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Name: Milja
Alias(es): kaleidoskope, kaledriina
Type: Fan artist
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, others
Communities: hogwarts_elite (member)
URL: kaleidoskope and kallery (art comm) on LJ
kaledriina on Tumblr
marras.org (archive link)
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Kaleidoskope is a Finnish fanartist primarily active in Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fandoms on Livejournal in the 2000s.[1]

In HP fandom, she was especially know for her Snape/Lupin art. Her 2007 bio for the Snupin Calendar states:

Kaleidoskope became aware of Snape/Lupin in Spring 2005 and was immediately struck by both the interesting possibilities of the pairing and the friendly attitude of the shippers. She enjoys dabbling in other fandoms, but still considers SS/RL her homebase.

Much of her fanart is now offline.

Example Fanart


  1. ^ kaledriina on Tumblr. Hi!, Archived version, posted 6 March 2012. "Some years ago I was active on LJ (in the LotR/HP fandoms mainly) as kaleidoskope. Most of the people called kaledriina on various sites are me as well."
  2. ^ kaleidoskope in kallery on LiveJournal. HP: Dead Moon, Snape/Lupin, PG-13, Archived version, posted 30 July 2007. (Images offline and not archived.)