The Perfect Couple

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Title: The Perfect Couple
Editor(s): Keri T & Flamingo
Date(s): September 2010
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
External Links:
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The Perfect Couple is a slash Starsky and Hutch 194-page anthology.

The cover and back cover art is by Suzan Lovett, and the interior art is by TACS and Enednoviel.

front cover by Suzan Lovett, an example of imitation, transforming Klimt's "The Kiss"
back cover, Suzan Lovett

The zine premiered at SHareCon.

From the Introduction

The Theme

Welcome to "The Perfect Couple," a Starsky/Hutch romance zine. Long-time SH fan (and top-notch editor!) Barb Diana envisioned the concept for this zine way back in 2006. While traditional romance stories were the norm for decades in this fandom, in recent years modern writers, reacting to the times we live in, had been serving up more varied fare. Barb missed the classic romance stories, and in a discussion with Flamingo, decried the loss of many of our classic writers of that fiction. We're thrilled to bring Barb's concept to life, and we dedicate this zine to her with love, gratitude, and respect.

The Art

Special thanks go to Enednovial [sic] who graciously offered us a treasure trove of art and let us have our way with it. We also want to thank classic SH artist TACS who long ago gave Flamingo blanket permission to use her art. And then there's Suzan -- after Flamingo suggested basing the cover on a stereotypical romance book cover, and after spending days pouring over every romance book we could find, she declared she couldn't work with anything like that. "You want iconic," she said. "I'll give you iconic!" And turning to the masters, she put S&H in the framework of one of the worlds great masterpieces -- Klimt's The Kiss. And the back cover -- oh yeah, that's another of the world's great masterpieces -- classic Suzan! We want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.


Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

See reactions and reviews for In Love, In Life.