Wizards and Warriors

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Name: Wizards and Warriors, aka Greystone's Odyssey
Date(s): 1983
Medium: tv
Country of Origin: USA
External Links: wikipedia
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Wizards and Warriors was a 1980s CBS television series.

Wizards & Warriors art by Arlene Grogan Oliver, printed in Sherwood Tunnels #6


From a fan in early 1995:

W&W is far too unrealized as a slash fandom, with two male leads who are currently deadly enemies but who evidently were playmates and friends as boys. Now when did that change, and why, and what happened at the time and what could happen again given half a chance? What betrayed loyalties or growing political changes caused the split? There have been a few readable examples of slash (and other fanfic) in the fandom, but most are too short and superficial to delve into the complex, historical, fantastical and magical angst possible for this relationship. [1]



mixed media zines:
