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Kathy and Beth's Page O' Musing

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Kathy and Beth's Page O' Musing
Author: Kathy & Beth
Dates: 02 January 1999 - ?
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager, DS9
URL: http://www.geocities.com/kathyandbeth/
http://adult.dencity.com/KathyP/ (2001, notice about the website move)
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Kathy and Beth's Page O' Musing was a personal fanfiction site. It was originally hosted at Dencity.com and moved to GeoCities around 2001. The site was a member of the Star Trek Slash Ring, the Chakotay/Paris Slash Ring and the FCanon! webring.

Description from Spirit's Heavens:

Kathy and Beth's Page O' Musings - contains Garak/Bashir and Chakotay/Paris fiction. I blame this site for getting me hooked on Tequila![1]


Kathy's Fanfiction

Deep Space Nine Fiction


Refugee (OMC m/m, G/B A/U) Some unique Cardassians come to the station and throw the residents of Deep Space Nine for a loop. Rated NC17. (Note: Nov 6/00. I'm going to be slowly re-writing Refugee.)

Progeny. (DS9. OMC. m/m) Larin and Marrett discuss the issue of children.

Reversal A look at role reversal. Dedicated to mel. (Refugee Universe. OMC. Larin/Marrett.)

A very good friend of mine, Charlie, drew an awesome picture of Larin for me. You rock Charlie!!


Tickle Torture (G/B) My contribution to the 169 word challenge on GBX.

Bridging the Gap (G/B) Julian tries to mend his relationship with Garak after the destruction of Cardassia. (Major spoilers for the season finale of DS9. Note: The opening dialogue comes directly from the show.)

The Chilly (Chili) Incident A DS9 horror story. Written for the FcanonCreepy Story Challenge'. (DS9. Comedy. B/?, G/B)

A Different Approach. G/B fun and games.

The Crime Julian pays the price for committing a crime. More G/B fun and games.

The Feelings Beneath. My contribution to the Garak Fuh-Q Fest. Check out the other wonderful stories at the Cardassian Choir. Garak/Lwaxanna Troi (trust me) with shades of G/B (of course).

Solitude's End. G/B. Bashir rediscovers the joy of Christmas. Thanks to mel for the beta.

Oh Night Divine. G/B. Christmas on DS9

Vacation From Hell G/B. Comedy Alert. Comedy Alert!! Do NOT take this serious. ^_^ Summary:...Uhhhh, crazy times?

Voyager Fiction

Impulsive Tom asks Tuvok the question...are you ever impulsive? Just a little snippet for your enjoyment.

Glitter Fairy Silliness alert!! Tom has delusions. Inspired by the glitter discussion on CPSG from April 2000

The Shower Stall I wrote this story for the Poor Tom Challenge that Beth and I started on the CPSG. It was inspired by the ‘Things you Learn from Slash' list by Josephine Darcy at http://www.members.tripod.com/~JosephineDarcy/fiction1.html

Beth's Fanfiction

Voyager Fiction


Redemption(C/P) Tom finds life difficult to adjust to after his thirty days of solitary confinement. (NC-17)

Separation A sequal to Redemption. It is not totally necessary for you to read Redemption first, but it will probably answer some of your questions. Summary: What if it was Chakotay who was trapped in the gravity well with Tuvok and the doctor. NC-17

With You The next chapter in the "Redemption" series. Tom still has mixed emotions about his relationship with Chakotay. This is a collaberation between Kathy and I. Unfinished. Warning - dark subject matter.


Whoops (C/P) Tom and Chak come together in an unusual way. (PG-13)

Whoops 2 - The Awakening Tom, Chakotay and the morning after. (PG-13) P.S. It will probably help if your read Whoops first.


Shiver Shots. (Voy C/P) Tom, Chakotay, Tequila. Enough said!!

Gratitude (Voy C/?) A Star Trek Voyager drabble.

Two Houses (C/P) This is what happens when Beth watches Shakespeare in Love. Farce alert!

Work of Art. A C/P PWP centered around Valentine's Day.

Payback by Morticia. PWP C/P A response to the CPSG Poor Tom Challenge - No:86 "If one of the duo has to dress in drag, it's always the biggest, most macho of the two". Followed by Payback's a Bitch, by our own Beth P.

Dec 11/00.....Tea Time This is a series of drabbles I wrote for FCanon. Captain Chakotay's of DS9 dabo boy lover Tom dukes it out with Garak. C/P G/B

Kathy and Beth's Collaborations

The Gift That Keeps On Giving. Tom and Chakotay exchange Valentine gifts.


  1. ^ Spirit's Heavens links, via Wayback: 09 December 2004. (Accessed 12 July 2020)