OFF (video game)

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Video game fandom
Release date2008
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Off (stylized as OFF) is a French RPG developed by Mortis Ghost & Unproductive Fun Time. It was released in 2008, and translated by fans into English in 2011. It has received critical acclaim due to its atmosphere, storyline, and soundtrack by Alias Conrad Coldwood.


The player (You) follows and controls the Batter through the various Zones of the OFF world. The Batter is dedicated to "purifying" each of the zones, which involves fighting and killing the Spectres. You/the Batter can also interact with the humans of the world, sameface men who appear soulless. Fans have nicknamed them as "Elsens."

Other notable characters - who are not spoilers - include Zacharie and the Judge. Zacharie is a masked human who frequently breaks the fourth wall; he is the merchant of the game and can provide the Batter/You weapons and items, at the pride of credits. The Judge, whom You encounter at the beginning of the game, is something of the Batter's advisor, believing his quest for purification to be futile but offering advice throughout the game anyway.

The game is relatively short, with only three Zones and a definitive ending. It is a mix of puzzle and RPG. More backstory about the world gets revealed as the game goes on.


A sizable fandom for OFF sprung up on Tumblr in early 2013. That year, it was the 6th most reblogged video game.[1]


With the large amount of fanart and cosplay for him, it's evident that Zacharie is the fan favorite.

Fans are often quite fond of the Elsens as well.


The most popular ship among Tumblr fandom is Batter/Zacharie (Batterie). Some also like Batter/Queen (which may or may not be canonical - it's ambiguous), or Bad Batter/Judge.


Fanart, cosplay, and ask blogs are popular forms of OFF fanwork.





Many fans have developed games based on OFF. A list of them can be found here. Some of these games have garnered their own fanbases, including:


Ask Blogs

Fannish Resources


  1. ^ "Most Reblogged in 2013: Video Games" by yearinreview on Tumblr, reblogged by unite-the-off-fandom (Accessed 30 September 2017)