Return of the Hero's Hero

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Title: Return of the Hero's Hero
Creator: Jean L. Stevenson
Date(s): June 1984
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Wars
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Return of the Hero's Hero is a meta essay by Jean L. Stevenson. It was published in Southern Enclave #4.

It is online here.


"Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (Vulcan precept, Star Trek). Consider the seven-foot man of fur and fangs who can be understood by few of the beings he is friendly with, much less those he meets casually. Consider the crustacean-like leaders of a rebellion, the mammoth slug who rules a world, the small Jedi master and the woodfolk who equal him in size and internal strength. Here is diversity. And the fans of the STAR WARS universe have joyfully incorporated these individuals or representatives of them into their own work, developing new and intricate interactions between creatures. Not only fiction has been the scene of this concern. In a universe first presented in stark black and whites, as a teaching tale for the young and learning, it is a subject for continuing discussion. It is the rebel generation speaking to the Me Decade through the medium of fancy, where we all can venture. But there is a disturbance here, a darkness, and like much of the best of drama, while the conflict is reflected in all characters, in others it is made most clear."