This is Hallowe'en

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Title: This is Hallowe'en
Author(s): Starry-Sky12
Date(s): December 10, 2020
Length: 6133 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: Fanfic archived
Art archived
This Is Halloween banner.png

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This is Hallowe'en is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Reverse Bang by Starry-Sky12. It is rated G for General Audiences. The fic was beta-read by Alyas_Fleri11.

The premise for the fic is based on artwork created by theredeyeswolf. [1]

Fic Info

Nathalie sits on Gabriel's lap on a chair, both looking out on the rose bushes outside. Candles are lit on the windowsill. Gabriel has a demon's tail and horns, and Nathalie wears a witch's dress and hat. Various magical artifacts are scattered through the room.
This art piece by theredeyeswolf served as the inspiration for This is Hallowe'en.


With All Hallow’s Eve hanging over their heads, the Agreste household gets wrapped into celebrating Samhain. With Gabriel and Adrien following Nathalie’s knowledgeable path, they can not fail, probably. This moderately functional family will honor Emilie Agreste in the best ways they can.

Additional Tags

Witch!Nathalie, demon!Gabriel, Ghost!Emilie(just a bit), Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Alternate Universe - Magic, Halloween, Family, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, GabeNath Reverse Bang, GabeNath Reverse Bang 2020


This was so sweet and such a fun au!! If nathalie were a witch/cat she would totally be a black one! 😻 the whole story was just such a good time ☺️

hopesartcastle, Dec 11, 2020 [2]

What a beautiful fic!

I really enjoyed this Alternative Universe... Really very original and fascinating! 😍✨ The scenario, the mysteries, the festivity... Everything just great! Cool the Samhain! Did you invent it? (I apologize in advance for my ignorance haha 😅)

The Gabenath was so beautiful and funny (those flirting were gorgeous! 😂🍿👀) And Duusu... She was hilarious! I died of laughter when she imitated Gabe and when she shipped Gabenath! XD

"And a bonus, you guys can spend extra time together."

Come on, you also have some great advantages! 😉😂

Magical fic! 💖

Anonim_Girl05, Dec 11, 2020 [3]

The immense cuteness and humour in this story made my day so much!

The conversations were very witty, they felt like a table tennis match between the characters. It gave a very warm, comfortable and domestic atmosphere to the setting. <3

And may I just say that I adore how Gabriel’s tail gave away his emotions? That was a lovely touch.

Ketenn, Dec 12, 2020 [4]

Ooh I loved this, the halloween/witchcraft related elements were super fun and interesting!

Creativitydeficient, Dec 14, 2020 [5]


  1. ^ Tumblr masterpost, GabeNath Reverse Bang, Dec 1, 2020
  2. ^ hopesartcastles's comment, Dec 11, 2020
  3. ^ Anonim_Girl05's comment, Dec 11, 2020
  4. ^ Ketenn's comment, Dec 12, 2020
  5. ^ Creativitydeficient's comment, Dec 14, 2020