Ultra Magnus

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Name: Ultra Magnus
Minimus Ambus (IDW Comics only)
Fandom: Transformers
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Ultra Magnus, aka Minimus Ambus in the IDW Comics canon, is a popular and recurring character in the Transformers franchise. Unlike any other Transformers character, in the IDW canon, "Ultra Magnus" is a title, held by Minimus Ambus, who primarily goes by the name. This page treats both as the same character, as does the canon to a large extent as well as the fandom.

Canon Overview

[characterization, story role, further important appearances]

His Generation One counterpart appears in:

His other counterparts appear in:

See Ultra Magnus (disambiguation) on TFWiki.net for more of his appearances.

Most fanworks focus on his G1 or Prime appearances as of 2024.

Popular Tropes & Fanon


Subjects of Fannish Interest & Meta



This is purposefully an incomplete list, as Ultra Magnus is shipped with many of the other Transformers. He's also popular for self-insert shipping.

Please add any notable relationships in fanworks if they are missing.

Primary Canon With... Full Label Type Ship Name(s) Information
IDW Comics Rodimus Rodmius/Ultra Magnus | Rodimus/Minimus Ambus M/M Rodimags Most popular Ultra Magnus | Minimus Ambus pairing on Archive of Our Own as of 2024. More seen on its page.
IDW Comics Rodimus Rodmius & Ultra Magnus | Rodimus & Minimus Ambus Gen (n/a) (n/a)
IDW Comics Megatron Megatron/Ultra Magnus | Megatron/Minimus Ambus M/M Minimegs (n/a)
Prime Optimus Prime Optimus Prime/Ultra Magnus M/M (n/a) (n/a)
Prime Optimus Prime Optimus Prime & Ultra Magnus Gen (n/a) (n/a)
Headmasters Sixshot Sixshot/Ultra Magnus M/M 6U, Sixmags They are arch-enemies.
Prime Wheeljack Ultra Magnus/Wheeljack M/M Ultrajack (n/a)
Prime Predaking Predaking/Ultra Magnus M/M (n/a) (n/a)
IDW Comics Megatron, Rodimus Megatron/Rodimus/Ultra Magnus Poly (n/a) (n/a)
Prime Ratchet Ratchet/Ultra Magnus M/M (n/a) (n/a)
IDW Comics Swerve Swerve/Ultra Magnus | Minimus Ambus/Swerve M/M (n/a) (n/a)
IDW Comics Dominus Ambus Dominus Ambus & Minimus Ambus Gen (n/a) Minimus' spark brother, one of the few in the series. Dominus is a supporting character.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Communities/Fan Events


Fan Fic

Fan Art

General Fanworks
