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Pairing: Gwen/Morgana
Alternative name(s): Morgana/Gwen, Morgwen
Gender category: Femslash, f/f
Fandom: Merlin
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Most common femslash pairing in the fandom
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Gwen/Morgana is the femslash pairing of Gwen and Morgana in Merlin (BBC) fandom.


During the first season of Merlin, femslash fans (and other fans of awesome female characters) were pleased to find a prominent relationship between two women that was not always oriented around the men. Gwen had been Morgana's maidservant for years before Merlin's arrival in Camelot. She brings Morgana flowers to make her happy and comforts her when she has nightmares.

The characters had less canon interaction in the second season (2009), which ended with Morgana leaving Camelot.

In addition to being the most common pairing in femslash fics and other fanworks, Gwen/Morgana often appears as a background pairing in Arthur/Merlin works. Fanworks featuring both pairings are sometimes called OT4.

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