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Nome (Star Trek: TOS zine published in New Zealand)

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Title: Nome
Publisher: The Alternative Factor, a fan club out of New Zealand
Editor(s): Lana Brown/Lana Fahey, then Judith Yeatman, then Margaret Boyd
Date(s): 1980-to at least 1987
Frequency: planned for five times a year
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Nome is a gen fiction and non-fiction Star Trek: TOS anthology published in New Zealand. It has the subtitle: "The Magazine of the Alternate Factor."

a 1987 flyer

From a 1987 flyer:

Poets include Sybil Ritchie, Beverly Gulley Metevia, Carlene Deaton, and Sue Isle. Artists include Jeni Stace, Harvey Kong Tin, Helen Ross, Gamin Davis, Pauline Butler, and Judith Yeatman. Writers include Karen and Jeremy Broadribb, Gamin Davis, Helen Ross, Carlene Deaton, Sue Isle, Judith Yeatman, Michael Curry. The whole world of Star Trek is presented in Nome, series, film, alternative universes, in long and short stories, poems, articles, dialogues, and profiles -- all in its 30-50 pages. Nome is photocopied, card cover, elite type. Titles are computer produced. Nome is published five times a year, from January then every ten to eleven weeks regularly.

V.1 N.1

Nome v.1 n.1 (Janurary 1980?)

V.1 N.2

Nome v.1 n.2

V.1 N.3

Nome v.1 n.3

  • A Rose Amongst the Ashes ("Set after ST:TMP. On a mission to locate a missing exploration team on a hostile planet, Kirk is killed; afterwards, Spock slowly learns to turn to McCoy and Christine Chapel for help in dealing with his grief over Kirk's death. (TOS/AU, K&S, S/Ch, Mc, angst, h/c, DEATH [PG-13])") (also in Visions of Future Past and Beyond Antares #27)
  • Kolinahr: The Parting ("A story concentrating on the internal conflict that drove Spock to return to Vulcan at the end of the first 5-year mission in an attempt to attain Kolinahr, and how Kirk and McCoy respond to his turmoil and deal with his decision. (TOS, K&S, Mc, Ch, Sa, A, angst, heavy h/c [PG])")
  • other unknown content

V.1 N.4

Nome v.1 n.4

  • Spock's First Christmas ("Spock's reflections on his childhood memories of the one year Amanda hadn't been able to return to Earth for Christmas, and how he and Sarek collaborated on a special surprise to help her deal with her depression. (TOS [prequel], S, Sa, A, K, Mc, Ch [G])") (reprinted in Visions of Future Past)
  • Against Tradition ("The story of Spock's decision to join Starfleet, his clash with Sarek over it, and the beginnings of their long-running feud. (TOS [prequel], S, Sa, A [G])") (reprinted in Visions of Future Past)
  • Our Dearest Blood ("The first part of a STIII sequel written as an alternative to STIV, focusing on the early days of Spock's recovery from fal-tor-pan and Kirk's efforts to help him. (TOS/AU, K&S, Mc, h/c [PG])") (reprinted in Visions of Future Past)
  • other unknown content

V.1 N.5

Nome v.1 n.5

V.1 N.6

Nome v.1 n.6

V.1 N.7

Nome v.1 n.7

V.1 N.8

Nome v.1 n.8

V.1 N.9

Nome v.1 n.9 was published in May 1981.

V.1 N.10

Nome v.1 n.10 was published in June 1981.

V.2 N.1

Nome v.2 n.1 was published in October 1981 and contains 40 pages. The art is by Lana Fahey, Gamin Davis, Justine Webb-Elliott, Paul Townsend, Julie Stigter, Rex Thompson, Margaret Boyd, Harvey Kong Tin, and Hilda Kong Tin.

cover of n.2 v.1, also used as the cover of Highly Illogical #11, artist is Lana Fahey who writes in the editorial: "Finally, yes, that is an Andorian on the cover, (to all those with doubts). She's pre-STAR TREK (it's called artistic licence)."
  • Editorial by Lana Fahey (3)
  • Son -- I Owe You an Apology, fiction by Philip Ivamy (5)
  • Take-Over, fiction by Judith Yeatman (6)
  • Spock's Shore Leave , fictionby Glenn Pearse (9)
  • Another View, fiction by Bev Allan (10)
  • The Dating Game, fiction by Philip Ivamy (13)
  • Lost in Continua, fiction by Keith Smith (14)
  • Kali, fiction by Julie Stigter (30)
  • Physics for S.F. Fans, part 4 by John Northcott (31)
  • My First Space Anomaly, part 2, fiction by Barbara Maxewll (34)
  • Kirk's Citation, fiction by April Smith (36)
  • A Quiet Day af the Office, fiction by Margarine Boyd (37)

Reactions and Reviews: V.2 N.1

If anything proves the universal appeal of Star Trek, it's the non-North American zines that go into multiple issues. NOME 2/1 is actually the 8th or 9th issue of a clubzine that's been in publication for over two years now.

With a club the only source for material, the editor is often stuck with what she can get. This shows in NOME.

The club has three good artists — Harvey and Hilda Kong Tin, and the editor, Lana Fahey, which means that the zine is well-composed. There are some bad artists, though and they have to be printed. April Smith is a competent poet; in this issue her "Kirk's Citation (To Spock Lying Gravely Wounded)," although florid in a 19th Century British Romantic way, does show power and her ability to use the language well. And John Northcutt's continuing articles on "Physics for S.F. Fans" are clear and useful explanations of scientific terms for the non-scientific.

Unfortunately, most of the stories are not very good.

"Take-over" by Judith Yeatman, an ostensible allegory on reshaping technology to biological needs, never explains where the alien protagonists came from, why they came, and has them able, after 40 years "in the drains of New Zealand's smallest (?) city", to reprogram sophisticated machinery by inspection.

"Spock's Shore Leave" by Glenn Pearse and "The Dating Game" by Phillip Ivamy, are both one page in length and out-of-character semi-jokes in which Spock beats up five Klingons who sing a "Madamoiselle from Armentieres" filk, and Kirk loses out on a chance at a date with Doc Sevrin from "The Way to Eden".

I don't know what Margaret Boyd's "A Quiet Day at the Office" was aiming at — to show Uhura as a woman with dreams and ambitions,' or to show her as a jerk who sleeps on the job.

"My First Space Anomaly" by Barbara Maxwell has been chopped up into a serial; in Part II, the heroine returns from her coffee break and witnesses as the E comes upon a space wreck, whose apparent skipper recognizes Kirk and Uhura. That's it — the segment only lasts a page and a half. The point of view is supposed to be first person, but it hops from the never named heroine to omniscient, to Kirk's stream of consciousness, which is pretty lively for 450 words.

The one halfway decent story, "Lost in Continua"'by Keith Smith, tells the tale of a spaceship from "Aqua" (in another dimension; it orbits "Aster"), whose crew have improbably Anglo-Saxon names, that accidentally crosses over to meet Klingons and then the Enterprise, who give them a couple of dilithium crystals, and the Aquans go home, the end. Smith allows himself 14 pages to tell his story; still nowhere near enough, but far better than the one page plot outlines most of the other Kiwi authors make. The characters are fairly realistic, except for the Klingons, who are cardboard rejects from Mongo ("'After it, fools! Let it get away, and I will have your heads,' shouted Koloth."). There are scientific problems with the story, e.g., the Aquans come from a universe whose fundamental physical laws differ from ours, but once here, their atoms and those of their ship don't obey the local laws, that is, they don't become unstable and decay. You'd notice something like that, your ship and your body suddenly going radioactive or changing to another element.

In its quality of stories and staring-eyed art, NOME is rather too much like zines U.S. fandom buried five years ago. Mostly of curio value.


V.2 N.2

Nome v.2 n.2 was published in 1982 (the editor wishes fans a "Happy Easter") and contains 40 pages. The art is by Lana Fahey, Michael McGann, Harvey Kong Tin, Paul Townsend, and Diane Marchant.

cover of v.2 n.2, Lana Fahey is the artist
[The editorial]:

Through a strange quirk of fate NOME 2/2 managed to get typed (accidentally) on two different sizes of paper. It's all a rather long and involved story with a moral - never take it for granted that your typist can read your mind. Anyway, as a result, there willlbe two issues of NOME following closely on each others heels. This one in quarto with the next in foolscap.

Getting down to this issue: We have two excellent stories taking up the bulk of this NOME. Both are extremely well written and I know you are going to love them.

All the poetry is touching and as usual the best around. It seems AF members have a knack for writing GOOD fan poetry.

The art... well, what can I say. Nothing but class as usual. Just keep sending more of it in along with the stories and poetry.

We are featuring an Australian artist in this NOME. Some of your might remember Michael McGann from WELCON (B I think). Well known in Australia for his superb silk screened T-shirts and artwork. Michael has decided to branch out in our direction.

A special thanks goes to Barbara Maxwell who did most of the typing for this issue (next time I'll be more specific). Thank you to everyone who contributed (if your contribution isn't in this issue, then remember, next issue is coming up).

I would like as much feedback as possible on this issue as the club certificates are in the process of being printed and will be awarded to the best story, poem and piece of art in this issue. Let me know your vote... please.

[The last part of "Mara's Plea," a poem written from the point of view of the female Klingon warrior in the episode "Day of the Dove"]:
Against my will I thought
Violent are our ways of life, fierce is our love;
Demanding, all-consuming, a total commitment.
As is our service to the Empire.
To the death, my husband;
It is not this that, I deny.
But I yearn for that which I must sacrifice
In order to be efficient, to serve, to earn respect.
I saw the human females in their skirts,
With scent and make-up on their skins,
At work!
Proud of their woman-ness, not concealing it.
Would efficiency be harmed, I wonder.
If just now and then
I put aside the science officer, duties and uniform.
Wore a gown the colour of my eyes.
Scent and trinkets and ridiculous shoes....
You tell me this is weakness and foolishness.
And that, I should not think so.
I cannot help it, my husband.
I, too am Klingon, undeniably,
But do you not sometimes forget
That I am also woman?

  • Mara's Plea, poem by Margaret Boyd (3)
  • A Vulcan's Eye's View, poem by Philip Ivamy (4)
  • Beginning in Darkness by Peter Graham (5)
  • Enterprise, poem by Rachel Summers (13)
  • Excalibur --The Lost Voyages: David & Euee by Frank Macskasy Jr. (14)
  • To a Dragon by Barbara Maxwell (40)

V.2 N.3

Nome V.2 N.3 was published in 1982 and contains 54 pages.

V.2 N.4

V.2 N.5

cover of v.2 n.5

Nome V.2 N.5 was published in December 1983 and contains 32 pages.

The art is by Michael McGann, Judith Yeatman, Lana Brown, and Paul Townsend.

From the zine, always improving!:


From the zine, send it back if you didn't want it:

Well, this is it; Margaret's and Judith's first issue of "Nome", reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. We hope you enjoy it.

Because we are not sure who usually receives "Nome" and who doesn't, we have sent a copy to each member of "The Alternative Factor". If you do not wish to keep and pay for your copy, please return it to: Judith Yeatman [address redacted].

If you wish to keep your copy of "Nome", your "Nome" credit is ... []... If this reads 'nil', please deposit some money with us, payable to "Nome"; either the cost of just this issue (as quoted on the contents page), or else a larger amount to be credited towards this and future issues. If anyone does not want to receive "Nome" automatically in future, please let Judith know.

We would just like to repeat what we said in "Hailing Frequencies" about recycling the large "Nome" envelopes. These cost 10 or 11 cents each so they are worth recycling, but only if you happen to be sending us contributions for "Nome" or a letter and you are using an envelope which is big enough to also contain several large "Nome" envelopes. For instance, it is not worth just posting us one or two envelopes on their own as you are spending more on postage than the envelopes are worth.

From the zine, regarding content:

Besides the editorial policies which were mentioned in HF, we wish to mention that we may reject stories which include excessive violence, pornography, or other attention- grabbing devices used to exploitative extents. Stories and poems which concentrate on sticking to the spirit of "Star Trek" and have a strong storyline are what we are after.

From the zine, regarding aesthetics and extra costs:

You will notice in this issue of "Nome" that the backs of some of the artwork are left blank. This is not costing anything as it is no cheaper to xerox on the back of something than it is to xerox separate pages. Also, the blank page at the very back of this issue is free paper and is there to give the magazine a better aesthetic look. There will probably be similar blank pages in future issues and you can rest assured that they will not be costing any extra.

From the zine, the "Incentive Corner":

Beginning with this issue, the editorial will include an 'incentive corner' and a 'quote of the issue'. They are included to provide food for thought and incentive for members to write stories and poems and to do artwork for "Nome" as well as being possible topics for discussion through letters printed in HF.

Would there still be awards in the 23rd century?; such as those that Kirk and Spook had won. Surely they will have realised by then that trying your hardest and doing your best is the most anyone can do and everyone who does that would be as entitled to awards as anyone else. In many cases. Kirk and Spock couldn't have won their awards if it weren't for the crew backing them up. Shouldn't better forms of incentive be supplied in the future?

  • Looks Are Only Skin Deep, poem by Philip Ivamy (3)
  • My First Space Anomaly, part 4 by Barbara Maxwell (4)
  • Uhura's Christmas by Narrelle Harris (12)
  • If, poem by Philip Ivamy (13)
  • A Remembered Sadness by Margaret Boyd (14)
  • The Darkest Dawn (Death, Doom & Destruction) by Julie Stigter (15)
  • Progress, poem by Philip Ivamy (30)

V.2 N.6

Nome v.2 n.6 was published in February 1984 and contains 32 pages.

cover of n.2 v.6 by Michael McGann, also used as the cover of Beyond Antares #24

The art is by Michael McGann, Judith Yeatman, Margaret Boyd, Harvey Kong Tin, and one piece "xeroxed from a photo."

[From the editorial]:

We've added a touch of colour to this issue and have made it rather Christmassy since we thought it best to print the Christmas stories and poems we had now rather than hold them until next Christmas.

Last issue, we ran out of room before we got a chance to thank Lana for all the work she s done on "Nome" in the past and we hope that we can keep up her high standard.

We spent more time & effort on the stencilled pages this time & hope there aren't any duds (there were a few ink-smudged pages last issue unfortunately). Our only problem this issue was that we had to squeeze one story up in order to fit in a poem & typed it a bit too far up the page so that some top lines on pages are a bit difficult to read. By the next issue, we should have the stencilled pages down to a fine art?!


This issue, we are announcing a competition. It is open to anyone, but the entries must be based on "Star Trek". The competition is for an alien profile. This may take the form of an article, a poem, or whatever, including artwork if you wish. It should be a minimum of one page with no maximum limit set. Don't put your name on your entry. Put your name & address on a separate piece of paper attached to your entry. Although called an alien profile, it may be about any character (or plant, etc.) seen or mentioned in Star Trek.


Incentive corner: Do you think that humankind will still be using alcohol in the 23rd Century? If human kind has attained interstellar travel & is acting as a mediator in interplanetary affairs how can we do this successfully if we still use a mind-altering drug such as alcohol? Aren't Scotty and McCoy acting very irresponsibly when they drink alcohol, even if it is only when they are off duty? Alcohol shouldn't be necessary. People would be more aware of better ways to fulfill the need for alcohol.

  • Who I Like Star Trek, poem by Philip Ivamy (3)
  • The Token, fiction by Narrelle Harris (4)
  • That's the Life for Me, poem by Philip Ivamy (7)
  • Tribbles, poem by Glenn Pearse (8)
  • Sh-t Trip - Penultimate Experience, fiction based on an idea by Mary Clare Boston and penned by her brother (9)
  • The Red Death Show, poem by Justine Webb-Elliott (15)
  • Images, fiction by Bev Allan (16)
  • Xmaspunchy, poem by Justine Webb-Elliott (27)
  • Kirk's Ballad for Adeline, poem by Rachel Summers (28)
  • Do Vulcans Like Ice Cream?, poem by Margaret Boyd (29)
  • Aotearoa Goes to the Stars, poem by Pauline Sloan (30)

V.2 N.7

Nome v.2 n.7 was published in April 1984 and contains 32 pages.

cover of n.2 v.7, Hilda Kong Tin

The art is by Hilda Kong Tin, Glenn Pearse, Lana Brown, Gamin Davis, Michael McGann, John Northcott, Harvey Kong Tin, Pauline Butler, and Rachel Summers.

[From the editorial]:

You will find enclosed with this "Nome" two publicity posters; one for The Alternative Factor in general and one for "Nome". We would like you to please put these up in local libraries, book shops, etc. to help advertise the club and the magazine. If anyone can distribute more copies than this, please write to Judith asking for more copies.

We have sadly had our application for a grant to help with "Nome" publication turned down by the Christchurch Community Arts Council. However, we will go ahead and apply to other places until we either get a grant or sponsorship.

You will have noticed that contributors to "Nome" don't get a free copy; they get a .50¢ discount on the purchase price. Once we get a grant or sponsor, we hope to be able to offer an award system where people have the option of proposing to produce several contributions and, in return, get say 6 months' worth of free issues (3 issues). In the meantime, we feel that there should be some recognition, beyond the .50¢ discount, of those people who make large contributions to "Nome" ; so we are introducing a limited award system where, when it is considered appropriate , a significant contributor will be awarded a free copy of "Nome". This will be a rare event. Philip Ivamy has always been a regular contributor of material of high quality to "Nome" and, because of this, he will be the first recipient of such an award. He will receive "Nome 2/9" free . Because of Frank Macskasy 's long-term contribution effort, most notably the epic 'Excalibur' voyages, he will be the second recipient of such an award and will receive a free copy of a future issue.

"Nome 2/9", the issue after next, will be a special Uhura issue since we have a few Uhura items already. So how about everyone making the effort to contribute something about Uhura. If you have difficulty thinking of ideas, stop and think of all the things Uhura is. She is a human, she is a woman, she is an African, she is a communications officer, she was once a Star Fleet cadet, she is quite highly ranked, etc. The deadline for Uhura contributions is 7 June 1984; they must be in the hands of Judith by then.

We are also planning a special Nurse Chapel combined with Chapel/Spock issue, since we already have a few suitable contributions, for some future issue, so start thinking of ideas for contributions for this too and start writing and drawing. Items just about Nurse Chapel as well as items about the relationship between Chapel and Spock are wanted for this issue. The deadline for the issue will be announced later, but it will no doubt come around quicker than you realise. We especially need artwork for the Chapel issue.

  • Is Spock Really Dead, poem by Judith Yeatman (3)
  • Just Thee and Me, poem by Margaret Boyd (5)
  • Intercept Point, part four, "Encounter," fiction by Frank Macskasy Jr (6)
  • Star Trek Is, poem by Philip Ivamy (16)
  • Physics for S.F. Fans, part 6 (a science fact article) by John Northoctt (17)
  • Motivation, poem by Margaret Boyd (21)
  • Reality, poem by Sandra Moosman (reprinted from Tears of Medusa) (22)
  • Zaranites, non-fiction by Pauline Butler (23)
  • What If, poem by Philip Ivamy (24)
  • Portrait: Khan (non-fiction) by Judith Yeatman (25)
  • And for Thee an Open Door, fiction by Margaret Boyd (28)

V.2 N.8

Nome v.2 n.8 was published in June 1984 and contains 32 pages.

cover of n.2 v.8, Margaret Boyd

The art is by Margaret Boyd, Michael McGann, Judith Yeatman, Harvey Kong Tin, and Frank Macskasy Jr.

[From the editorial]:

Probably the most exciting news since Margaret and Judith took over Nome editorship is that your industrious editors have discovered a cheap source of photocopying (without much reduction in quality). The new source of printing will enable us to photocopy every page, which means no more messy stencil pages nor the hassle with the duplicating machine for poor Judith, and it will mean we can include artwork on every page if we wish and every poem, story, etc. will have a hand-lettered title. So we will need lots more artwork! The only disadvantage is that we can't print back-to-back though that may not be at all important anyway.

The printing source is getting a new photocopying machine soon which will be able to print back-to-back. We just hope that it will not also mean a rise in their charges. So, to those of you who type your contributions, the margin for every page will be on the left now. Also, please type in single spacing. The change in printing means that we actually make a saving, details of which will appear probably in the July HF, so subscribers will be permitted to decide what to do with the saving. Wait until you have read the July HF and then let Judith know what you want done. Onwards and upwards; we are sure that "Nome" is improving all the time!


Just a quick note mentioning that, from time to time, "Nome" may print items which some people find objectionable, e.g., the handling of the topic "homosexuality" by Frank in his Excalibur voyages. We will continue to print such things as long as we editors do not find them too objectionable as we feel it is important for people to discuss and learn to deal with the different aspects of society. So we are just warning our readers to expect all sorts and to be prepared not to read things they object to. At the same time, we will censor (not print) if considered necessary. Peace and long life and happy reading!

  • Remember, poem by Philip Ivamy (on the cover)
  • To Jackie, fiction by Margaret Boyd (3)
  • Rest in Peace: Live in Our Hearts, non-fiction by Judith Yeatman (An entry in the 'Starlog' essay contest about Spock's death in the recent film, and what fans want from the movie franchise.) (5)
  • If, poem by Philip Ivamy (7)
  • Star Trek Puzzle by Barbara Maxwell (8)
  • An Exchange, poem by Margaret Boyd (9)
  • Sounds of Silence, fiction by Judith Yeatman (10)
  • Oh, For the Day, poem by Philip Ivamy (12)
  • Scotty's Wee Bairn, poem by Judith Yeatman (13)
  • Kirk Sayings by Philip Ivamy (14)
  • Intercept Point, part 4: Encounter, fiction by Frank Macskasy Jr. (15)
  • Are Star Fleet's Uniforms Practical?, non-fiction by Judith Yeatman (27)
  • Intolerance, poem by Margaret Boyd (30)
  • Star Trek Puzzle Answers (31)

V.2 N.9

Nome v.2 n.9 was published in October 1984 and contains 36 pages of text (though only printed on one side) pages.

cover of n.2 v.9, Judith Yeatman

The art is by Judith Yeatman, Margaret Boyd, Michael McGann, Lana Brown, Harvey Kong Tin, Pauline Butler, and Hilda Kong Tin.

  • What Gives You the Right?, poem by Philip Ivamy (3)
  • Uhura's Dream, poem by Bev Allan (reprinted from Nome v.1 n.8) (4)
  • Things Unsaid, fiction by Lana Brown (reprinted from Nome v.1 n.10) (5)
  • Sayings, vignette by Philip Ivamy (8)
  • My Mission, poem by Judith Yeatman (9)
  • Precognition, fiction by Margaret Boyd (reprinted from Nome v.1 n.10, where it was "Uhura's Dream") (10)
  • I Am, poem by Philip Ivamy (12)
  • My Equipment, non-fiction about Uhura's communicator, by Judith Yeatman (14)
  • Regreats, poem by Margaret Boyd (16)
  • Sayings, vignette by Philip Ivamy (17)
  • My Encounter with Nomad, fiction by Judith Yeatman (18)
  • Wanted, poem by Philip Ivamy (20)
  • I and Being Single, poem by Philip Ivamy (22)
  • Uhura to Spock, poem by Judith Yeatman (23)
  • A Quiet Day at the Office, ifcion by Margaret Boyd (reprinted from Nome v.2 n.1) (24)
  • Uhura in the Comics, non-fiction by Judith Yeatman (26)
  • Limericks by Julie Stigter (27)
  • Identity Crisis, poem by Judith Yeatman (28)
  • Machination, poem by Philip Ivamy (29)
  • Channels Are Open, poem by Margaret Body (30)
  • Working Relationships, poem by Judith Yeatman (31)
  • Change, poem by Philip Ivamy (32)
  • Immortality, poem by Judith Yeatman (33)
  • Mother, poem by Graeme Thompson (34)
  • The Fabric of My Life, fiction by Margaret Boyd (35)

V.2 N.10

Nome v.2 n.10 was published in December 1984 and contains 32 pages. The art is by Gamin Davis, Michael McGann, Daryn Short, Julie Stigter, Harvey Kong Tin, Robert Jan, Lana Brown (previously Fahey), Margaret Boyd, and Judith Yeatman.

cover of v.2 n.10, Robert Jan

The editorial:

This issue comes close to Christmas and so we wish all our subscribers a Merry Alien Christmas and a happy and prosperous 1985. We are pleased to be able to print the complete letter which contains the Christmas message from the Roddenberrys to TAF members.

This is the end of our first year as editors of "Nome" and we hope to keep "Nome" up to its present standard and, if possible, improve it. We are constantly aiming to please our readers. We extend a special thanks to the contributors who have helped to fill our issues and thanks to those who have taken the time to write and tell us what they think of "Nome" and those who have made suggestions.

Response to our alien profile competition was good and we hope it will be even better for our "Enterprise" competition announced on the flyer which accompanies this issue.

This issue presents, we hope, a mixed bag of Christmas goodies.

We have a number of long stories awaiting publication which bids well for 1985.

Keep trekking.

The text of the letter by Gene Roddenberry:

Dear Judith,

Thank you for your letter of 28 August. Please forgive me for not answering sooner, but I have been traveling quite a bit lately— Europe, acrosst he U.S., Hawaii, etc. — and know you will understand why it's taken me so long to reply.

The following paragraph may be used as a Christmas wish to the members of "The Alternative Factor":

Greetings to all the Trekkers down in New Zealand! We hope that all of you will have the very merriest of Christmases, and a joyful and peaceful 1985. We hope to be able to meet with all of you one day soon. Until then, peace, long life, and love.

You may sign it from Majel and Gene Roddenberry.

Hope all goes well with you, Margaret Boyd, and all our friends there.

Warm regards,

Gene Roddenberry

["Beginnings" by Margaret Boyd -- meta commentary on the casting decisions, the character Saavik, Paramount, power, and hubris (it is unclear what its canon source is, perhaps snippets from interviews)]:

from v.2 n.10, "Beginnings"

Saavik profile: female, alien, exotic, and a touch arrogant, she is a Romulan-Vulcan hybrid, protege of Mr Spock. Very intelligent and adaptable, she is still obviously learning her way - both with other people and in her work. A strong and determined woman, she is fully involved with the story, and is an important member of the crew. From first seeing her in a position of power, the adventure takes Saavik to a crisis in her life, where she is left alone - and one suspects - quite vulnerable...

Kirstie Alley: Yes, I'd like to do her - strong female roles are very hard to come by. I'm sure I can ape Nimoy's Spock well enough to pass as his protege...and who knows where the exposure and recognition will take me?

Kirstie Alley (afterwards): No! If I do her again it will be on my terms! And there are plenty of those! More money, more lines, more to do, bigger role in fact. More important to the story, and much, much more power. I'v made the role - so, I'm calling the shots.

Paramount Execs: She is just a supporting role you know. Surely one or two of the others are due to have their day in the sun now? Can you not see that?

Kirstie Alley: And you weren't hearing me just then, were you? I have stated my needs. That or nothing! And I just know that you will come around - you have too! I am Saavik.

Paramount Execs: Do you know the meaning of the word 'hubris,' Kirstie?

Robin Curtis: I do! Thanks, Kirstie!

Kirstie Alley (reads): Hubris - insolence, arrogance resulting from excessive pride. (Thinks: Oh, dear...)

  • Christmas, dialogue by Justine Webb-Elliott (3)
  • Rhandarites, alien profile by Margaret Boyd (4)
  • Another View, poem by Bev Allan (reprinted from Nome v.2 n.1) (5)
  • 101 Uses of a Dead Tribble, fiction by Julie Stigter (7)
  • Ilia, poem by Margaret Boyd (11)
  • Belonea, Medr Clan, alien profile by by Robert Jan (13)
  • Mudd, poem by Margaret Birch (reprinted from Nome v.1 n.9) (15)
  • Beginnings, dialogue by Margaret Boyd (16)
  • The Storm Came Suddenly, poem by Philip Ivamy (17)
  • Encounter with an Alien, fiction by Judith Yeatman (18)
  • A Tellarite's Decision, poem (fusion with a Hamlet soliloquy) by Lana Brown (reprinted from Nome v.1 n.9) (20)
  • Balok, alien profile by by Judith Yeatman (21)
  • Megarites, alien profile by by Margaret Boyd (22)
  • Crossword Puzzle by Judith Yeatman (23)
  • Sayings, dialogue by Philip Ivamy and Judith Yeatman (25)
  • A Direct Conversation, dialogue by Margaret Boyd (27)
  • Ruk and T'Pring, alien profile by by Judith Yeatman (28)
  • IDIC, poem by Graeme Thompson (29)
  • Alien, poem by Philip Ivamy (30)
  • A Touch of the Alien, alien profile by by Glenn Pearse (reprinted from Hailing Frequencies #9) (31)
  • Crossword Puzzle Answers (32)

V.3. N.2

Nome v.3 n.2 was published in April 1985 and contains 28 pages. The art is by Hilda Kong Tin (cover), Margaret Boyd, Justine Webb-Elliott, Judith Yeatman, Julie Stigter, Harvy Kong Tin, and Gamin Davis.

cover of v.3 n.2, artist is Hilda Kong Tin

The editors mention the number of reprints in this issue and adds their pleas for more material:

Despite the necessary number of reprints (because of the lack of new contributions), we feel that this issue is our best yet, partly because of the exceptional artwork. The reprints which we chose are of especially good quality and they follow the main theme of this issue which is Spock and associates. Readers will notice that one of our articles "He's Dead For Now" is a bit out of date since the third film, but it is felt that its message is important and so we decided to print it without alteration.

We hope you like the borders on the pages of this issue. We hope to use a variety of borders and we hope to have borders in every issue from now on; it seems to really brighten up the pages and make a page which doesn't have any artwork still look attractive. We think that readers will also agree that our new micron type face makes the pages look a lot neater and more compact and, of course, it enables us to fit a lot more material into each issue than we have ever been able to do before. More work for our poor typist (Judith) and our titles chief (Margaret)! Of course, this means that we need some material to print and we're not receiving it (except for some long stories from overseas people [2]), so how about having a go at contributing to "Nome."

We are back to printing pages back-to-back and this will especially please our overseas readers since it reduces the cost of postage and thus the cost of "Nome" to them.

We're sure that this issue will provide readers with hours of pleasure. The next issue will be a general contents issue and will contain a delightful mixture of varied goodies.

-- Judith & Margaret

  • Just a Little More, poem by Margaret Boyd (2)
  • To Shakespeare: From Spock, poem by April Smith (reprinted from a previous issue) (3)
  • Better-Sweet, poem by Justine Webb-Elliott (reprinted from a previous issue) (3)
  • He's Dead -- For Now... article by Margaret Boyd, the topic is the death of Spock in the recent film (4)
  • Saying, poem by Margaret Boyd (5)
  • To Spock, poem by Justine Webb-Elliott (reprinted from a previous issue) (6)
  • A Common Friendship, poem by Harvey Kong Tin (reprinted from a previous issue) (7)
  • A Trek Too Far, poem by Margaret Boyd (reprinted from a previous issue) (7)
  • Chance Encounter, fiction by Bev Allan (8)
  • A Rose Among the Ashes, fiction, second/final part by Gamin Davis (9)
  • The Void, poem by Gamin Davis (18)
  • The Gift, fiction by Margaret Boyd (19)
  • I-Chaya, poem by Barbara Maxwell (reprinted from a previous issue) (20)
  • Sayings, poem by Philip Ivamy (21)
  • Families! , poem by Margaret Boyd (22)
  • Sayings, poem by Margaret Boyd (22)
  • Spock vs. Spock, poem by Judith Heatman (reprinted from a previous issue) (23)
  • Waiting, poem by Margaret Boyd (25)
  • Triangle, article by Margaret Boyd about the relationship between Spock and Christine Chapel, and Spock and Uhura (26)
  • To Spock, poem by Philip Ivamy (27)
  • Datum, arctic by Helen M. Ross (25)

V.3. N.3

Nome v.3 n.3 was published in July 1985 and contains 28 pages.

cover of n.3 v.3, Margaret Boyd

The art is by Margaret Boyd, Harvey Kong Tin, Michael McGann, Julie Stigter, Pauline Butler, Judith Yeatman, Philip Ivamy, and Robert Jan.

[The editorial]:

Well, folks, here's our latest block-busting issue. We hope you will enjoy it. This is just a general issue with no specific topic and no reprints some of you will be happy to hear. In fact, for the next several issues there should not be the need for any reprints. The response to our 'Enterprise' competition was fantastic and we are really appreciative of all of those who took the time to enter. In fact, there may be enough material about the 'Enterprise' to cover 2 issues. If so, we may reprint some of the best 'Enterprise' material from earlier issues of 'Nome' because there was some marvellous stuff written about our dear lady in those days. Other than that, we have several long stories awaiting publication so most issues which are published during 1986 will probably contain a long story and just a few shorter items.

We would like to point out that the poem "True Love" by Philip Ivamy, which appears at the end of Frank's episode in this issue, deals with love between two homosexuals. We are giving this warning so that readers who feel they may find this sort of material distasteful may avoid reading it if they so wish.

We thought you may enjoy reading an excerpt from a British TV programme which appeared on TVNZ recently. This is not an exact quote. Woman: We're waiting for our friend Eddie. He's a vegetarian. In fact, he's a vegan; you do know what a vegan is don't you? Man: Oh yes, of course; I watched every episode of "Star Trek".

Sadly, the latest lot of ST repeats is almost over. It remains to be seen whether we get to see every episode or whether a small few still elude us. Still no sign of the animated series. How about writing to TVNZ requesting those episodes?

Until next issue (with the 'Enterprise' entries) ... Happy reading!

Subscribers will notice a small increase in the cost of "Nome" from this issue. This covers the recent increase in postage rates and also will hopefully partly cover the financial loss involved with publishing "Nome". We hope this will be the last increase in price for a long time.

  • You, Too, Can Do Artwork for a 'Star Trek' Fanzine, essay by Judith Yeatman (2)
  • Aftermath, poem by Margaret Boyd (5)
  • Fandom, poem by Graeme Thompson (6)
  • Excalibur: The Lost Voyages (part 4): The Lieutenant, fiction by Frank Macskasy Jr. (7)
  • True Love, poem by Philip Ivamy (20)
  • Saavik's Vow, poem by Rachel Summers (21)
  • Aliens Among Us, fiction by Margaret Boyd (24)
  • Cyrano Jones, poem by Judith Yeatman (26)
  • Why Do I Watch Star Trek?, poem by Philip Ivamy (6)
  • Knowing, poem by Judith Yeatman (6)
  • Replacement, poem by Margaret Boyd (21)
  • To a Friend from the Past..., poem by Julie Stigner (22)
  • Imperial Klingon Scoutship Drell 45, article by Robert Jan (23)
  • Klingon Sayings by Margaret Boyd (27)


  1. ^ by Paula Smith for Bored of Review in Warped Space #47 (1982)
  2. ^ This is a reference to the story by Gamin Davis who was not from New Zealand, but from the US.