Karen Eaton

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Name: Karen Eaton
Alias(es): wapbodie, KS Eaton
Type: fan artist
Fandoms: Professionals
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Karen Eaton was a fan artist whose work appeared in numerous fanzines. She specialized in humorous cartoons and parodies.


Karen attended her first convention (a Star Trek con in Baltimore) in 1982 or 1983. While at the convention she discovered K/S and spent the first few years buying up out of print fanzines while also keeping up with newly released zines.

A few years later, a friend introduced her to Pros where she spent most of her fannish time and energy. Her love of Pros fandom led her to drawing fan cartoons of Bodie and Doyle. She also wrote a few Pros stories under a pseudonym.

In addition to Pros and K/S she also enjoyed and read Starsky & Hutch, Muncle, and Rat Patrol, X-Files, Chicago Hope, and ER.

Her artwork has been used in connection with several charity fundraisers, mainly to benefit animal shelters. The most recent was in MediaWest 2012 where the entire contents of Brit Wit #1-#3 were offered as high quality scans on a flash drive.

Karen passed August 27, 2001. [1]



  1. ^ Her passing is mentioned in an October con report for Zcon: "Then we all participated in the Zcon tradition of singing "The Rose," which was dedicated this year to Warren Oddsen and Karen Eaton, two fan artists who had passed away recently." - from Virgule-L, quoted anonymously