Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay

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Pairing: Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay
Alternative name(s): McBeckett
Gender category: slash
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Canonical?: no
Prevalence: somewhat popular
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The characters Carson Beckett and Rodney McKay appeared onscreen together early on Stargate Atlantis in the first episode: The Rising. Fans took notice of their friendly (or as friendly as it gets when Rodney McKay is involved) relationship and a slash pairing was born.

The Beckett McKay community on Livejournal was the first m/m pairing community to form, opening just one week after The Rising aired in the US.


This pairing was the second most popular M/M ship in the early days of the fandom. The popularity of the pairing waned a little, particularly in the period when Carson Beckett was dead.

While it did not remain popular in later years, fans never completely abandoned the ship.

The threesome Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay/John Sheppard involving the pair, and John Sheppard, is also somewhat popular.

The Kiss

In 2006 fandom, there was much discussion of a gay kiss between Rodney and Beckett.

"That Kiss," and its Affect on Slash: Season two opened with "Duet," the first (U.S.) gay kiss in a sci-fi series, between McKay and Beckett (it was quickly followed by Torchwood and Dr. Who Many people have corrected this: the Brits were first, and Red Dwarf beat everyone). You'd expect this to create a stampede to the McKay/Beckett pairing, emptying 2005's ever-popular McKay/Sheppard, a.k.a. "McShep." The "McBeck" or McKay/Beckett pairing did increase, but McKay/Sheppard continues to dominate slash (according to Wraithbait, 71% of all slash stories are McShep).[1]

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  1. ^ The SGA Project, a.k.a., "Flavor Of The Year." (archived link), a retrospective post looking back on trends and events in SGA fandom in 2006, by icarusancalion (January 2007)