The Great Agreste Tree Heist

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Title: The Great Agreste Tree Heist
Author(s): shadowmayura
Date(s): December 22, 2019
Length: 2909 words
Genre(s): gen, holidayfic, fluff
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links:
The Great Agreste Tree Heist.png

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The Great Agreste Tree Heist is a gen Miraculous Ladybug story by shadowmayura, featuring the characters Adrien Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Gabriel Agreste. It is a holidayfic.

The banner image for the story was also drawn by shadowmayura.

The fic was beta-read by ReminiscentLullaby, beladonax, and NotGarfield.

The story was originally meant to be a GabeNath fic, but throughout the development of the plot, shadowmayura decided that it would be better suited for gen, so they could focus more on the family dynamic, rather than a romance.[citation needed]

Official Story Info


Christmas, Christmas Tree, tree decorating, Ornaments, Traditions, Fluff, Humor, Agreste Family Bonding, Good Parent Gabriel Agreste, Good Parent Nathalie Sancoeur, Wholesome, Holidays, One Shot, Betaed

This fic is rated for General Audiences. No Major Archive Warnings apply.


Gabriel Agreste insists on the most boring decorations ever. But maybe that's just what the Agreste family needs to bring them together.[1]


Spoiler Warning: This article or section contains spoilers about The Great Agreste Tree Heist. If this bothers you, proceed with caution.

The story begins with Nathalie and Adrien decorating the family Christmas tree together. What should be a joyous occasion is a total drag, brought down by Gabriel's strict requirements for the tree. He has done away with all the old family traditions, as they are too painful with Emilie gone. Adrien misses the old way of celebrating though, and he begs Nathalie to let them bring some life to the tree.

She gives an inch, and he takes a mile. What starts as a small concession turns into Adrien sneaking incredibly unauthorized ornaments on the tree. But the biggest surprise is that he isn't the only one breaking the rules.


Holy crap this was adorable. Just when I had given up that this fandom would ever write decent Gabriel again, I stumble across this story. Thank you for brightening my mood and making my night.

Next year I bet they'll try to use their superpowers to sneak ornaments on the tree.

"Natalie, is that an akuma carrying an ornament over to the tree?"

—Remasa [2]

I thought I was enjoying this in the beginning when it was just Nathalie and Adrien, but when Gabriel put the awful angel up in the tree, I actually started laughing. Was not expecting that XD. And Adrien's reaction at the end when his father suggests easing up on the rules was also adorable and hilarious. Just wanted to say this was really well written. I for some reason went into this expecting not to like it much but you did a great job of bringing it to life and giving me all the warm feelings :)

—PoisonousCephalopod [3]
