The Hammond Affair

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Title: The Hammond Affair
Author(s): queensheep
Date(s): 25 December 2008
Length: 96,641 words
Genre(s): AU, het, slash
Fandom(s): bandom (Decaydance+, My Chemical Romance)
External Links: Index (dead link)

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The Hammond Affair is a 96,000-word bandom fusion/AU by queensheep, based around Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park novels. It features 10 pairings, both intra- and inter-band, het, slash, and a threesome.


Summary: A geneticist, a palaeontologist, an advertising executive, a geologist and a doctor all walk into a bar. Or rather, a tropical island. What do they all have in common?

queensheep on the fic idea:

"Initially, it was going to be a Jurassic Park re-write, but with more characters. I wanted to write something absolutely epic, with as many pairings and characters as possible, so that my flist - who've all been having a tough time of it lately - would have something to curl up with and enjoy. But then I got up to that scene where Pete tells Hammond's backstory, and it spiralled into being a continuation, instead of a re-write." [1]

queensheep on the process:

"I did just start writing! :D That's how I write all of my stories. I never have any idea how they're going to end up. (The exception to that is probably Golden Apples, where I worked from a fairytale frame.) So the story was as much an adventure for me as it was for you guys. I don't even think I had to go back and rework many scenes to fit in with what I wrote later; everything just fell into place, you might say. I think the only things I planned were the degrees of the staff and the positions of the Special Forces - and I only did the Special Forces once they arrived on the island!"


The following bands appear in whole or in part:




  • Butcher/Siska.
  • Gabe/Greta.
  • Gabe/Nate.
  • Marshall/Johnson.
  • Ryland/Suarez.

Response & Reviews

The Hammond Affair was chosen by bandomficclub as their story of the month for January 2009. queensheep participated in a Q&A about the story, and the community hosted a discussion.

This fic… Right, well, try not to laugh too hard about this one, but this fic can best be described as the ‘big gay bandom sequel to Jurassic Park’. No, I’m not kidding. Actually Jurassic Park. There’s dinosaurs and everything. The first part drags on for a while, but it gets better and better with lots of interweaving plotlines and some interesting characterisations. Quite simply one of the most bizarre fics in the fandom.[2]


  1. ^ From the bandomficclub Q&A, 20 January 2009. Accessed 2 April 2012.
  2. ^ "Ficrecsinc". Archived from the original on 2023-03-13.