One More River

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Title: One More River
Publisher: 10-13 Enterprises
Author(s): Terri Beckett and Chris Powers
Cover Artist(s): Nimue
Illustrator(s): Louise Davis and Nimue
Date(s): 1983
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
External Links: online here
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cover by Nimue

One More River is a slash, 194-page Starsky and Hutch novel by Terri Beckett and Chris Powers.

It contains a very early, if not the earliest, Starsky and Hutch in a threesome. In this story, Starsky is raped.

There were 100 copies of this zine printed in the original print run.

This zine won an Encore Award.

The following three S/H novels, written by Terri Beckett and Chris Power, form a series known collectively as "The Red Light Trilogy" (beginning as gen with the first zine and developing into slash in the second), constructing a tale that is tender, sexy, romantic and, to use the modern fannish parlance, "angsty" as all heck. [1]

The Slash Element

One More Mountain is not S/H. It is, however, the first part of our Red Light Universe. The second part will be published this summer, and it is S/H. That is provisionally titled One More River. The third part (don't ask when!) will be No Easy Answers. Have we got that (forgive the word) straight? I'll state here and now that anyone who feels strongly about / in a relationship, or who may be offended by explicit scenes, should NOT order either OMR or NEA. [2]

The first story in the trilogy was gen, but the second two were slash, something that was stated up front. A fan comments on this in 1993:

Pseudonyms and anonymity featured more in those first SH publications whose producers felt vulnerable, faced with hostile disapproval - and the threats - from some of those who didn't agree with what they were writing and publishing. I recall issue 27 of that first ' S&H L/Z' (November, 1981) in which Terri made a special announcement of her intention to publish S/H slash fiction in her 'Red Light universe' — and how, at that time, there were people who wished they might share the same freedom to follow that course, but for whom job-security and other practicalities were real obstacles. Those threats weren't make-believe. But, happily, those old S&H vs. S/H confrontations are hardly relevant now. Many readers enjoy both genres; good zines are never short of readers. [3]

From the Writers

[Finally typed], it now goes to be deBritted and suitable trashed, and when I get it back, I’ll start cutting the stencils. [she warns that this] is a novel. It has a plot. It is not a catalogue of sexual athletics between the protagonists. If that is what turns you on, you’ll be surprised by OMR. The actual S/H averages about 10% of the action. The emotional S/H, as opposed to the graphic, works out about 90%, though. [4]

...let me say a 'thank you' to all the people who bought ONE MORE RIVER -- and an even bigger 'thank YOU' to the ones who LoC'd. We like to know what we did right (or wrong) and your letters and interest are a continuing source of help and inspiration. Yes, even the lady who wrote and went into detail about what would have happened if the roles had been reversed. No, we're not going to write it... The sequel, NO EASY ANSWERS, is begun. Ju3t don't ask when it'll be finished. We are still fighting over the intricacies of the plot. If the length of time OMR took is anything to go by, you can expect NEA sometime in 1985... [5] [6]

Interior Art Gallery

These are a few selected images:

Reactions and Reviews


I'd like to just say here how much I loved ONE MORE RIVER. I've been meaning to send you a detailed LoC for a long time now, but I'm notoriously slow about these things. For now, I'll just say that as far as I'm concerned, this has got to be one of the best, most mature (in terms of emotional S/H) stories I've read in a long time. I'm allready waiting WITH BAITED BREATH for the conclusion of the trilogy. [7]

Recently I read ONE MORE MOUNTAIN and ONE MORE RIVER. In my opinion, OMR may be the best S/H story I have yet read. [8]


I rediscovered Starsky and Hutch only last March at my first multi-media"/" convention. (Devacons 3 and 4 in Chester were very enjoyable weekends). On the journey to the con I found myself hoping I would find S/H zines, although I don't know why; K/S was my reason for attending, and I hadn't thought about David or Paul since my schooldays. Fortunately, the zine trilogy "One More Mountain", "One More River" and "No Easy Answers" was on sale in the dealer's room. Although I had never seen "Sweet Revenge" and thought the shooting was "fan-fictional", I thought the story was wonderful and couldn't put down the zines until I had devoured every word. [9]


There was a trilogy of 3 S/H novels written by Terri Beckett back in the 80s. I'm trying to think of titles, at which I an notoriously bad: something like One More River, One More Mountain, and I can't even begin to remember the 3rd title. Anyway they were quite well-written (the author wrote End Game and Consequences in Pros fandom). In the 2nd novel, Starsky is raped. In the 3rd novel, Terri tried and tried to get him over the rape and back with Hutch, but she couldn't do it and make it realistic. Starsky was just too damn scarred emotionally by the experience.

You wouldn't believe the flak Terri took for not getting the heroes together at the end. After reading about all that suffering, the fans wanted the 'pay-off.'

I think Terri was greatly influenced by a friend of mine before she wrote the 3rd novel; the friend is an emergency room nurse who has dealt with many rape victims. They talked about the story when we were in England and she sent Terri lots of info on rape victims, and I do believe Terri just couldn't see any way to write around the trauma she'd inflicted on the poor guy. It was the right thing to do, but it didn't do much for the fans who wanted to see S and H resume their romance.

Well, there was a S/H trilogy called One More River, One More Mountain, and No Easy Answers, but I don't remember anything like that in them. Granted, I haven't read them in a while, but I know for sure that's not how NO EASY ANSWERS ends. Instead it's got a really hokey quasi-Butch and Sundance kinda ending that just doesn't work if you actually think about it. It also doesn't have much of anything to do with what happened in the previous two zines. Could it be that you're thinking of a different S/H novel by Terri? Or did I just forget that particular subplot? (Seems to me they were living happily in the suburbs with Hutch's little sister or something right before the end...)[10]


As we open One More River, Hutch is in a bad mood again. Starsky had to move in with him since Starsky's place was trashed. Hutch's temporary partner is trying to not make the situation worse. They stop by Starsky's for lunch and the detective has turned into Michelangelo, painting his ceiling. It's definitely a rather interesting lunch. And the evening doesn't turn out much better. They're tense and at each other's throats. It's just the tension getting to them. They make up soon enough and have a grand birthday party for Starsky. And what's a good birthday without a threesome? Party time! And that's what gets them to open up to more than they admitted to before. But it's not an easy road because getting your head wrapped around the truth takes time. Starsky starts going through women like he's scanning the LA County phone book. Plus, there's still Jaqi that Hutch is involved with. But for all the running away they do, they run back towards one another at double the speed. Plus, they're still witty and much fun... They have a wonderful vacation together, full of love and laughter and just being together. This is what Me and Thee is all about. But they have to go back to the real world soon enough and with it brings real world problems. And Starsky's going to be the one who pays for a case gone wrong. [11]


  1. ^ comment by kslangley at What was your first fandom?, August 28, 2016
  2. ^ S and H #29
  3. ^ from a Frienz supplement, one meant to clear the air
  4. ^ from Hanky Panky #5
  5. ^ Add three years to that estimation.
  6. ^ from Hanky Panky #8
  7. ^ from Hanky Panky #8
  8. ^ from Hanky Panky #8
  9. ^ from Frienz #29
  10. ^ comments Virgule-L, the first quoted anonymously, the second one is by Michelle Christian and quoted with permission (March 21, 1996)
  11. ^ a 2005 comment at Crack Van