Jenny Dolfen

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Name: Jenny Dolfen
Alias(es): Gold-Seven
Type: fan artist, fan writer, roleplayer
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Tolkien, Star Wars, Heroes, A Song of Ice and Fire, Inkheart, etc.
Communities: (art site)
URL: website / blog / deviantArt / Epilogue
Elfwood Gallery (archived)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Jenny Dolfen is best known as a fan artist who has created art for various fandoms, including Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. She also illustrates art for her own in-progress historical fantasy novel, The Rhyddion Chronicles.

Gold Seven, her website name and occasional pseudonym, comes from a character she played in a Star Wars RPG:

"Gold Seven is the callsign of Captain Samica Trey, a character I once played in a long-running Star Wars campaign. She was a Y-wing pilot flying for Gold Squadron. She's one of my most favourite characters ever, and I set up most of all my internet stuff (forum memberships, my website) during a time when I still played her."[1]

Fanart Use Policy

The FAQs on Jenny's website state:

May I use your art for …
  • Avatars: Please don’t. My pics depict certain characters, and I don’t want them to represent anyone else.
  • …Something related to what they depict: Probably yes. Please note me if you’re not sure. If Aragorn stays Aragorn and Harry Potter stays Harry Potter, then yes. As long as it stays true to canon, it’s probably fine. Please make sure you credit me and link back to me.
  • Photomanips including horrible cropping, “canvas” filters, rainbow-coloured stars and hair colour changed to green? … … O_o[2]

Her website also states the following about sharing fanart:

If you want to spread my work, I’m glad! Below every post, there are loads of share buttons for Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, tumblr, and more. Please use those, so others can find me too! [...]

Please do not
-rip my artwork out of context (posting it saying it depicts someone else than I intended);
- modify or alter my images,
- remove my signature or website tag;
- use it for hateful, religious, political, or pornographic purposes;
- make profit of it (by selling posters or embroidery designs or anything related);
- claim it as yours.[3]

A previous version of the FAQ additionally requested that no more than six or seven images be used, the images not be edited except to resize, and for her art not to be used on Harry Potter slash sites or similar webpages.[4]

Exemplary Fanart

See Also


  1. ^ FAQ. (Accessed 08 February 2012.)
  2. ^, "Using my art". (Accessed 22 August 2014.)
  3. ^, "Sharing". (Accessed 23 September 2014.)
  4. ^ FAQ. (Archived 19 February 2006 by the Wayback Machine.)