HP Soulmates Fest

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HP Soulmates Fest is a Harry Potter fest dedicated to soulmates.

Name: HP Soulmates Fest
Date(s): 2022-2024
Moderator(s): @anaxandria-writes @drwhoisginnyholmes @lumosatnight @quackquackcey
Type: Soulmate Exchange Themed Fest
Fandom: Harry Potter
Associated Community:
URL: https://hp-soulmates.tumblr.com/
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Fest Rules

Fest Rules were shared on Tumblr:

  • All participants must be 18+ at the time prompting opens to participate
  • Accepted works include: art, fics, fics + art, and podfics.
  • Works are required fit the theme of the fest
  • Open to all genres (romance, horror, comedy, mystery, etc) and all AUs (Muggle, Omegaverse, etc.).
  • Submissions can include any pairing/poly ship or no ship. This means it can include any characters from the HP Universe from any generation.
  • Fics must be longer than 1,000 words, with no maximum word count. Art submissions must show an equivalent amount of effort.  Podfics must be of a fic longer than 1,000 words.
  • No AI generated work is accepted.


The HP Soulmates Fest: R3D STRING EDITION scheduled a series of weekly prompts and an open AO3 collection, with contributors welcome to combine prompts, swap prompts, or rearrange them.



Soulmate AUgust


Bonus Prompts

WILDCARD: First words | cross gen ship | ghosts

*Shared dreams, thoughts, memories, emotions, pain, etc.


The Archive of Our Own collection of the works created for the HP Soulmates Fest Collection 2023 explains "HP Soulmates Fest is an 18+ anonymous prompt-based fest celebrating the idea of soulmates and soulbonds." The collection has 47 works posted between August 06, 2023 - October 15, 2023. Interactions around the fest occured on Tumblr, Discord, and Archive of Our Own.



The Fest's masterlist of works was organised by main relationship type: F/F, M/F, and M/M and within those alphabetically by pairing:


💞 [FIC] Rubies Red by Constella1103 | @solis-angelus 💞 (M, Bellatrix/Mystery Character, 3.2k)

Bellatrix Lestrange’s life impacted by two people, through her eyes. Or ~Bellatrix Black, aged eleven and the heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, disgraces her family when a ruby red shield appears on her shoulder.~

Fleur/Hermione 💞 [ART] We are who we are by digthewriter | @digthewriter💞 (G, Fleur/Hermione, Digital Art)

Fleur and Hermione try to resist the pull they have toward each other.

💞 [FIC] The Choice by otterlyblued | @otterlyblued 💞 (T, Fleur/Hermione, 2.7k)

When one soulmate dies, the other begins to see them in dreams. Except it’s not just a dream, is it?

Ginny/Narcissa 💞 [FIC] Golden Script by Herochick007 | @herochicklyrrie007 💞 (T, Ginny/Narcissa, 3k)

Narcissa hates the name on her wrist, Ginny Weasley. Ginny is nowhere to be found, so she lives her life without her, but then, Ginny finally appears.

Hermione/Pansy 💞 [FIC] Only In Dreams Do I Wake by lumosatnight | @lumosatnight💞 (T, Pansy/Hermione, 1.5k)

Pansy dreams in flowers. She wakes to the feeling of leaves in her hair and twigs between her toes. It never lingers.

Lily/Narcissa 💞 [FIC] i will love you even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them by chipsnkayso💞 (E, Narcissa/Lily, 60k)

Anything your soulmate draws on their skin appears on your skin. And the universe has a really fucked up definition of “drawing.” The story follows Lily from childhood to early adulthood.

Minerva/Poppy 💞 [FIC] Of Kittens and Serpents by Trueliarose | @trueliarose 💞 (T, Minerva/Poppy, 6.2k)

Navigating a relationship as teachers can be taxing, more so if one of your students is Harry Potter.

Remus/Sirius (as women)

💞 [FIC] Betrothal, Brothers, and Bullshit by tofeycat | @aspiring-artist-em💞 (E, femslash!Sirius/Remus, 3.6k) Lesbian Wolfstar. Remus never went to Hogwarts, and she’s getting rather paranoid about the Grim that keeps following her everywhere.


Draco/Hermione 💞 [FIC] The Punch That Made a Mark by Tardis_Magic93 | @tardis-magic93 💞 (T, Draco/Hermione, 1.2k)

His Godfather’s eyes went wide with shock as if he noticed the soulmate mark right on his nose where Granger punched him. “Who is your soulmate?” Draco gulped nervously at his Godfather. He took too long to answer because his Godfather held his shoulders and shook him. “Speak, boy!” “Granger,” Draco mumbled. “Can you please speak louder, Draco,” his Godfather sighed. “Granger! Okay?” Draco sighed looking at his Godfather frantically.

💞 [FIC] Dizzy Edge of Heaven by Wanderingfair 💞 (E, Draco/Hermione, 9.8k)

Draco has just been traded from the Bulgarian National team to the Wimbourne Wasps. When moving into his new flat he hears his neighbor singing The Cure’s Just Like Heaven, and is immediately hit with a vision (or version) of their life together. He doesn’t believe in Divination, and has obviously been hit with one too many bludgers. The more time he spends around his new neighbor, the more he wants it to be true. OR The canon divergent telling of Draco Malfoy, a former Durmstran student, current Quidditch star, meeting Hermione Granger for the first time and being instantly unsure if he’s just incredibly smitten or he’s possibly found his soulmate.

Draco/Luna 💞 [FIC] something’s changed by scattermeamongthestars | @scattermeamongthestars💞 (E, Draco/Luna, 6.8k)

“I want to join the Order,” he repeated. His heart was beating so fast, so hard, he felt like his chest was going to burst. It hurt to breathe. A wise move. He’ll find his soulmate there.

Harry/Pansy 💞 [FIC] Ink Stained Skin by swoonbaby | @swoonbby 💞 (M, Harry/Pansy, 19.8k)

Pansy Parkinson went all the way to California to hide from her past and was pleased to find her escape a rousing success. At least it had been until a freak accident involving a spilled bottle of ink erased all her progress and sent her past (or possibly her future) careening back into her path.

Hermione/Severus 💞 [FIC] Small Silver Linings  by dolor_dolores | @dolor-dolores💞 (T, Severus/Hermione, 33k)

Three touches – that’s what it takes to activate an ancient Merfolk binding magic, long forgotten in the wizarding world, and only applied to humans under rare circumstances. When Hermione Granger gets marked by the queen of the Merpeople during the Triwizard Tournament, she doesn’t know that she is bestowed with the ability to recognize her soulmate. Quite unfortunate so, Severus Snape would rather pretend to be dead than face is insufferable soulmate. However, he had made the calculations without Hermione, who is not so easily discouraged.

Katie/Marcus 💞 [FIC] Shatter Your Illusions of Love by liiilyevans | @liiilyevans 💞 (T, Katie/Marcus, 3k)

Katie Bell is Healer at St. Mungo’s. She deals with difficult patients all the time. Just usually not ones who have saved her life before.

Luna/Theo 💞 [FIC] In His Love Story by Halliwell19 | 💞 (E, Luna/Theo, 12.3k)

Set in magical regency England, Lord Theodore Nott is in want of a wife, except he doesn’t believe he will find a witch he could call his soulmate… until Lady Luna Lovegood made the Queen laugh.

Narcissa/Remus 💞 [FIC] Sheltered in Black Wings by Caiti | @caiti-creative-corner💞 (T, Narcissa/Remus, 2.4k)

Sometimes Narcissa wondered what her life might have been like without the bonds she held. And sometimes she had nightmares about the same. She would do whatever it took to protect her family and her people.

Neville/Pansy 💞 [FIC] Lover’s Leap by DrPansyParkinson💞 (E, Pansy/Neville, 13.5k)

The Wizarding World is small and insular—Pansy Parkinson and Neville Longbottom have known each other since they were children. But after Pansy’s Grandmother dies, a magical heirloom forces them to see each other in a new light.

💞 [FIC] Beyond the Garden’s Gate  by MarinaJune | @sailtomarina 💞 (M, Neville/Pansy, 29.6k)

Sir Neville Longbottom is the unlikely hero of a gallant quest to slay the Evil Serpent Nagini and return Lady Pansy Parkinson to her fiancé, Prince Draco Malfoy. Except this lady doesn’t appreciate being rescued, nor does she want to go on a journey back to the kingdom–and that’s before they discover they might be each other’s soul mates along the way.

Pansy/Sirius 💞 [FIC] Incendio by UltramarineOrchid | @ultramarineorchid💞(M, Sirius/Pansy, 16.2k)

Sirius Black has spent his entire adult life running away from two things: his soulmate, and spoiled pureblood witches. When Pansy Parkinson enters his life, what could possibly go wrong?


Albus/Gellert 💞 [FIC] souls and marks  by prima_vera | @girl-with-goats 💞 (T, Albus/Gellert, 1.1k)

A new parlour opens near the Diagon Alley, offering to reveal the soulmarks. Everyone is, naturally, curious, and clients start coming over, while the owner, one infamous Gellert Grindelwald, watches over them.

Draco/Harry 💞 [ART] The Petals Within Me by EraJMCouts | @erajmcouts 💞 (M, Draco/Harry, Digital Art)

The fine lines between love and lust, passion and possession, the want with the distrust.

💞 [FIC] Kiss Me, Kill Me, Keep Me Forever by DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes | @drwhoisginnyholmes 💞 (M, Draco/Harry, 2.4k)

A few quips back and forth, and the next thing Harry knew, he was tasting the insults straight from the devil’s mouth, sucking the popped “P” of his surname off Draco’s tongue and swallowing every scream that ripped through Draco’s self-control.

💞 [FIC] As bright as your smile by Nelween | @nelweensfic💞 (M, Draco/Harry, 2.8k)

In a world where you only start to see colours when you interact with your soulmate, everything turned back to shades of grey for Draco during the final battle. Until Potter and Luna show up to defend him during his trial.

💞 [FIC] Chosen of His Own Accord by AliceLiddle | @drarrypotterrenaissance 💞 (T, Draco/Harry, 17.8k)

From the prompt: Some families (the Malfoys, the Blacks, etc.) choose never to learn who their soulmate is due to the very high likelihood that they’re not a pure-blood. But the desire for your “other half” is strong, and every now and then, someone from those families decides to break tradition. In which Draco gets braver, Harry chooses his own path, and they both run into each other a lot while running errands.

💞 [FIC] Sparks by annaotherthing | @annanother-thing 💞 (E, Draco/Harry, 20k)

“I’m sorry,” Draco turned to him, “are we boring you?” Greg looked up. “No, I’m just hungry, and you’re taking far too long to just tell them that you and Potter are soulmates. Do you have to be this dramatic?” There was a moment of silence, before all hell broke loose. Harry didn’t know soulmates existed until he was fourteen. He wasn’t sure what he imagined it would be like, but he knew it wasn’t this. But that’s not to say he didn’t like it.

💞 [FIC] Blank Space by Jelliebabie💞 (E, Draco/Harry, 34k)

Life has not been easy for Draco Malfoy since the war. His hopes that he could complete his house arrest and finally get on with his life were not to be. Spat at in the streets, unable to get work, Draco is getting desperate. Desperate enough to put his life in the hands of a backstreet practitioner to see if finally getting rid of the Dark Mark can make a difference. But his decision has consequences he had not expected, and may provide the answer as to why Harry Potter seems unable to leave him alone.

💞 [FIC] A pulled down shade  by fast_brother 💞 (M, Draco/Harry, 43.1k)

Harry does not like Draco Malfoy, not even one bit. Never did and never will. That is, until he finds himself married to him.

💞 [FIC] Expiration of a Summer’s Rose by apricitydays 💞 (M, Draco/Harry, 60.0k)

Draco returns to England ten years after the war. Many things are different, but Harry is the same. But what does Harry have to do with Draco’s compelling new interest in botany? After an unexpected event disrupts the life Draco has built for himself, he slowly finds out. A hanahaki case fic

💞[FIC] tell me where it ends by SquibNation10 💞 (E, Draco/Harry, 63k)

After Harry wakes from his short-lived death, he begins to see red strings tied around the fingers of everyone he sees. No one else seems to be able to see them. He is surprised to see who is (or isn’t) tied to each other. He is tied to Draco Malfoy. Feature: Supportive Kingsley, a twist on the 8th-year fic

Draco/Harry and Harry/Tom 💞 [ART] Pour My Heart (In Places Where It Can’t Be Touched) by starlitsilvereyes | @starlitsilvereyes💞 (G, Tom/Harry and Draco/Harry, Digital Art)

Draco Malfoy’s soulmate is Harry Potter. Harry Potter’s soulmate is Tom Riddle. Only Tom Riddle disrupts fate with his bare hands when he decides to split his soul, severing the string that links him to Harry Potter. The prophecy takes its course – turning star-crossed lovers into enemies.

Draco/Ron 💞 [FIC] unless you’re choosing me by The_HouseRyn | @the-houseryn 💞 (M, Draco/Ron, 31k)

A soulmate was a choice. It was two people deciding to spend the rest of their lives together, weathering any storm. That was a fact that Ron would hold as truth for the rest of his life. Even when the Unspeakables found a spell in some ancient text that tied soulmates together with a red cord and showed them a moment of their “true love”. It was a hoax, he was sure of it. But no one else agreed, willing to upend their lives just because a stupid spell said so. Ron wouldn’t have minded so much if it hadn’t wrecked his.

Harry/Regulus 💞 [FIC] The Enemy of My Enemy by MidnightStargazer | @midnightstargazer💞 (T, Harry/Regulus, 33.8k)

In a world where soulmates are identified by tattoo-like marks on the body, Harry Potter was born with a constellation on his arm. For nearly seventeen years, it sits there, dormant and dark. Then, as he and Dumbledore enter the cave where they believe a Horcrux may be hidden, the stars begin to glow. The Blacks don’t go looking for their soulmates. Regulus was taught from an early age to ignore the lightning bolt on his skin and prioritize his duty to the family. But when he finds himself thrust into an unfriendly future, his soulmate may be the only person he can trust. At first glance, the two have little in common beyond their mutual desire to see Voldemort defeated. Will that be enough to bring them together? In a world where soulmates are identified by tattoo-like marks on the body, Harry Potter was born with a constellation on his arm. For nearly seventeen years, it sits there, dormant and dark. Then, as he and Dumbledore enter the cave where they believe a Horcrux may be hidden, the stars begin to glow. The Blacks don’t go looking for their soulmates. Regulus was taught from an early age to ignore the lightning bolt on his skin and prioritize his duty to the family. But when he finds himself thrust into an unfriendly future, his soulmate may be the only person he can trust. At first glance, the two have little in common beyond their mutual desire to see Voldemort defeated. Will that be enough to bring them together?

Harry/Severus 💞 [ART]  Lovers' Eyes by acydpop | @acydpop 💞 (T, Harry/Severus, Traditional Art)

Having a soulmate in their world was dangerous. Being away from Harry while he was in auror training was painful, but Severus found a way to keep Harry with him forever.

💞 [PODFIC] Finders Keepers by Lilian recorded by Cailynwrites💞 (T, Harry/Severus, 50 min)

Based on the fic by Lilian Severus Snape doesn’t find a single thing until he’s twenty. By that time, he has given up and ignores a young boy, when he arrives at Hogwarts.

💞 [FIC] Invisible String by emeraldlove | @givereadersahug 💞 (G, Harry/Severus, 3.7k)

The first time Harry saw Snape’s black eyes — him truly acknowledging Snape’s existence beyond him being his mean professor — it was the night after Harry killed Professor Quirrell. He was dreaming and in his dreams he was screaming. Harry dreams of Severus over the years.

Harry/Teddy 💞 [FIC] Of Flowers, Unfaded by Aspen_Gray | @aspengray 💞 (E, Teddy/Harry, 34k)

“Excerpt from Arithmancy journals of the witch Brwyn y Dail, inventor of the Ipsum and Morex spells: “In crafting this Fpell, it had been mine Intention to affift fuch Perfons that feek their Foulmate. They will come to know themselves with the bundle of Flora I have named the Ipsa Coronae and their Mate or Mates with an Alteri one…Af their Relationfhip groweth, the third and final Coronae, the Vicini, will detail its ftatuf.” Or: Teddy and Harry are soulmates. It takes a long time for Teddy to realize this fact and an even longer time for Harry to accept it.

Harry/Tom (Voldemort) 💞 [FIC] Stories that end and begin by HadrianPeverellBlack 💞 (M, Tom/Harry, 4k)

Tom had been right. Now that he was in his fifth year at Hogwarts, he could state that Soulmates were a nuisance. With the exception of a few souls who could consider themselves lucky, most of them were forced to put up with people they despised and who would do no good for their future.

James/Regulus 💞 [FIC] Fireflies by shushu_yaoi_lj | @orange-peony 💞 (E, James/Regulus, 26.9k)

James’s fingers suddenly brush against his skin, touching the very top of Regulus’s spine. “This,” James says, his touch featherlight as it ghosts over Regulus’s skin, making it tingle in the most peculiar way. “It’s a lovely tattoo. Almost like antlers. When did you get it?” Regulus can’t speak. This can’t be possible. Of all people—why James Potter? Still, his mother’s words echo in his head. Every member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black has a soul mark. A tattoo that appears at birth and can only be seen by their soulmate.

James/Sirius 💞 [FIC] breakable heaven by Graceless_Lady | @gracelesslady23 💞 (M, James/Sirius, 7.8k)

James lies comatose in the hospital wing with a curse that can be cured by his soulmate’s kiss. Unlike fairytales, however, in life the story doesn’t end with learning your soulmate’s identity… and true love’s course doesn’t always run smoothly.

Marcus/Oliver 💞 [FIC] rough around the edges (but the edges look good) by epsilonargus | @epsilonargus 💞 (G, Marcus/Oliver, 8.5k)

oliver wood is obsessed with 2 things: quidditch, and marcus flint. and his soulmark will be, must be, awakened by marcus flint’s first words—if only he could get the surly slytherin to talk to him…

Marcus/Percy 💞 [FIC] Fifteen Years of Preparation  by EloiseEvans | @eloiseevans 💞 (M, Marcus/Percy, 3.3k)

Percy wasn’t ready. A fact that threw him off, regardless of the cause. Because Percy was always ready. It was a fact of life, a tenet that he lived by. The situation was made even worse by the sheer amount of time that he’d had to prepare. Fifteen years to be precise. But together, they would fix it.

Remus/Severus 💞 [FIC] Phantom by nocturn 💞 (T, Remus/Severus, 1.8k)

Soulmates communicate by writing on each other’s skin, Severus leaves Remus on read way too often, and the two confront a little unfinished business because (you guessed it) they’re ghosts!

💞 [FIC] He’s already in me by p0intless_p0et 💞 (T, Severus/Remus, 2.9k)

On the night of Dumbledore’s death, Lupin’s mark appeared.

Remus/Sirius 💞 [Podfic] Coming Across a Silver Moon based on the fic by sliebman10, recorded by BurningAurora | @burningaurora 💞 (T, Sirius/Remus, 30 min)

When Sirius’s father bids him to investigate the rumors of a beast in the forest surrounding their lands, he meets a humble woodsman, Remus, and learns about the mark of true love, and what exactly might be lurking in the forest.

💞 [Podfic] Romantic Obscenities and Other Curiosities Of Love  based on the fic by casstayinmyass, recorded by BurningAurora and ashata | @itsaash💞 (T, Sirius/Remus, 41 min)

Sirius Black’s soulmate has a foul mouth– that’s all he knows. Remus Lupin wonders what he could have possibly done to warrant such an explosion of words that he’s had tattooed on his back his whole life. In the small mountain town of Hogsmeade, they’re both bound to find out soon

💞 [FIC] Click to Connect  by TherestheSnitch | @theresthesnitch 💞 (E, Sirius/Remus, 11.0k)

When the only way to find a soulmate is to see if you Click! during anal sex, being a Bottom with a very well endowed soulmate can make things hard–hard to get off, that is. Sirius is a little desperate to find his big-cocked Top soulmate.e

Severus/Sirius 💞 [FIC] Soulless: Blind Date  by picklesonsaturday | @picklesonjupiter 💞 (T, Sirius/Severus, 1.7k)

There were three types of soulmates: platonic, romantic, and enemy. Severus was one of the rare few without a soulmate. He was one of the soulless. Those who are shunned by society because they are seen as unable to make connections, which is a blatant lie. Or Severus has the opportunity of finding love when he goes on a blind date.

Fan Bound copy of Call me baby (I'll be on the way).jpg


Notable Works

A fan bound book was created by Archive of Our Own user Anaxandria, binding the fanfiction Call me baby (I'll be on the way) by lumosatnight.

The fanfiction centers the relationship of Neville Longbottom/Blaise Zabini.