). We need your ideas and suggestions, so put on your thinking caps and let us know what you want to talk about!


HUGGY AWARDS: We tried to incorporate netfic into the Awards last time, and it was, basically, kind of a mess. And lots of people were unhappy and it was all one big headache. So, we are simplifying. Drastically. The Huggy Awards are returning to what they originally were: zine awards. Right now we are looking at 3 categories -S&H, Pros, and TS. We may add more if enough people request them (like HL, for example). A nominations form will be included with PR#2 and a ballot with #3.

We are considering having separate "Net Huggies" for on-line fic. Right now we're tossing ideas around, including starting a mailing list (separate from the ZCon list already in existence) to discuss nominations and then vote. Details in PR#2, whatever we decide.

PRIVATE PARTIES: We had quite a few of these last time (HL, TS, S&H, DS, etc.) and it was great! But this year will be even better, because we have booked the parlor of the 8th floor North Shore Suite for Friday and Saturday. There will be a tv provided, and plenty of seating. Anyone wishing to host a party may book this suite, in advance, for a1or 2-hour block. If you'd like to have it catered by the hotel, let us know and we'll put you in touch with the proper people. Bring your own vcr and tapes, and as this is technically a private room, you can bring in your own food and drink with no problems. Each group is responsible for clean-up after their party, and you will need to keep the door closed, but this suite is a much nicer place to have a party than the meeting rooms downstairs!

Con Plays

One con play was "A Hard Drive's Night" written by Paula Smith and was directed by Kath Sanders. It was also performed at the final Connexions.

Another con play was "A Cough Sweet For Starsky" written by Viv Gibbons.

[A Hard Drive's Night]:

... I can tell you I have never laughed so hard. Suz was simply astounding as Mr. Spock and kept her Vulcan composure intact even when Qui Gonn fell off the stage and took Obi Wan along. They landed in a tangled pile of arms, legs and robes and everyone -- even the other characters -- was howling, while Mr. Spock remained cool, calm, collected and Vulcan to the core. Which, of course, only made it funnier. My favorite part of the planned portion (I don't *think* the tumble off the stage was planned! LOL) was Bodie <??? not my fandom> shouting that "if they harm one hair on his head...!!!!"

Congratulations to all involved with that play. If we had Oscars or Tonys or something to give you, we would! [3]

[A Cough Sweet for Starsky]:

After dinner it was back to the hotel room again for Da Play - "A Cough Sweet For Starsky." Now I volunteered to write the play this year cause I felt it was about time my good buddy SHaron had a bit of a break & as usual (Viv style) despite having a year to do it I didn't get round to it until about 3 weeks before the actual con. (Okay Flamingo I know you warned me to get on with it but that's me all over - right!).

All in all I hope it was okay. It was a mix of 4 classic h/c eps - Shootout/Coffin/Bloodbath/Sweet Revenge. Basic plot - Simon Joey Bellamy Gunther (the waiter) poisons Starsky with a cough sweet in the "restaurant his grandmother used to live over when he was a kid." I got to play the Starsky role - Solo was Hutch (draped in a beautiful blond wig) & SHaron was the archetypal bad guy draped in black bin liner, face daubed in "upside down" crosses. Twas a bit of a laugh. [4]

Vid Show

Playlists and vid show reviews from the 1990s and 2000s are being collected at ZebraCon/Vid Show.

Art and Fiction Awards

See Huggy Awards.

From a 2001 post to a Starsky & Hutch mailing list:

It was really exciting to see Starsky and Hutch so well-represented in the Dealer's Room. Keri and Paula had *two* new zines out. Yippee! Flamingo had Total Eclipse, and [April Valentine] had many old favorites, as did Mysti. And of course we were there with the ITP zines. The Art Show was also impressive. Linda's cover for Still the One looks even better in person than on the cover, Suzan had her Total Eclipse art there, the art from Objects in the Rearview Mirror was on display, plus a lovely pair of portraits by an artist whose name I didn't recognize -- matted in green mats and looking as if they could pop right off the page at you. Yum! [5]

Convention Reports

I know I don't have the time to review this con fairly -- it would take at least 4 days, the amount of time I spent enjoying myself there. I'm pulled in a million directions at the con (in wonderful ways) and this year was even more intense than the last one. I debuted my first zine, Total Eclipse of the Heart, and it was a wonderful experience to see people crowd around for it in the first feeding frenzy of the [[dealer's room]]. I connected again with some of the most beautiful First Fans in SH fandom -- Ruth Kurz and Marian Kelly -- who have been so supportive and helpful of my attempts to archive older print SH material. I connected with many of my list members from VenicePlace, matching real faces to email addys to discover the terrific folks that keep VP lively. I was thrilled to see the renewed interest in historical SH vids, many of them over 15 years old, which flew off the table as quickly as the zines and the new vids did. I was happy to see two new zine producers sell out their zines, one gen and one slash.

I was so busy doing SH stuff, connecting with SH folks, and attending SH events that I was unable to find time to eat all day Saturday. Neither Anne nor I was able to get a meal the entire day. Talk about running on empty! I think I had an apple and some cheetos to get me through. Too much to do!!! I was dying to spend some hours in serious discussion with folks I'd just gotten to meet in person, but invariably panels, rehearsals, and general wheeling and dealing made that impossible. One friend and I who were supposed to get together to plan some archive business never did see each other except in passing, waving at one another and promising each other a connection we were never able to make. I felt like I was cramming a ton of activity into every single minute. By Saturday night my feet were killing me, my bursitis had flared up really bad, my blood sugar wasn't too pleased with me, but I was having a ball. Where else would someone actually ask me to invent the Dancing Flamingo Screen Saver as a dramatic presentation?

I want to thank everyone who stopped me long enough to say nice things to me about the zine, and share hugs and feelings of friendship and connectivity. If you're one of the folks I *didn't* get to spend 4 hours in rapt discussion with, believe me, I regret it. After everything we've been through surrounding 9-11, and after having gotten through a scary tornado that had ripped through my neighborhood, I was feeling extremely fortunate to just be able to arrive safely at the con and get to indulge my favorite fantasies surrounding two gorgeous guys.

In fact, there was a telling moment for me in the first SH panel I was at. For the first time since I've been in SH we weren't doing the chairs-in-an-intimate-circle routine. It was in an auditorium, so we really couldn't, and besides, the room held too many people to be able to do that. Anyway, I was at the panel table, looking up at the large group of women who'd collected to share our fandom, and I had a sudden memory about a report that had been on the Today show a few days earlier, about how frighteningly restrictive life is for the women living in Afghanistan under the Taliban. And here, as diametrically opposite to that lifestyle as you could possibly imagine, was this wonderful group of fun, lively, intelligent, and beautiful women, freely and openly discussing the foibles and sexual inclinations of two fictional men with a number of like-minded sisters. At that one moment I couldn't take that for granted anymore, and it gave me the most intense feeling of the value of our freedom that I may have ever had, more even than when I've marched for civil rights, or opposed the war in Vietnam or even any time I voted. It was a wonderful feeling and I'll never forget it.

I've said this before, but it bears repeating -- if you ever really want to hear women laughing with real, hearty, genuine belly-laughs, go to a fan con. It's the most beautiful sound. I heard it a lot over the weekend and lent my voice to it often enough.

The con was wonderful fun and I can't wait till the next one.[6]

So anyways... Z-con was good. I wish that there more people there ( I believe there was 70 cancellations and 20 no-shows.). But I guess what I reaaly mean is that I wish there were more people in my fandoms there....

There were quite a few Buffy/Angel fans but most of them were of the m/m slash variety. I like the occasional Angel/Lindsay or Angel/Wesley but I'm mostly into the fem side of things. And it's a shame that not many fem slashers come to cons. Of course, there could have been a few there, I just wouldn't have noticed because of the overwhelming majority of the B/A panel being m/m. I must make a project of getting femslashers to Escapade....

One thing that was surprising was that there wasn't an RPS panel. I missed the one at Escapade...[7]

In 2001 a fan posted her con report, referencing the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Many fans struggled with whether to attend to the convention that year:

"My first ZebraCon. It had ups and downs but definitely worth the trip! There were concerns about whether or not ZCon would be on this year, considering recent tragic events but was decided terrorists were not going to stop us from our pursuit of life, liberty, and fannish interests. Think for some, was a good thing to enjoy spending time with friends.

Oddly enough, not one Trek panel, vid, or piece I noticed in the art show but Oz was well-represented with two panels (missed both - go figure), art show, vid show, party, and even a zine....

Over the years, my nerves have gotten completely shot and to put vids I've done in a major convention's vid show and sit through it... I was really shaking (good thing the room was dark). Thankfully, [J] once said to me they weren't bad vids and even accommodated an unusual request. Right vid coordinator at the right time.

Once in awhile, some things click into place. However, still on the lookout for the right 'niche'. Haven't found It--whatever 'It' is--yet. In the mean time, trying to have fun."[8]

Program Book


  1. ^ 2001 reference link.
  2. ^ Source: annual Huggy Award pages
  3. ^ from VenicePlace Mailing List, quoted anonymously (Oct 20, 2001)
  4. ^ from VenicePlace Mailing List, quoted anonymously (Jun 6, 2001)
  5. ^ quoted anonymously
  6. ^ Flamingo, posted to VenicePlace, October 2001, quoted on Fanlore with Flamingo's permission
  7. ^ [http://web.archive.org/web/20011118224229/http://www.slashaholics.org/soo/weblog/2001_10_01_index.php#6533658 lundi, octobre 22, 2001}, slashaholics (archived link)
  8. ^ Back from ZebraCon posted to alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated dated October 19, 2001.