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Name: RoVaCon
Dates: 1976-1991
Location: Roanoke, Virginia
Type: fan run with media guests
Focus: Star Trek and other media
Founding Date:
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RoVaCon was a series of science fiction conventions held in Roanoke, Virginia between 1976 and 1991.

1976 (1)

Rovacon 1 was held October 16, 1976 at Northside High School.

The guests were Nelson Bond, Philip Jose Farmer, Keith Laumer and Robert Adams.

1977 (2)

Rovacon 2 was held September 30-October 1, 1977 at Northside High School.

The guest was Leigh Brackett

1978 (3)

Rovacon 3 was held October 5-7, 1978 at Northside High School.

The guest was Kelly Freas, Richard Preston, Manly Wade Wellman, Karl Edward Wagner, and Nelson Bond with presentation of awards by Elizabeth Taylor Warner.

Edmond Hamilton and his widow, Leigh Bracket, had supported and attended the cons and upon his death, shortly after her own.

1979 (4)

Rovacon 4 was held September 28-29, 1979 at Northside High School.

700 attending and 114 dealer tables. Chris Reeve donated prizes, Karl Edward Wagner was the GoH, local pros and Elizabeth Taylor Warner attended.

1980 (5)

Rovacon 5 was held October 10-11, 1980 at Northside High School.

The guests were Frederick Pohl, Elizabeth Taylor Warner, Tom Atkins, Nelson Bond, Richard Dillard, Janice and Richard Preston of Star Foundation, Kelly Freas, and Paul Dellinger.

1981 (6)

Rovacon 6 was held October 1981.

Guests were Algis Budrys, William Tenn, Kay Aldridge, Richard Preston*, Kelly Freas, Mike Foster, Lisa Cantrell, and Allen Wold.

1982 (7)

RoVaCon 7 was held October 8-10, 1982.

Guests were William Tenn, Laura Banks, Richard Preston, Kelly Freas, Mike Foster, Lisa Cantrell, and Allen Wold.

1983 (8)

RoVaCon 8 was held October 14-16, 1983.

Guests were L. Sprague de Camp, Catherine Crook de Camp, George Takei, Jean Rogers, Frank Kelly Freas, and M.A. Foster.

Anther source says: C.J. Cherryh, George Takei, Kelly Freas, Richard Preston, Richard Pini, Mike Foster, Lisa Cantrell, Richard Preston, and Allen Wold. [1]

1983 (8): Con Report

[George Takei]: (In response to a question regarding closeness of the cast).

We've been in touch and in contact with each other all during that period (before and between series and films). Not as intensively as daily-type working relationships, but we've been good friends. I've had Leonard, Jimmy, Walter, Nichelle, and their husbands or wives over to my place. I've visited them at their place as well.

(in response to a question about other potential or future writers or directors from the Star Trek cast).

....Leonard Nimoy is well-launched as a director. He's doing an outstanding job as director now of Star Trek 3. I'm really pulling for him to be director of Star Trek 4. Based on his fine work in Star Trek 3, I would bet he'd have other directorial opportunities in feature films or TV. So, my friends, are growing in various other directions as well. That's good to see.


I for one am having a grand time working with this extraordinary talented man. But beyond that, someone who's a good friend as well. It's a very special experience working with a friend of 17 years as a director, and a gifted director you can respect. [2]

1984 (9)

RoVaCon 9 was held October 26-28, 1984.

Guests were Jo Clayton, George Takei, Angelique Pettyjohn, Ann Jillian, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Foster, Richard Pini, Lisa Cantrell, Haland Fred D'Ignzaio.

Another source says: Jo Clayton, Mike Foster, Richard Pini, George Takei, Angelique Pettyjohn, Lisa Cantrell, Hal Clement, Kelly Freas, Richard Preston, and Allen Wold. [3]

1985 (10)

RoVaCon 10 was held October 1985.

Guests were Richard Pini, Kelly Freas, Hal Clement, Grace Lee Whitney, George Effinger, Allen Wold, Mike Foster, and Allen Wold.

1986 (11)

RoVaCon 11 was held October 10-12, 1986.

Guests were Alan Dean Foster, Walter Koenig, Hal Clement, Richard Pini, M.A. Foster, Frank Kelly Freas, Lisa Cantrell, and Allen Wold.

1987 (12)

RoVaCon 12 was held October 1987.

Guests were Ben Bova, Bibi Besch, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Richard Pini, Lisa Cantrell, Hal Clement, and Richard Preston.

1988 (13)

RoVaCon 13 was held October 1988.

Guests were Susan Swartz, Judith Tarr, Mark Lenard, Deanna Lund, Kelly Freas, Richard Pini, Hal Clement, Kelly Freas, Lisa Cantrell, Richard Pini, Richard Preston, and Allen Wold.

1989 (14)

RoVaCon 14 was held October 6-8, 1989.

Guests were Vonda McIntyre, Ann Crispin, George Effinger, Deanna Lund, Angelique Pettyjohn, Hal Clement, Richard Preston, Richard Pini, Brinke Stevens, Lisa Cantrell, and Allen Wold.

1990 (15)

RoVaCon 16 was held in October 1990.

1991 (16)

RoVaCon 16 was held October 4-6, 1991.

Guests were Julius Schwartz, Clay Ferguson, Roger Zelazny, Forrest J. Ackerman, and John Gardner.


  2. ^ an excerpt from Takei's talk at the con, printed in G.H.T. Journal #5 (Apr/May 1984)