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Talk:Character Shrine

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I have to say, only yesterday I idly thought 'someone should write a page about shrines.' They were *everywhere* (-- even I tried a humble Kenshin shrine, lol). And lo, you deliver. <3 I have almost completely forgotten about that, but wasn't it pretty common for the (female) maintainers to call themselves XYZ no miko, because of the shrine-> priestess connection? --lian 21:31, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

I wonder how the phenomenon of "keepers" relates to shrine pages. I mean the buttons people used to put on their sites in some fandoms that said "keeper of character X's such-and-such" and then linked back to the central keeper page listing all the individuals. I guess they could be seen as a kind of missing link between shrines and fanlistings, because these more or less worship a character in parts (thus are like a shrine in puzzle pieces) but also functioned as a fanlisting for a character because of the central page listing.--Ratcreature 00:51, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

General shrines?

I have a friend who has been posting about shrine-making on Mastodon, and so I decided to come and see whether Fanlore had a page about shrines and found this page. But this page implies that shrines were primarily for characters, whereas nothing I've read implies that this was the case. Instead, shrine seems to be an alternative term for fansite, stemming primarily from anime fandom. (Check out this article for example). So maybe character shrines were just one subtype of these.

So my argument would be that this page should be called "Shrine (website)" or something more general with character shrines as a subsection, rather than being exclusively about character shrines as I think this doesn't cover the full scope of the topic. Does anyone else have thoughts or experiences to weigh in with on this? --enchantedsleeper (talk) 14:11, 23 July 2022 (UTC)

I agree a more general page is needed. Plus, Shrine Site, Shrine and Shrines already redirect here. I know that this page primarily refers to online/website shrines, but could we also consider adding a sentence about the fact there are some IRL physical shrines too - I saw the page title and immediately thought of Ianto's Shrine in Cardiff. --Auntags (talk) 15:10, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
Just gonna add to this, the earlier point might be related to the recent small web movement (also called small internet, personal internet, indie web, web revival). Essentially designers who reject the the corporate web, and create sites (often inspired by neocities & 90s web). Shrines are a common word used in those communities. (though they are not always fandom-based) --Fitz (talk) 00:15, 10 August 2024 (UTC)