HOME (fangame)

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Release dateMay 27, 2014
EngineRPG Maker
External link(s)rpgmaker.net, Game Jolt
Related articles on Fanlore.

HOME, also known as A New Home, is a fangame for OFF created by TheJudge.


The game follows The Judge in a post-canon scenario where the world has been reset, and he's consequently forgotten the events of OFF. As the plot unfolds, the goal becomes preventing The Batter from purifying the Zones.

The Judge's brother, Valerie, appears as a party member, as well as two original characters, Alain and Jozlyn.


HOME is one of the most well-known OFF fangames and was praised by the OFF fanbase, primarily for its endearing character writing and naturally expanding upon aspects of OFF without its additions feeling tacked on. However, it's received some criticism due to its attempt to have more compelling and difficult combat than OFF not paying off and its horror elements lacking the subtlety of those in OFF.

"But wait!" You might interject, or you might not, depending on how polite you are. "Why would I want to play a crummy fan-game after I've played the real thing? I mean, it can't possibly compare to the original, can it?" Yes. Yes it can. Although it won't spark the exact same interest the original did, there are enough original elements, improvements, and just general additions that will absolutely draw you in in a way similar to the original game. And if you loved the original games universe, then you'll probably love the game anyway for giving you an excuse to see more of the universe, from the mind of a fan! [1]

Mortis Ghost has done well enough with OFF. As a spin-off, HOME is not bad in its own right. It has about the same amount of good thanks to its inclusion of improvements in some aspects, but it clearly does certain things somewhat worse than its source inspiration and can at times feel disconcertingly derivative as it paces along. The way it takes a gradual nosedive towards the end is also disappointing. Despite its flaws, HOME shines in its attention to detail, its attempts to switch things up, as well as its faithfulness to the original. [2]

The game garnered a small fanbase of its own, though it tapered off over time. Fan discussion and fanworks usually revolve around the game's protagonists and Pentel.

