RevelCon/RevelCon 31 (2020)-RevelCon 35 (2025)
Revelcon 30 (2020)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the convention did not take place as regularly scheduled. The dates were set for Mar 20-22, 2020, then rescheduled to Oct 30-Nov 1, 2020, then moved to Mar 19-21, 2021.
Instead a virtual event was held in the fall: REVELCON'S SAMHAIN SAMPLER On ZOOM and KOSMI Friday, October 30, 2020 8PM to 10PM CST
The event was finally held in person on Jul 30- Aug 1, 2021
Vid Show
Convention Reports
Revelcon 31 (2021)
Revelcon 31 was held in person on Jul 30- Aug 1, 2021 at the Doubletree by Hilton at Houston Intercontinental Airport.
The theme was "All Fandom's Eve", a play of words on the Halloween theme. The convention has been postponed originally from March 20-22, 2020 to Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2020 in Houston, TX and then finally to July 30-Aug 1, 2021 due to the COVID pandemic.

"We are keeping our Halloween theme, “All Fandom’s Eve,” because we had so much fun planning it and we all have closets full of Halloween decorations. We promise to buy fresh candy for the summer convention."[1]
Revelcon Panels and Programs at RevelCon 31, Archived version
Revelcon 31 Panel Room Panels (Phoenix)
11AM Hurt-Comfort in Fanfiction: It’s true, we love to hurt the ones we adore the most. Discussion and recs of fav Hurt-Comfort stories. (Any series or any character–who knows, you might convert someone!)
Noon The Long and Short of TV Series: What shows have ended that you wanted to go on? What shows have outlived their fandoms? Why do you feel that way?
1PM Ancient Aliens, TV and Books: Do you follow it? Do you believe it? Have you seen a UFO? Did you know there are now conventions? The phenomenon never ceases to amaze!
2PM Literary Detectives to Small/Large Screen: Which adaptations work and are recommended and which ones don’t come up to expectation. (Sherlock, yes, but the emphasis will be on others!)
3PM Supernatural – Exploring the Legacy Left to Us: The boys, the car, the saga, the angel, the ending…
4PM UFO – The TV series from 1970/71: How does it hold up?
5PM Mag 7- Chris and Buck’s Friendship: Ten years or twelve or half their lives? Were they close or just casual buddies? How did the introduction of the others impact their relationship? Slash view: Y or N?
9AM Limited Series/Mini Series Story Telling: Does having a beginning and end already planned cause better story telling or does this lessen your interest?
10AM Nero Wolfe, the Books and Various TV Series: You wouldn’t change a thing or is it time for a reboot?
11AM Accuracy vs Entertainment in Historical Series: Why can’t we have both? Do inaccuracies create a false history for the ignorant? Who’s done it best?
NOON Canon VS Fanon VS It’s my Story, I Can Do What I Want To!: How far can fanon take you from canon? When does a story get so far off into “author’s vision” that it becomes original fiction?
1PM Depictions of “Other” Sexuality in Real Life and Fiction: It’s not just about Straight and Gay anymore. Add Pan, Ace, Demi, Poly, to name a few. There’s a spectrum out there, what does it all mean?
2PM The Untamed – Where Hurt/Comfort Abounds: But wait, there’s so much more to enjoy, magic, beauty, mystery, and good writing!
3PM Books You’d Love to See Made into Movies or Miniseries or TV Series: Your old or new-found favorite could be quite wonderful in the right hands. So, which books, cast, director? TV series or movie?
4PM Sherlock BBC TV Repairs and Ideas: Discussion of great fanon repairs and ideas that outdo canon.
5PM Marvel & DC Universes – An Explosion of Storylines: New Marvel & DC TV shows and movies are popping up on different platforms almost daily, so what’s, good, better, and BEST?
9AM Things I Learned Through Fandom TV Shows or Movies: Stuff like “I know what absinthe is (and how to spell it correctly) because of Highlander.” Share your experiences and knowledge gained.
10AM Crossovers We Want in Media/Fanfic: What constitutes a true crossover? Is it truly a crossover if characters are merely guest starring in someone’s fic? What more would you like to see and why?
11AM Best Snarkers Galore, And the Nominees Are… Jack O’Neill, Danno Williams, Tony, DiNozzo, Rodney McKay, and many more. Panelists and audience will award “prizes” for best snarkers.
NOON Beloved Shows that are Not Fannish: We all have ’em, don’t we? Shows that we love so much we never miss an episode…and yet we don’t feel any inclination toward fanac based on them.
1PM RevelCon 31 Wrap Panel: Join members of the concom and tell them how things went this year went and what you want to see at RevelCon in the future.
11AM Kat’s 100th Annual International Programme Roundup – Come see clips and trailers from a few hundred, er…dozen British and International series or films that Kat has watched from RC30 to RC31
NOON Supernatural Season 1 Ep 15 The Benders Watch Party
1:30PM Star Trek TOS Season 2 Ep 7 Catspaw Watch Party
3PM Dr Who Season 12 Ep 8 The Haunting of Villa Diodata
4PM Exploring Unique Crossover Songvids
5PM Big Bang Theory S1 E6 The Middle-Earth Paradigm & S6 E5 The Holographic Excitation
8:30AM Vid Contest Entries (Reshowing from Friday Night)
10PM Magnificent 7 Season 2 Ep 10 Penance Watch Party
11:30PM The Sentinel Season 1 Ep 5 Cypher Watch Party
1PM Wild Wild West Season 2 Ep 12 The Night of the Man-Eating House
2 PM Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Ep 6 Halloween'
'3PM Songvids from Bygone Days
4PM NCIS Season 4 Ep 6 Witch Hunt
5PM Castle Season 2 Ep 6 Vampire Weekend
9AM Fav Songvids with Unique Plot or POV
10:30AM Starsky and Hutch Season 2 Ep 7 The Vampire
11:30AM The Galaxy Quest Documentary – Never Give Up, Never Surrender
Panels in the Ballroom
10AM Early Bird Panel: Fan Activities during the Covid Crazies – What’s Your Story?
What fannish activities did you resort to during the pandemic? Did you attend virtual conventions, reread fanfic favorites, discover a new show (or five)? Come share your stories of fannish ventures that kept you from going batty!!
11AM Who’s on Your Who’s Pretty Now List?
Kinda self explanatory, don’t you think?
NOON A) Timeline Game!
Timeline Game Rules: Players will team up to assemble 5-6 cards with TV shows in order of their premiere in 30 seconds. Get it right on the first try=5 points! Success on the second attempt=3 points! No go? Then the next team has a chance to do it in 30 seconds for 2 points. First team to 50 points wins!
Cool prizes, of course!
NOON B) Stitch, Color, and Bitch!
There are plenty of tables in the Ballroom. Gather around one of them with your lunch and some friends with your latest art, coloring, or craft project.
1PM Ghosts in Anime – From Miyazaki to Sakamoto Clips & Discussion
2PM Universal Archetypes of Tarot 101
The images of the Tarot are all around us, whether we realize it or not. Get acquainted with the archetypes found in the Tarot, as they can be used for enjoying, understanding, and creating works of fiction, film, and even fashion. Door Prizes!
3PM Halloween Make It Take It – Haunted Houses!
It’s time to break out your sense of the macabre! Come have fun creating your own little 3D Haunted House. We have everything you need to paint and decorate your easily assembled house. Exhibit your house in the Ballroom before taking it home.
4:30 PM Rehearsal for the Costume & Cabaret Extravaganza
10AM Asian Series Selections The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly! (Ha, like there’s any ugly!) Come see clips of what’s available and recommended.
11AM VFX, An Industry Insider’s View – The Use of Visual Effects and CGI in Film and Television Revelcon is thrilled to have Yoshi Vu join us to share his experiences as a Senior Artist (Generalist) in the entertainment field. His credentials include SW Ep 9,The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian Season ! and Love, Death and Robots.
NOON Name that TV Theme Song 1960 to Now! Join in the fun and see if you can recognize theme songs from television shows from the 1960s up to what’s current. Prizes (and laughter) abound!
1-2:30PM Revelcon’s Annual GhosTEA! What’s better than a nice cup of tea in the afternoon? Tea and games together, of course! Join us for a cuppa and a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit (Classic Star Wars!), Fandom Sentinel Monopoly and more. Oh, wait, we will also have a D&D Dungeonmaster at the Tea! So if you want to create a character, join Tommy at his table. There will be a chance to participate in a game on Sunday from Noon to 2PM!
3-4:30PM Filking with EveSong Join EveSong for a Texas style filk-along! Haven’t done in any filking in a while? No worries, join in with our handy Revelcon filkbooks full of oldie but goodies.
4:30PM Rehearsal for the Costume & Cabaret Extravaganza
10AM Game: Fan Bingo! Come set a spell and play Fentastic Bingo with fun new prizes aplenty!
11AM Star Trek Film Clips – A Rare Glimpse into Star Trek History Dr Beth will share rare some behind the scenes original film clips from Star Trek TOS. These include Clapper Boards, alternate takes, missing scenes and more.
NOON Dungeon’s & Dragons Game Time! – Join Dungeon Master Tommy to find out what it’s all about! (It is highly recommended you touch base with Tommy at the GhosTea to roll a character or ask him to incorporate one of your personal favs.)
Vid Show
Vid Show: The vid show had 22 entries from a wide range of fandoms.
Fandom | Title | Vidder |
Rat Patrol | Senior Service | Amedia |
Starsky & Hutch | One Less Day | kat-byrd (Favorite Gen) |
The Good Place | Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves | Diana Williams |
Harry Potter | Ron Weasley/Underdog | MrLyraGW (Best In Show) |
The Professionals | What About Us | kat-byrd |
Not Harry Potter | Quidditch Is My Favorite Sport | Amedia |
Star Wars | Rescue Me | Brass Ring |
Multimedia | Monstermash | Jamie |
Red Dead Redemption II | Mountain | Carol Burrell |
Good Omens | Keep Breathing | Diana Williams |
The Witcher | WTF | Aaron |
Guardian | Brighter Than The Sun | bonibaru (Favorite Slash)\ |
Stargate SG1 | Handle Me With Care | OneOfAradia |
Detroit: Become Human | I Put A Spell On You | Aaron |
The Untamed | Superstition | Jamie |
The Magicians | Just My Soul | Holdt |
Guardian | Turn It Up | Naye |
Merlin | Bang Bang | Aaron |
Tatort Muenster | Something There In Muenster | Kerguelen Avon |
The Professionals | Won't Let Go | kat-byrd |
Rat Patrol | All Of Me (A Lord King Bad Vid) | Phoenix |
HIStory 3: Trapped | Waking Up Slow | bonibaru |
Contest Winners
- Favorite Gen - One Less Day, Starsky and Hutch, by katbyrd
- Favorite Slash - Brighter Than The Sun, Guardian, by bonibaru
- Favorite Halloween Themed - Monstermash, multimedia, by Jamie
- Favorite Oldie But Goodie - Rescue Me, Star Wars, by Brass Ring
- Best In Show - Ron Weasley/Underdog, Harry Potter, by MsLyraGW
Convention Reports
Attending/Featured Artists[2]
- Heather Butina-Sutton
- Sarah Clemens
- Eileen Fenske
- Barbara Fister-Liltz
- Alayne Gelfand
- Taryn M. Gray
- Paul Gruber
- Killer Clockwork Llamas
- Frank Liltz
- Kathy Macartney
- Theresa Mather
- Leah Rosenthal
- Shannon M. Valentine
- Peggy Van Dalen
- Angie Wallis
- Ann Walton
- Ann Wortham
- Lubov Yegudin
Revelcon 32 (2022)
- Blue Bloods: Twelve seasons! What is it about the show that brings you back season after season to watch it? Is it the Reagan's, the Reagan's partners, the great guests actors that appear, or the procedurals.
- Fanfic - What interests you and what drives you crazy? First time stories or long term relationships? Misunderstandings that go on forever when a few words could clear up the problem? Long ass sex scenes? Happily ever after? Death stories? Writers and readers unite to discuss!
- Favorite Friendships and Bromances - Having chemistry doesn't mean you have to date someone, or sleep with them... Which shows have done it the best; which ones are the worst?
- Fixing Canon - Star Trek TOS, the show that launched a thousand ships...uh, fics!
- Fixing Canon - The Sentinel episodes that launched a thousand fics
- Fixing Canon - The Supernatural episodes that launched a thousand fics
- Fixing Canon - The Mag7 episodes that launched a thousand fics
- Fixing Canon - The Stargate episodes that launched a thousand fics! Loads of story reccs!
- Guilty Pleasures - What show is silly or off-kilter or just plain awful, but you like that ONE thing about it that makes you watch it again and again.
- Highly Anticipated TV Shows and Movies that turned out to be duds - Discussion about shows/movies that you just couldn't wait to watch and then ended up disappointed.
- How has streaming and better access to shows affected fandom? - So now you are watching britbox/viki/prime/hulu/netflix/youtube etc. Do you feel MORE like creating, or do you fear it's made people input junkies? Is moremoremore better or just overwhelming?
- Is there such a thing as slash anymore? - What's the answer a) Any unexpected pairing put into a sexual relationship is slash or b) Nope, it's all Ship or c) Fill in the blank
- Leverage Redemption - As the world stands today we all need...redemption. Let's take a look at this fan-beloved series' triumphant return, review what came before, and hash over the new season.
- Magic Systems in Popular Media - Hogwarts, Mortal Kombat, Magicians, Wheel of Time, and more. Alchemy, Thaumaturgy, Sorcery, Necromancy, the list goes on and on. How are they the same? How are they different?
- Old shows that never die in your mind. - Which ones ? Why that one? Have you managed to find it online or dvd or does it only exist in your memory. If you are a writer /artist do you share your work on these or keep it to yourself?
- Old TV Westerns: High Chaparral, Bonanza, Big Valley to name only a few. What we’re your favorites and would you want a reboot?
- Remakes and Reboots on Currently on Televison - Walker, The Equalizer, Kung Fu, Fantasy Island, Leverage so far. How did the networks do with these reboots/remakes? Did they grab you and keep you watching or deciding to go back to the original? What have hears about that's in the works?
- Stargate Sg-1/Atlantis Forever! - What brought you to the show and why has your interest lasted so long? What do you wish they had or had not done?
- What's Your Thing? - Pirates? Vikings? Scottish folk? Vampires? Cowboys/girls? Cops? Robbers? What sends you to your happy place?
- Yes, I'm still reading Fanfic/SF/Fantasy - What are you reading? Who has done it best? Which authors do you follow on social media? What would make a good movie/TV series? What is good/bad about books already done in media.
- Dark Fic - Do you read or write the dark stuff? Do you like a good cry over a death story or do you avoid them like Covid? How much angst can you take before you run away screaming?
- Asian Costume Dramas: Join in on a discussion of Swords and Sorcery and All the Pretty Men. (Now you get why we love them!) Series reccs included
- Modern Day Asian Dramas: Doctors, Team Captains, and Police Officers (No swords allowed!) Join us for discussion, series reccs included
- Song Vids to Unusual Songs or Audio - Join our crew of esteemed songvidders and watch and listen to a selection of vids with some of the most unusual audio you've ever heard!
- Song Vids by Golden Oldie Song Vidders - Join our crew of esteemed songvidders and watch and listen to some selections from some of the very best vidders (some who have gone to the great beyond, some who have left fandom) from time gone by.
- Tarot for Storytelling Presentation: This panel will explore the idea of how Tarot can be used as a powerful tool for storytelling. Whether you’re familiar with Tarot or not, this discussion will provide proven strategies for writers, as well as Tarot readers. Both Frank and Shelby have many decades of experience with reading Tarot and teaching writing.
- The Best of Britbox and Acorn - So many shows, what to watch! Once again Kat will help us wade through and identify the best of the shows found on BritBox and Acorn.
- Star Trek TOS Film Clips from Lincoln Enterprises: Join Dr Beth for a unique look at rare, deleted, behind the scenes and special effects film clips.
- Game: Fan Bingo - Woohoo, Fannish Bingo with fun new prizes!
- Game: Scavenger Hunt with a Fan twist - Join in for a fentastic time hunting for fan trivia. No, you won't need to run all over the hotel! Prizes, you betcha!
- Game: Name that TV Theme Song 1960 to Present! - Join the fun and see if you can recognize theme songs from fan favorite TV shows. Prizes and laughter galore!
- Writers Seminar on World Building
Vid Room Watch Parties
- The Sentinel Sn2 Ep14, "Light My Fire" - A little surfing and a lot of fire in Cascade!
- Death in Paradise Sn4 Ep2, "Hidden Secrets" - Sand, sea, surfing eye candy, murder and mayhem!
- Magnum, PI (original) Sn1 Ep18, ”Beauty Knows No Pain" - Magnum searches for his client’s missing fiance while competing in the Iron Man Triathlon. Speedos ahoy!
- Stargate SG-1 Sn1 Ep12, "Fire and Water" - Daniel is trapped by an aquatic race, the rest of SG-1 worries and frets. What's not to love?
Vid Show
- Level Up – Star Trek: Discovery – AurumCalendula
- Numb – Starsky & Hutch – kat-byrd
- The Court Of The Crimson Marquis – Nirvana In Fire – Amedia
- Rise Up – Quantum Leap – Diana Williams (favorite gen)
- We Are The Champions – Star Wars – Brass Ring (best in show)
- Anti-Hero – The Untamed – Jamie Ritchey
- Magic – World Trigger – Aaron
- The Last Ship – Supernatural – Sockii
- If I Had A Heart – Painted Skin: The Resurrection – AurumCalendula
- Like No One Does – Tatort Muenster – Kerguelen Avon
- Extra-Ordinary Man – Re-Animator Movies – Larissa Bernstein
- I Hope You Dance – Starsky & Hutch – kat-byrd (favorite slash)
- Rata Tata – Yuri On Ice – Aaron
- Home – Quantum Leap – Diana Williams
- The Succubus And The Virgin – Cherry Magic AU – Phoenix
- Another Damn Love Song – Star Trek: Discovery – AurumCalendula
- Loathing – Inception – Diana Williams
- War Of Hearts – The Professionals – kay-byrd
- Devil’s Dance Floor – The Case Study Of Vanitas – Aaron
- I Feel Like A Bullet In Robert Ford’s Gun – Supernatural – Sockii
Contest Winners
- Favorite Gen - Rise Up, Quantum Leap, by Diana Williams
- Favorite Slash - I Hope You Dance, Starsky & Hutch, by Kat-byrd
- Best In Show - We Are The Champions, Star Wars, by Brass Ring
Convention Reports
Revelcon 33 (2023) - The Wedding Episode Finale
Revelcon 33 was held in Houston, Texas on March 24-26, 2023 at the Doubletree Intercontinental Airport hotel. The theme was "The Wedding Episode" and con organizers announced that 2023 would be the con's final year.[3]
- Limited Series/Shorter Seasons - Good idea? Does setting limits stifle or increase creativity?
- Mag 7 - Where did they get THAT idea? What Canon led to Fanon and what stories started which fanon ideas?
- Across the Bored - What clichés in plotting and casting are wearing you out?
- World Building for Writers - In creating or sustaining a universe for your story, what elements help keep it real? What elements become a distraction? Share your writers world view!
- Crossovers and Fusions - Keeping older fandoms alive Sentinel fusions with NCIS, Hawaii 5 O, Sherlock and so on. Story recs galore!
- Happily EVER After and NEVER After - Series finales that got it right and those that left a bad taste.
- Wishful Thinking SPN - Scenes or canon fixes you'd like to see in Supernatural.
- Wishful Thinking TS - Scenes or canon fixes you'd like to see in The Sentinel.
- Wishful Thinking SG-1 - Scenes or canon fixes you'd like to see in Stargate SG-1.
- Wishful Thinking Mag-7 - Scenes or canon fixes you'd like to see in Mag-7.
- Fandom & Shared Experience - Fandom grew due to shared experiences in watching together. Now that everyone is on their on schedule with varied platforms instead of the same channels, is there a way to keep/grow a fandom?
- Mercedes Lackey's The Last Herald Mage trilogy has been optioned for a series on one of the streaming services. Since the main character is openly gay, it’s kind of a big deal. How should/will this be handled? What do the fans want to see most?
- The Many Iterations of Spock - An examination of Spock's interactions and relationships with others.
- NCIS Upward & Onward - How has the show lasted and have the cast changes helped or hindered?
- Professionals Now & Forever - Still love Bodie and Doyle? Why and how have they endured in fandom?
- UNCLE: Napoleon and Illya - Best friends or just partners? How fandom often makes them both and more.
- The Marvel Universe Today & Tomorrow - New Shows and how they relate to each other.
- Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes has fully entered public domain January 1, 2023 - How will this change/enhance/detract now that the stories and all that pertains to them can be legally shared, performed, reused, repurposed or sampled without permission or cost.
- Glaring Inaccuracies or When Bad Writing Ruins a Show - If you work in publishing, the military, the medical field, law, teaching, or police (to name a few) do you have to close your eyes to the reality of your profession or are you unable to watch certain shows because of the glaring inaccuracies?
- The Fanfic (and writer thereof) That Changed Your Life - The one that got you into fandom. The one that got you into a new fandom. The one that set you on your writing journey.
- Representation - Tokenism, stereotypes, or true representation? Looking at the gamut- Race/Sex/Medical/Neuro. What shows have done it well?
- Color in the Tarot and in Life - A Look at Colors: Symbolism and Science—symbolism isn’t arbitrary, individual, or even necessarily cultural. By learning how colors affect us, we can appreciate their uses in media, fashion, literature, and life.
- Numbers in the Tarot and Beyond - Numbers aren’t just quantitative, but qualitative. Exploring the qualities of numbers can deepen our understanding of ourselves and each other.
- Social Media Sites Where Fans Gather
- Kdrama vs Cdrama
- Conning in a Post-RevelCon World
- DIY - Making Halos, Wedding Circlets, or Fairy Headdresses
- Tea Party/Games/Two Make It&Take It
- Fan Mentality Game - Fandon fun, a bit like Herd Mentality, but better! This is a game with a simple mission: write down the same answer as everyone else. It starts with a random fandom based question, then everyone secretly writes down an answer. If your answer is in the majority, you win duckies!
- Timeline Game - Teams have to assemble 5-6 cards with TV shows in order of their premiere in 30 seconds. Get it right on the first try? 5 points. Success on the second attempt is 3 points. No go? Then the next team has a chance to do it in 30 seconds for 2 points. First team to 50 points wins!
- Tea and Chocolate, A Tea Talk by our very own Tea Mistress - Don't miss out on the talk and tasting!
- More Fandom Fitness! Join with fellow fen doing fan-oriented Fun Runs and more!
- Coloring/Stitch and Bitch 30 min.
Video Room Panels
- Kat's Final Annual British and International Television and Film Clips Panel
- From Fan Fiction to Porn Parody - A discussion exploring the evolution of fan fiction to porn parody due to the accessibility of affordable video equipment and the evolution of the internet.
- BL (Boy Love) in Asian Dramas - Where to find it and who does it best!
- Love Song SongVids - The bestest lovey dovey, ooey gooey, passionate, obsessive, and sexy songvids we could find for your viewing pleasure!
- SPN Fan Fiction S10 Ep5 Watch and Sing- A-Long - Yes, we are reprising our favorite SPN ep sing-a-long. Join the chorus was we watch and croon! (Lyrics provided.)
- WATCH PARTY Magnificent 7 Sins of the Past S2 Ep3 - Join the last campfire as we watch and discuss Sins of the Past a favorite episode of our favorite seven.
- WATCH PARTY Dr. Who The Run Away Bride S3 Ep14 - Fans of the Doctor or the Doctor's Companion? Join us as we observe and discuss this ep with David Tennant is the Doctor.
- The Big Bang Theory - The Launch Acceleration S5 Ep 3 and The Bow Tie Asymmetry S11 Ep24 (2 half-hour Wedding Eps!)
- Bones The Woman in White S9 Ep 6 - Yup, Brennan and Booth are getting hitched in this one.
- The Closer Double Blind S4 Ep 15 - Brenda and Fritz tie the knot.
- Death In Paradise Wicked Wedding Night S1 Ep 2 - Obviously a wedding...and murder!
- Castle Till Death Do Us Part S4 Ep 11 - Ryan and Jenny's wedding gets complicated!
- Grimm Blond Ambition S3 Ep 22 - Of course, only the wedding of Monroe and Rosalee goes well in this haunting episode.
- Revelcon Songvid Contest Vids from Days Gone By 30 min
- Revelcon Songvid Contest Vids from Days Gone By 30 min
- Watching Shows from Other Cultures/Countries
- Jamie and Jan's Walk through Revelcons Past! Vid & discussion of all the fun we've had!
- Name that TV Tune Game - You know the drill, join in and name the tune!
Vid Show and Contest
Fandom | Title | Vidder |
The Professionals | Deteriorata | kat-byrd |
She Works Hard For The Money | Marvel/Iron Man | Brass Ring |
In The Bullpen | Word Of Honor | AurumCalendula |
The Casper Slide Pt. 2! | Multiple Fandoms | AaronAntium |
Victor/Victoria | That's What l Am | Larissa Bernstein |
Joy of Life | True Colors | Jamie |
The Professionals | What Havel Done | kat-byrd |
Gintama | Blunt Force Trauma | AaronAntium |
Word of Honor | Please Not Now | AurumCalendula |
StarTrek: TOS | I Am What I Am | Kandy Fong |
Supernatural | All Of Me | JM Griffin |
The Untamed | Practical Arrangement | Diana Williams |
Star Trek: Reboot | I Honestly Love You | Kandy Fong |
Word of Honor | Trouble | AurumCalendula |
Welcome To Demon School | On Your Way Down | AaronAntium |
Cherry Magic | Cardiac Arrest | Amedia |
Starsky & Hutch | Dance Again | kat-byrd |
Star Trek: TOS | Odds Are | T'Lara |
Guardian | Ride or Die | Amedia |
The Professionals | Cover Me | TinTurtle |
Cherry Magic | Against All Odds | Kandy Fong |
Tatort Muenster | Just To Say I Love You | Avon |
Star Trek: TOS | lt's Always Been You | T'Lara |
Vid Contest Winners
- Favorite Gen/Het - The Casper Slide Pt 2, M/M, AaronAntium
- Favorite Slash/Ship - It’s Always Been You, Star Trek: TOS, T’Lara
- Best In Show - Dance Again, Starsky & Hutch, kat-Byrd