Wishverse (Buffy)

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Wishverse is a canon alternative universe in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This AU was created in the third season episode "The Wish" (3.09), in which Cordelia wishes that Buffy Summers never came to Sunnydale. This Wishverse is a term coined by fans to describe this AU verse. In this episode, most of the main characters die or become vampires. This episode introduced Wishverse versions of most of the main characters, including Xander and Willow as vampires and Angel as their prisoner.

The Wishverse is generally a darker timeline, and much of the fanworks set in the Wishverse also skew towards dark fic.

Overview in Fanfiction

  • The Wishverse versions of Willow and Xander, are referred to as Vamp!Willow and Vamp!Xander. Willow/Xander is a common Wishverse pairing.
  • The Wishverse version of Angel is often referred to as puppy!Angel. Works pairing puppy!Angel with another character are often dark, featuring BDSM, dub con or non con.
  • In fanfiction, characters from the Wishverse are often transported to the canonverse. This often results in confusion, characters interacting with wishverse versions of themselves and attempts to send them back to their original verse.
  • Selfcest is rare but does appear
  • Some wishverse aus change Cordelia's original wish. This is sometimes done to remove the happiness clause of Angel's curse
  • Works set in the wishverse often change the ending of the episode, so certain characters or all characters survive. Other fan favourite Buffyverse characters such as Spike, Faith and Tara can appear in wishverse au fics.

Example Fanworks


  • Wishverse by indie, an Alternate Universe series based on the BTVS episode “The Wish”.
  • The Wishverse Chronicles (Doppelganged Again) by H. G. Hettinger, The Buffy from the Wishverse gets pulled into Sunnydale. After the initial confusion gets sorted out, she returns to her own universe and her duty as the Slayer there. (1999)
  • In Fire And Blood by kally77, Cordelia's wish wasn't broken, and Buffy didn't come to Sunnydale on her own... (a Spuffy wishverse fic) (2013)

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