Sharps & Flats

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Title: Sharps & Flats
Author(s): cymbalism
Date(s): May 23, 2007 - February 1, 2010
Length: 73,0000+ words
Genre(s): drama, romance, college AU
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: Refuge (dead link)

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Sharps & Flats is a Newsies college marching band AU by cymbalism with the ships Blink/Mush and Jack/David. It was posted to, LiveJournal, and The Refuge. It was started in 2006, when parts of chapter four, "Third Quarter Break," were entered in queenitsy's Blink Week contest,[1] where it won Best Characterization.[2]

Reactions and Reviews

Sharps & Flats is the Newsies bandcamp AU that you never knew you needed. Like most of these fics it has it’s problematic elements, but it’s fun, it deals with modern-day newsies in an interesting way while keeping the whole “fighting against a corrupt power” theme relevant, and Sarah is kind of awesome.


Congrats! This fic is such a masterpiece. ♥


As previous Newsies reccers have mentioned, the fandom has a lot of very good modern day AUs. This has to be one of the best: the boys are all in a present-day college (and more specifically, marching band), but all are recognizably themselves: David is a slightly awkward new kid, Jack is a brash leader, Spot is grumbling and tough, Racetrack is wise-cracking... well, you get the idea. The fic is epic enough to sink your teeth into and does a particularly great job at developing the relationships -- both friendships and romances -- between all of these guys.


I've gotten well and truly hooked on this story, and I love how realistic you keep everything while keeping the characters true to the originals and making it fun! I hope you get a chance to update with the next chapter soon, else I'll probably sit here and read what you've already done another 8 times because I enjoy the story so much. Keep up the good work!

Viscountess Hope[6]
