The Maze (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: The Maze
Author(s): Joan Winston
Date(s): 1976
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Maze is a Star Trek: TOS story by Joan Winston.

The story is gen, despite Spock spanking Kirk's naked butt and Spock and Sarek watching him in the shower.

It is a Kraith story (VE KCVI) and was published in Metamorphosis #2.


In this story, Spock spanks Kirk. Kirk is humiliated in front of Sarek and Spock by this action. The end of the story has Kirk limping painfully to the shower. When Sarek and Spock become concerned for Kirk, they barge into the shower. The last lines of the story:

"Spock and Sarek ran for the arras unable to believe their elegant ears. It was laughter. Hard, raucous laughter. Then the laughter was joined by the sound of the shower. Spock entered the bathroom, forgetting tradition, forgetting manners; he had to find out what was happening. His eyes widened in shocked surprise. Kirk stood in the shower, roaring with unrestrained laughter, weakly holding his stomach as he pointed at Spock. "When you do a job, you really do it up brown," then laughing even harder, "No, not brown-RED!" With that he turned around and showed Spock his handiwork. Spock would never have believed flesh could attain that color. From behind him, Sarek's voice remarked, "Fascinating."

Some Rough Draft Samples

It is possible the editing notes may be by Frances Zawacky or Jacqueline Lichtenberg.

From the Final Product

Reactions and Reviews

'The Maze' is a Kraith Warder-Leige (Spock/Kirk) tale with some lovely Signe Landon illos. The story starts out well but takes an absurd turn of events, making 'The Maze' either a ridiculously serious story or a seriously ridiculous story. Take your pick. [1]


  1. ^ a review from Interphase #4