Sheila Clark

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Name: Sheila Clark
Alias(es): Bluewolf (Sentinel)
Jay Trent (The Professionals)
Sara S. Reynolds (Star Trek)
Fiona James (Star Trek)
Poledra, T.G.Z.C.
Type: fanwriter, zine publisher
Fandoms: The Sentinel, Star Trek, The Professionals, Stargate SG-1, Original Work, Numb3rs and Star Trek: TNG
Other: Bluewolf's Both
URL: bluewolf458 at AO3
bluewolf at ASR3
bluewolf458 at Dreamwidth
Fiona James at K/S Archive
bluewolf458 at LiveJournal
Sheila Clark at ScoTpress
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Sheila Clark is a well-known fanwriter, zine publisher and reccer who has used different pseudonyms for each fandom in which she interacted over the years. Was one of the founders of ScoTpress and also was the vice-president/editor of STAG, Britain.


I have to admit to being a dinosaur - I can remember the start of WW2. I'm single - never wanted to marry. I've been writing since I was about 8, and involved in writing fanfic since 1975. I expect to keep on writing till I die; I can't *not* write, even though I'm not as fast/prolific a writer as I used to be.

What was posted to my web page and to was totally gen. Mildly slash versions of Sentinel stories were posted to 852 Prospect. However since Prospect 852 and ASR3 have now migrated to AO3, so there are two versions of some of my stories there now.


Some 1999 Comments

In 1999, she wrote this introduction to a story, Avalon, she'd written for the zine Encore:

I've been a Trek fan since 1969, when the series was first shown in Britain, and actively involved in fandom since 1974. It wasn't long alter getting involved it fandom, either, that I first heard about K/S, although at that time not very much had been written, and pretty well AU of that was 'underground'.

By the time K/S zines started to appear, I was already well-known (in Britain at least) as a genzine writer; which was one reason why I used a pen name when I started submitting to K/S zines — Fiona James in America, Sara S Reynolds in Britain. Another reason for using pen names had to do with work; I was a teacher. Government employees have to be careful In what they're seen to be doing!

I was pretty prolific as a writer during the 70s and early 80s, but eventually I began to feel that I was repeating myself; that I'd run out of... not so much new ideas as new ways of developing a story. It wasn't so much writer's block as a total staleness. I wrote something, read it a couple of weeks later, and it bored me. I felt I needed a total break from writing fiction.

I didn't actually stop writing, though; I couldn't. All my life, since I was about 7 or 8, I've scribbled down stories. During the 80s and early 90s I wrote some booklets on local history for the schools in the area where I was working, compiling the material from a number of sources and putting it into a form that children of 10 — 12 could understand and work with. Eventually I realised I was beginning to think fiction' again, and set fingers to computer once more. "Avalon" was originally intended to be a gen story. However, K/S refused to go away; K &S looked at me and said loudly, 'Oy! We need each other...."

And for the future? After nearly 25 years of being very active in Trek fandom, I've taken a step backwards — for tho last two years. I've been sitting back and letting others do the work. Will I be happy to continue sitting back? Doubtful. One of these days another story idea will tap me on the shoulder and say, "Write me!"

Some 2009 Comments

[I wrote] for the pleasure of it and I suppose it *was* the thrill of seeing my work in print... and, later, the knowledge that our zines were going to the British Library - which has the right to up to six copies of anything - one that they get automatically, the others they have to ask for through an agent, and with several titles they asked for all of their statutory copies. In a way, their asking for the additional copies of something I'd written was a kind of very positive feedback... :-) I keep thinking that two hundred years from now, if some student is researching the phenomenon of 20th/21st century fanfiction, *my* stories will be among the examples they can find... [1]



  1. ^ comments on Prospect-L (March 11, 2009)