Total Drama Writers Month

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Name: Total Drama Writers Month
Date(s): December 2020, August 2021, December 2022, July 2023
Moderator(s): NoH8_Make_a_Rainbow (Sami)
Founder: NoH8_Make_a_Rainbow (Sami)
Type: Prompt-based
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama Writers
URL: Total Drama Writers Event Submissions Total Drama Writers Event Submissions AO3 collection
Total Drama Writers Month Total Drama Writers Month wrangled AO3 tag
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Total Drama Writers Month is an annual writing challenge for Total Drama fanfiction writers in the Total Drama Writers Discord server. Each week of the month has its own theme and prompts.

Completed submissions can be viewed on various websites and apps. Prompts can also be viewed on the Discord server itself, as well as a complete listing of submitted fics.


WEEK 1: Dialogue Prompts

  • "I don’t even hate you. That would imply I cared."
  • "I need nothing but my mad skills, rugged good looks, and maybe half a million dollars."
  • "Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?"
  • "Let’s hear your side of the story."
  • "Jeez, it’s my first day. Give me a break!"

Submitted Fanfic

WEEK 2: Love and Friendship

  • Write your BROtp
  • Family
  • "The One That Got Away."
    • "there was someone who, in hindsight, we regret not being with because when we look [back] we feel that they may have truly been 'the one' for us that we might want to have known better — or maybe even realize that they were potentially the one you might very well want to spend the rest of your life with."
  • First Date
  • Wedding Season - write about your favorite characters getting married, or your favorite characters attending another person’s wedding!
  • Total Dramarama
  • "What If?" / Alternate Universe

Submitted Fanfic

Week 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Write your NOtp doing something you’d write for your OTP (date night, wedding, etc)
  • Spin a wheel & the two people you choose must be the stars (insert wheel link here)
  • Re-write an old oneshot of yours with your current style & compare to see how you’ve strengthened as a writer!
  • Write a different genre than you’re used to

Submitted Fanfic

Week 4: Deleted Scenes

  • Checking in with elimination contestants at the Peanut Gallery and Playa De Losers
  • Between Scenes: what are your favorite characters up to between scenes when there’s nothing to do?
  • Audition Tapes - make an extended audition tape for your favorite character!

Submitted Fanfic

Week 5: Freestyle

Submitted Fanfic


WEEK 1: Summer

  • Vacation: vacation, had to get away! It’s summer and your fave is going on vacation! Who do they go with? Are they going alone? Tell us all about it in your oneshot!
  • Carnival/fair: The carnival/fair is in town! Who kisses on the Ferris wheel? Who wins the stuffed bear for their date? So much can happen in this scenario!
  • Summer job: Ugh, summer jobs. Not the most glamorous thing to do for someone who wants to spend their time outside of school relaxing, but having money is nice, too!
  • (Stolen from“There it was, finally. Our island. Our very own island. It looked beautiful above the waves of fog, but there was still one question to be answered: why had they sold it to us for only five dollars?”
  • (also stolen from the same blog) Write a summer-themed prompt that incorporates this line: “Did she actually just say that?"

Submitted Fanfic

WEEK 2: Behind the Scenes/Alternate Universe

  • In Between Takes - Write about what the contestants, both the eliminated and those currently standing, are up to behind-the-scenes! This was a popular prompt from last year that I wanted to bring back!
  • Unlikely Duos - Have you ever wondered what the most unlikely pairs and duos would look like? Write a oneshot describing this!
  • What Happened After - How was the end of Total Drama for everyone? Were they happy with how they performed, or do they regret ever being on the show? Use this prompt to show everyone’s feelings on Total Drama, as well as to show how they’re doing now!
  • If Things Were Different - You have a chance to go back and completely re-do an event in Total Drama. This can include your AUs, as well, not just canon events! What is it, and how do you change it? What is the outcome?

Submitted Fanfic

WEEK 3: Decades

  • 60s
  • 70s
  • 80s
  • 90s
  • Free Space - Use this to explore any decade not listed above!
  • Time Travel - A time machine has been acquired or made! What do your subjects use it for?

Submitted Fanfic

WEEK 4: Celebrations

  • Birthday: Write about your faves’ birthday bashes! Or maybe they don’t like birthdays - the world is your oyster!
  • Wedding: They’re getting married! Maybe your faves are getting married, or your fave is forever alone, feeling upset attending yet another wedding of their Total Drama castmates, and they’re wondering when it’s their turn
  • Anniversary: Write about an anniversary, whether that be the anniversary of something traumatic, amazing, etc!
  • Special Accomplishments: Is someone having a baby shower? Did someone recently graduate college? All of these and more can be written with YOUR talent and devotion!!

Submitted Fanfic


Week 1: Throwback Week

  • First Date (from TD Writers Month 2020 week 2 theme, ’Love and Friendship’)
  • "What If?"/Alternate Universe scenarios (from TD Writers Month 2020 week 2 theme, ’Love and Friendship’)
  • Vacation, had to get away! It’s summer and your fave is going on vacation! Who do they go with? Are they going alone? Tell us all about it in your oneshot! (From TD Writers 2021, week 1 theme, ’Summer’)
  • Birthday: Write about your faves’ birthday bashes! Or maybe they don’t like birthdays - the world is your oyster! (TD Writers 2021 week 4 theme, ’Accomplishments/Celebration’)
  • Checking in with eliminated contestants at the Peanut Gallery/ Playa De Losers (from TD Writers Month 2020, week 4 theme, ’Deleted Scenes’)

Submitted Fanfic

Week 2: Winter Wonderland

  • Winter Activities
  • And nothing can go wrong... Oh no, it all went wrong!-- [the TD characters you choose!] are/is celebrating the holidays, and everything that could go wrong goes wrong! How do they fix it? How do they make a terrible day into a good one?
  • "Chosen Family" Dinner
  • Choose a holiday movie & bring TD character(s) of your choice into it -- whether they are the characters or they are in the background of the movie
  • Holiday Traditions

Submitted Fanfic

Week 3: New Beginnings

  • Party
  • New Year, New Me
  • You wake up on January 1st to realize that the world is now controlled by snowmen. Continue the story.
  • Your character brings his/her new boyfriend/girlfriend to his parents' house for the holidays. However, unbeknownst to him/her, his parents have also invited the ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend they had always hoped your character would marry...
  • New Opportunities

Submitted Fanfic

None appear to have been submitted.



  • Set your story on a warm summer evening with a full moon, when everything feels magnetic and your character’s about to meet someone important.
  • Write a story about someone trying to reinvent themselves after spending a long time in a rut.
  • Two characters who met and grew up together at a summer camp as kids, and they are now 17 and in their age-out year. What happens? Are they enemies? Are they potential lovers? Just friends?
  • Beach party!
  • Free space! Don’t see a prompt you want to write, but want to participate this week? Create your own plot!

Submitted Fanfic


Build one (or more!) of these sentences into your story, it can be in the story itself or the title.

  • “Maybe in another life”
  • “Rome wasn’t built in a day"
  • “I’ll eat my hat”
  • “So, what’s the catch?”
  • “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!”
  • “Houston, we have a problem.”

Submitted Fanfic

None appear to have been submitted.


  • Write a modern version of "The Tiger, the Brahmin, and the Jackal," in which someone suffers from their own good deeds and must turn to an unlikely source for help.
  • Start your story with, “It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark.” (from Hans Christian Andersen's “The Little Match Girl”)
  • Two young princes (can be altered to any gender combo - princess/prince, princess/princess, etc) are trapped inside a magical mirror and transported to another land. There they encounter an assortment of new friends and obstacles on their quest to break the spell and return home.
  • Choose your own fairytale! A list of fairytales —

Submitted Fanfic


  • They put blood, sweat, and tears into getting to be where they’re at — only to question whether it was worth it.
  • These two friends were once inseparable, but now they find themselves growing apart — or even, friends turned enemies. (Can be adapted to write about a couple who broke up)
  • Free space, song edition — choose the angstiest song you can think of & write something based around it (some templates for funsies -- Complicated by Avril Lavigne, Haunted by Taylor Swift, Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood, Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo)
  • Write about how a single event affects a seemingly unrelated area of a character’s life
  • Your character is known as the town gossip. One day, it comes back to bite them.
  • Set your story in a world where time travel has been perfected, and people can use it to hop between alternate timelines — but at a cost.
  • Start your story with someone vowing to take revenge.
  • Free space! Don’t see a prompt you want to write, but want to participate this week? Create your own!

Submitted Fanfic

References/Further Reading