Renaissance Man

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Title: Renaissance Man
Author(s): Ratadder & Queen Mab
Length: 84 K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Renaissance Man (TER/MA)
Renaissance Man (The Compound)

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Renaissance Man is a Mulder/Krycek story by Ratadder & Queen Mab.

Summary: Mulder goes to a Renaissance Faire and discovers some interesting things about several of his acquaintances. This story is for our second-favorite Ratboy, the other Alex.

Recs and Reviews

Mulder, Krycek, Scully, and the Lone Gunmen all taking part in a Renaissance Faire. Well, everybody but Mulder is dressed up to fit the times the festivities are taking place. [...] I originally found this story while searching some list archives. It wasn't until I was browsing around the other day looking for M/K stories to rec that I discovered it. It's a great little piece that is well written and I enjoyed when I first read it so, I decided to throw a rec up for it too. Didn't know how many other people knew about it, so I figured why not. The image of Alex as a pirate was just too much to resist.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)