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Name/s: enchantedsleeper
Fandom/s: I go through a lot of phases, but the ones I come back to most often are Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Strange Case of Starship Iris and The Murderbot Diaries
You can find me at: AO3, Tumblr
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me
A small badge collection

AS badges W4 Day 22 Ship.pngAS badges W4 Day 27 Canon.pngExpert bingo 2020.png SS big dipper.pngPirate Hat.gifMessage in a Bottle.gif IFD 2023 d1.pngIFD 2023 d2.pngIFD 2023 d3.pngIFD 2023 d4.pngIFD 2023 d5.pngIFD 2023 d6.png

I'm enchantedsleeper! I've had a user account on Fanlore since 2013, and started editing regularly in November 2016. I'm a former member ot the Fanlore Committee Policy & Admin team and a current Advanced Editor.

I've been in fandom since about 2004, and have been in and out of various fandoms and a couple of fan communities in that time. I love to research and document things, and I intend to contribute what knowledge and experiences I have wherever I can.

Current Pet Projects

These are pages that I have either created or significantly added to, and have a vested interest in watching, updating and continuing to edit.