Stargazer (convention)

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Star Trek Convention
Name: Stargazer" ("Patrick Stewart Weekend," "Stargazer Weekend")
Dates: January 7, 1995
Location: New York City
Focus: Patrick Stewart
Organization: The International Audience Alliance for Patrick Stewart
Founding Date:
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Stargazer was a convention also known as the "Patrick Stewart Weekend."

It was held on January 7, 1995 in New York City.

It was sponsored by The International Audience Alliance for Patrick Stewart.

Con Report

On January 7th, IAAPS Stargazers held a Patrick Stewart Weekend. I arrived at the Holiday Inn in New York City where they were going to hold the banquet Friday afternoon. It was a damp, rainy day, but I had a lovely room with a view of Times Square. The bell-hop said, "Someone would have killed to have that room on New Year's Eve". Later I went down to the lobby and waited for other IAAPS club friends to arrive. I met up with a club member, and we went across the street to dinner. The club did not have anything planned for that evening, and people who arrived did not know where to gather.

Saturday came and it was damp and rainy. I spent the morning resting and had room service for lunch. I saw a few of the IAAPS members at check-in and that was about it. Saturday evening was the big event, Patrick was in the "Christmas Carol". I had a perfect seat, right directly in the center of the audience, just where the theater seats changed levels. Unfortunately, I had a woman who sat next to me cough for two hours. I really wish that she had left, it was distracting to me, and was rude to Mr. Stewart. He is such a good actor, and has such a commanding voice that I could at least understand him, the show was over too quickly.

Some of the club members went back to the Holiday Inn and gathered in the lobby for a drink, and to caught up on what had happened to them the past year. The organizers did not have a movie fest, like the previous time, and there was little if any thing to do. It was such a good group we made our own fun. Of course, Mr. Stewart was the topic of conversation, and I was not the only one who noticed the change in performance. Some of us sat and talked until early in the a.m. and then went to bed.

The banquet was on Sunday morning. People were supposed to line up at 11:00 and wait to get in. A friend of mine went down at around 10:00 a.m. and some people had already gathered in line and were waiting. The club organizers did not arrive until a few minutes after 11:00 and they went in the room to get ready. The only complaint that I had was the way they let the crowd in the room. One of the organizers said that it, "Would be an orderly entrance." I was afraid to be trampled. On the contrary, it was chaos and my roommate, friend, and I did not get to sit at the same table together.

All was not lost though, as I was right behind the table with Michael O'Hare, from the television series Babylon Five. He had been at the [Christmas Carol] performance the night before and people had noticed this. However, I did not think that he was going to be at the banquet. It was a nice surprise. Before Mr. Stewart came on, Mr. O'Hare spent time chatting with club members, and taking pictures with them.

It was not until around 12:30 that Mr. Stewart showed up. He talked for about a half an hour and answered questions. This is some of what he said: Jackie, his secretary brought a cat who's name was Bella and it was keeping them company while they were in New York. He thanked us for being such a "good" audience, but that he had added a few new lines to the beginning of the show. He walked off the stage in Alaska when he couldn't remember the opening, and did not want to do the same thing again. "Generations" is going to be at the Berlin Film Festival next month, and he will be attending. He was going back to Yorkshire, England for two months rest. He said that he had not had such a long time off since the filming of the Next Generation tv show. He was going to decide what to do next, and spend time with his family in England. He is doing a voice-over for GTE. He is also doing two projects for the BBC. He also has some other stage work that he might do. He has worked with Jennifer Scott and Leslie Caron. David Jones and Andre Previn will direct him in a movie "The Christmas Carol." The new NG movie will probably be done in November '96.

The organizers held an auction, where some of the items went for as much as $400.00. In particular an autographed teddy. Mr. Stewart gave the girl who bid, and did not win an autographed nut cracker for free. I think she was in shock as were some of the other audience members. It was a nice thing to do. Mr. O'Hare and Mr. Stewart had a photo-op together, I could not get any pictures as the people in front of us were standing up on their chairs, and taking pictures.

After Mr. Stewart left, Mr. O'Hare stayed and did an impromptu autograph session. Mr. O'Hare was quite cordial and seemed to enjoy meeting the fans. I wonder if he has a fan club?

When the banquet was over, I went back to the room and checked out. I started the train journey back home. I will look forward to seeing Mr. Stewart again, and hope that someone else will take over the IAAPS group. It would be a shame if we lost contact and could not find out what other things, such a fine actor is doing. Thanks for your time Mr. Stewart, and to the IAAPS gazers who ran the gathering. I know it was a lot of hard work! The End. [1]


  1. ^ from George Takei Friendship Club Newsletter v.6 n.1 (Jan/Feb 1995)