George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter

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Title: George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter
Publisher: George Takei Friendship Club, based in Delaware, United States
Editor(s): Page Eileen Lewis
Frequency: bi-monthly
Medium: print
Fandom: George Takei
Language: English
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George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter had a variety of names, all very similar.

It was published by George Takei Friendship Club.

v.2 n.6 (GHT George Takei American Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club v.2 n.6 was published in Nov/Dec 1991 and contains 8 pages.

cover of v.2 n.6
  • Getting to Know You (two short bios of club members) (3)
  • news, George's con schedule, member birthdays, membership packet info, raffle (4)
  • the yearbook deadline has been extended, more very short news (5)
  • pen pal listings, the USS Thagard Star Trek 25th Anniversary club barbecue, info about DeForest Kelley's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony
  • clipping from the Philadelphia Inquirer, September 1991, "A spaceship called Enterprise" (7)

v.3 n.1 (GHT George Takei American Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club v.3 n.1 was published in Jan/Feb 1992 and contains 9 pages.

cover of v.3 n.1
  • news and small bits
  • an article about Gene Roddenberry from the Star Trek Italian Club (reprinted with permission)
  • a reprint of a press release by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, dated October 15, 1991, about Paramount giving hte museum permission to develop a science exhibit based on Star Trek
  • about George Takei's new puppy
  • Star Trek Office Closed: "On December 21, 1991 the Star Trek office will be permanently closed, and both Susan Sackett and Richard Arnold have been "let go." Ms. Sackett has found a job with a travel agent. No word on what Mr. Arnold will be doing. We will keep you posted on any up-dates in this matter."

v.3 n.2 (GHT George Takei American Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club v.3 n.2 was published in Mar/Apr 1992 and contains 8 pages.

cover of v.3 n.2
  • Takei's con schedule (almost all just list dates and cities, but not no other details)
  • handwritten note by George addressed to GHT club members
  • various clippings
  • a short member bio
  • member birthdays
  • con report for Starcon, see that page
  • note from Susan Sackett: "Susan Sackett asked me to let you know that you can contact her at PC Box 1481, Studio City, OA 91615-0581. She would still like to hear from Trek fans even though she is no longer with the show."

v.3 n.3

v.3 n.4

v.3 n.5

v.3 n.6

v.4 n.2 (George Takei Friendship Club)

George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.4 n.2 was published in March/April 1999 and contains 8 pages.

cover of v.4 n.2
  • some small news
  • Meeting John III: The Search for Wolverhampton by Dorothy Kurz (A VERY LONG description of a trip to England. "Despite the title of this article, my main reason to visit England was not to meet John Inman or even to attend the pantomime that he was in titled "Adventures of Robin Hood." I had planned to visit England, whether or not I got to meet and/or see Mr. Inman. So, metaphorically speaking, if visiting England is the cake, then seeing John on stage is the icing, and meeting him is the cherry on the top.")

v.4 n.3 (George Takei Friendship Club)

George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.4 n.3 was published in May/June 1999 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.4 n.3
  • Takei's con appearances
  • East West Players, article donated by GHT England
  • 1998 BC/EFA Flea Market, article by Stephanie Fine
  • A Review of "To the Stars" by Sheelagh McCoy
  • Mulan, review by Ena Glogowska
  • Star Trek Convention with the Fab 4, 1999 at the Radisson Hotel in Cromwell, CT., con report by Sue Dubina, Slanted Fedora
  • Takei on Diagnosis Murder: "Alienated", review by Jackie Edwards, reprinted from G.H.T. Journal
  • Costume Con 1999, at the Cherry Hill Hilton in New Jersey, con report by Dorothy Kurtz (February 12-15, 1999)
  • Updated Club Information

v.5 n.6 (GHT George Takei Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.5 n.6 was published in Nov/Dec 1993 and contains 13 pages.

cover of v.5 n.6
art from v.5 n.6, Anja Gruber

It contains conflicting statements about dates.

"Our fifth birthday will be in January 1994!"

Deadline for the next issue's submissions is February 30, 1994.

"We are seriously considering changing the newsletters to four (4) newsletters per year. Not enough people are sending in articles and without your input, as stated again and again, we just can't do a newsletter. We would do four newsletters with a yearbook. The yearbook would take place of the two newsletters and would be out in January, 1995 for our birthday."

  • art by Anja Gruber
  • con report by Page Lewis for Creation Con in New York City, Thanksgiving Weekend
  • club t-shirts for sale

v.6 n.1 (G.H.T. George Takei Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.6 n.1 was published in Jan/Feb 1995 and contains 7 pages.

cover of v.6 n.1

We are still planning on doing six newsletters a year, and may be the only club left who does this. I hope not to have to cut back on that. However, if we don't get things to print, then we will have to limit the newsletters to four a year. If you were at a book signing, or on a cruise, or at a convention where George was, we would like a write-up from you. It will only take a few minutes, and the newsletter could use it. Some of you have promised us cruise write-ups but have not sent them.

We appreciate your support in this and all matters.

v.6 n.2 (G.H.T. George Takei Friendship)

George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.6 n.2 was published in May/June/July 1995 and contains 9 pages.

cover of v.6 n.2

From the Cruise Trek con report:

Within the world of Star Trek and vacation travel, the 1994 Cruise Trek to Alaska was very special. It was very much like taking two trips in one, along with Holland America's regular schedule of ship events, the Cruise Trek program offered another complete set of activities revolving around the theme of Star Trek.

From May 24 - 31 fourteen members of the cast and crew from the various television shows and movies traveled with 700+ fans to three different Alaska town. In keeping with Holland America's policy of encouraging "family" vacations, most of the special guests brought members of their families. Eric Menyuk (the Traveler) with a three month old son Max and John DeLancie (Q) with his wife and two busy boys were among the younger passengers. Jonathan del Arco (Hugh the Borg) and Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) came with brothers sisters, parents and girlfriend. James Doohan (Scotty) brought his wife and two grown sons. Traveling with their mothers were Richard Arnold (Star Trek Archivist), and George Takei (Sulu). Some of the rest of the contingent included Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Max Grodenchick (Rom), and Robin Curtis (Lt. Saavik).

Aboard the Ms. Maasdam during her maiden season, our seven day trip was packed with events at which passengers interacted with the actors and learned about the business of acting as well as details on the production of Star Trek shows and movies. Visual effects specialists Ronald B. Moore and Michael Backauskas gave two well attended sessions of the making of the first movie as well as the technical methods of filming the series. My favorite demons trations were the two make-up events by Karen Westerfield, a cosmetic artist who regularly works on Star Trek, Deep Space Nine. On this voyage, she turned Rene Auberjonois into a Vulcan and transformed quite Max Grodenchick into a fierce, loud Klingon before our eyes. I could really see the personality changes as each actor relayed the process of getting into character and explained how the end result we view onscreen is very much a collaboration among many staff.

Other special events took place on board, the Actor's entertainment hour, photo sessions at which each passenger had his/her picture taken with the cast members. Two Actor's question/answer sessions, merchandise auction and costume contest. I will long remember the surprise and laughter from the Maasdam waiters the evening Klingons, Bajorans, Starfleet officers and other aliens from the Alpha quadrant visited their ship's dining room. Speaking of special events, my own close encounter with George Takei took place at the Captain's Cocktail party. With everyone dressed to the nines, we were introduced to the Maasdam senior officers, then served drinks, I chose a table close to a large picture window, and coincidentally beside George and his mother. We had a chance to chat a few minutes. What a lovely setting to meet such a classy person.

The brunch with George is cancelled, only coffee and tea instead:

Due to the low response to the brunch, we will not be having a brunch with George at Valley Forge, PA in August. However, we will still have a GHT Gathering. It will cost $15.00 each person to get into the meeting. This is a separate charge from the convention. Contact Creation for convention information and cost to get into the convention. We will notify you of the time and place as soon as we find out. It will be at the Sheraton Plaza on Saturday, but we are not sure of what room yet. We should be able to spend an hour or so with George at the gathering. Coffee and tea will be provided. We figured with the expense to hire caters, the room, and the personnel to to the brunch, this was the best alternative, since so few people signed up for the gathering, we even thought about doing it ourselves, but decided against it.

  • George's News
  • George's convention schedule
  • Game Night, report by Page Lewis (being at the filming of this show, plus some commercials)
  • con report by Shirley Meeker for Cruise Trek '94
  • Brunch with George Update (a Creation Con gathering)
