The Nebulous Crab

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Title: The Nebulous Crab
Author(s): Sheila Clark
Date(s): 1976
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: The Nebulous Crab

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The Nebulous Crab is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Sheila Clark.

It was published in Alnitah #3.

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Kirk, Spock and McCoy land on a planet where nothing mechanical works. Trapped by a rockslide, they are reconciled to dying together, but discover a previously technological civilzation dying from the loss of mechanical function. The cause turns out to be crab-like telepathic aliens who have settled in the neighborhood and set up a blocking field to protect their brains from sonic interference. They put the boys through an intelligence test; when they pass, the crabs depart for other territories. Pretty sentimental and not a very convincing plot.[1]
