Field Studies (Indiana Jones zine)
Zine | |
Title: | Field Studies |
Publisher: | Falcon Press |
Editor(s): | Cheree Cargill |
Date(s): | 1983-1994 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Indiana Jones |
Language: | English |
External Links: | Falcon Press |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Field Studies is a gen Indiana Jones zine, published by Falcon Press. It was meant to be a one shot zine, but the editor says the "Temple of Doom" changed their minds.
Issue 1

Field Studies 1: From the Notebooks of Dr. Indiana Jones was published in 1983 and contains 146 pages. The front cover is by Laura Virgil, back cover by Cheree Cargill and inside back cover by Barbara Stults.
Interior art by Wanda Lybarger, Gordon Carleton, and Martynn.
The flyer says: "This zine contains strong language and adult themes (including one moderately explicit sex scene) which may offend some readers. No age statement required but order at your own discretion."
Another ad says: it contains "some adult themes and language, no same sex."
- Unto the Well of the Souls (editorial) (2)
- Dedication Reggae by Martie Benedict (5)
- By Any Other Name by Cheree Cargill (6)
- The Jones Family Album by Cheree Cargill and Wanda Lybarger ("A special art portfolio letting us peek at family "snapshots" of Indy growing up, from infancy to his first dig as an undergraduate with Professor Ravenwood!") (7)
- 1926, adapted by Cheree Cargill (13)
- Things that Go Bump in the Night by Martie Benedict, art by Wanda Lybarger ("A quiet holiday in the Scottish Highlands turns to unexpected adventure when Indy meets a lovely witch named Sidonie. Belloq is about to plunder the tomb of her ancestor and Sidonie turns to Indy for assistance in stopping Belloq from stealing a fabulous golden treasure.") (14)
- The Secret of Xicalpan by T.S. Weddell, art by Laura Virgil ("Indy's protoge, Esther Schultz, a talented archaeologist in her own right, brings him an in triguing statuette of a type never before seen. They trace it to a small village in the midst of the Yucatan jungle and there find the remains of an ancient Mayan pyramid. But their incredible find turns swiftly to nightmare as they begin to explore the temple and unlock the secret of Xicalpan.") (38)
- Thoughts on the Ark, Sallah by Jeannie Webster, art by Barbara Stults (72)
- One Sunday Afternoon by Kaz Draves, art by Gordon Carleton (""Why didn't you call me last week?" Indy heard when he picked up the phone. "I was in Nepal, Mom," he answered. "They don't have phones in Nepal?" A hilarious visit with Indy's mom one Sunday afternoon.") (75)
- Word Searches by Lynda Vandiver (80)
- Mad Dogs and Englishmen by Greg Baker and Roberta Rogow, art by Barbara Stults ("Indy has re turned to Egypt to begin real work on the abandoned Tanis site. But before he and Sallah can leave Cairo, Indy inadvertently intercepts a packet on its way to British Intelligence. It contains stolen Nazi secrets and the Germans are determined to get it back. So begins a fast paced chase across North Africa with Indy and a surprising courier!") (81)
- The Treasure of Tenochtitlan by Cheree Cargill, art by Martynn ("Indy and Marion, now married, have settled into a quiet life in Connecticut. Quiet, that is, until Nazi agents kidnap Marion as bait to capture Indy and the ancient Spanish map he possesses. The map allegedly shows the location of a cache of Aztec gold and the Nazis mean to have it. Indy is just as determined that they won't and soon he and Marion are involved in a battle of wits and stamina with Nazi agents in the Mexican desert.") (105)
- ads (147)
Issue 2

Field Studies 2 was published in 1985 and contains 126 pages. The art is by by Wanda Lybarger, Martynn, Suzy Sansom, Cheree Cargill and Laura Virgil.
From a flyer: "NOTE: This zine contains scenes of an adult nature. Please use your own discretion about ordering."
From the editorial:
I had vowed that there would not be a second issue of FIELD STUDIES, but that all changed last year at MediaWest when I emerged from the theater after seeing "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" for the first time. I was in the company of Martie Benedict, Wanda Lybarger, Martynn and others who were all as dazed as I was. I said, "I think I'll do another issue of Field Studies" and they piped in unison, "I'll help!" So, here you have it, plus the talents of Laura Virgil, Suzy Sansom, T.S. Weddell, Ann Wortham and others.
A word about the interior art. If this seems like the Official Wanda Lybarger Memorial Issue, then I'm to blame for that. I decided to try something a bit new and have predominantly one artist illo the stories and Wanda was my choice, a bit subconsciously maybe, because Martie and Laura and I all got Wanda to do our stories separately. Then, suddenly, I realized that I had nearly an all-Lybarger issue on my hands and decided to impose on Wanda's good nature a bit more and ask her to do "Pact With the Devil" as well. She very generously agreed, although she was swamped with work for MWC, and sent the delicious illos that accompany that story. Thanks to Wanda for a special effort in making this zine what it is.
Martynn and Laura also deserve pats on the back for their beautiful cover art! And Suzy has provided us with the lighter side of Indiana Jones with a spate of her cartoons.
The stories are all excellent and I would like to thank all who contributed. The tone of the material ranges from Laura's laugh-out-loud "Day in the Life" to T. S. Weddell's hair-raising "Pact With the Devil." I hope you enjoy all of them.
There definitely won't be a third FS because after this issue my new project takes over— a new Harrison Ford zine to be called CHOICE PARTS. I hope to continue and enhance the tradition FS has started, that of powerful, adult fiction, embracing not just Indy, but all of Harrison's characters, including his latest, John Book. With luck, this zine will be out by Media- West time next year! Anyone interested in contributing, please sase me. I'll be happy to discuss the goals of the zine and story guidelines or look at any story you care to send. I will say, though, that I'm not looking for smut, even though sexual content won't be a rejection point, nor am I looking for insipid stories. I'd like writers to stretch their creative wings and really explore these characters. Let's see something new!
Well, I'm about out of space, so I will get ready to put this issue to bed. 1 wish peace for you all and all good things for everyone. And, remember--"You call him Doctor Jones, doll!"
- A Day in the Life by Laura Virgil ("Let's put it this way, the attempted rape by five co-eds, the subsequent faculty hearing and his summary dismissal from Marshall College was the high point of Indy's day!") (2)
- The Crystal Skull by Cheree Cargill ("Indy had only dreamed of ever seeing this incredible artifact, but other parties were determined to have it as well. And everyone overlooked the fact that the skull had a mind of its own.") (27)
- Temple Tussle Crossword by Marci Erwin (59)
- Word Searches by Lynda Vandiver (61)
- The Heart of the Scorpion by Patricia D'Orazio ("The Sultan of Madagascar had hired Indy to find the bones of his long-dead ancestor. What Indy found was something else entirely...and it led to a large misunderstanding.") (62)
- Not My Day to Die, filk by Martie Benedict (from "Doomsday Book") (77)
- A Long Way to Dally by Marie Benedict ("For Indy and Willie, It really was a long way to Delhi...and it was getting hotter and hotter the farther they went!") (78)
- Nightmare, filk by Martie Benedict (from "Doomsday Book") (85)
- Fate's Helping Hand by Ann Wortham (86)
- Indiana Jones, poem by Beth M. Lentz (based on the poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer) (88)
- Pact with the Devil by T.S. Weddell ("Germany in 1939 was no place to be if you were a Jew. Indy's colleague had managed to get out, but his wife and children remained behind, held by the Nazis. There was only one hope — Indy must retrieve a sacred relic for Hitler. There was no question of his failing; three lives depended on his success.") (90)
- The Past is Prologue by Jeannie Webster ("1943 and the war was not going well for the Germans. Hitler blamed it on the interference of an American named Jones. But he was setting plans in motion that would change that.") (124)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
"A Day in the Life” wrenched many a wicked giggle from me. Can’t picture it ever happening (not in the 1930’s), but it didn’t matter; it was still hilarious. Especially loved the illo of him sitting on the curb after he’d had all he could take, peeking through his fingers.
”Crystal Skull”—I like this one a lot. I liked your heroine and I liked their relationship. Sounds entirely plausible, even for 1930-ish times when Victorianism reared its ugly head and made sex ’’dirty.” (Nowadays, no one would care in the least who was sleeping with whom, but back then, a girl’s reputation was mud if anyone found out.) The action with the Indians and the skull was quite riveting. Sounds like you know something of Indian culture. Either you did very good research or you’re an excellent bullshitter! Ha, ha! Even the drug trip was very realistic, but in that case, I’ll bet that was your imagination and not something gleaned from personal experience. And I love bittersweet love stories. Happy endings are great, but as we all know, life is not all smiles and promises. The ending was perfect—sad but not mushy.
’’The Heart of the Scorpion” was light and entertaining. I loved the roller skating sequence! I used to love to skate—ice and wheels.
’’Long Way to Dally”—this was cute. Reminds me of the chit-chats Liz Gootjes and I had about Willie Scott's character (or lack thereof?...). Liz suggested that they (Indy & Willie) should have conceived an immediate lust for each other and been frustrated in all their attempts to, uh, satisfy themselves. It would have worked better than them pretending to hate each other down deep. (That happens a lot in TV and movies, but it just doesn’t happen that way in real life.) Well, anyway, the story was cute.
Love your illo for ”Nightmare”. Of course, I love all those poses from TOD of possessed Indy, especially the beefcake shots. (That was the best part of the show as far as I’m concerned!)
"Fate’s Helping Hand" was a very clever idea. One always wonders where Indy gets his leads. Obviously he has many sources. You know something funny? I knew a girl in Florida who had seen Raiders 8 times. Not because she was especially enamored of Indiana Jones...but of Belloq!
Liz’s "Pact With the Devil" was incredible. T.S. Weddell doesn’t think much of herself as a writer, but I think she’s great. She always puts so much work into a story and it shows. I gave her a very much in-depth review of it—gad, some of it seemed like first-hand eyewitness accounts! That's how well-researched it was. The detail was fantastic! "The Past is Prologue" was a good way to finish up the zine. Hitler ranting and almost seemed to be setting the stage for something...hmmm?
Favorite cartoon was "You could have had a V-8!" That commercial set itself up for a lot of great gags. Very nice covers. Please pass on my compliments to the ladies. Art like that gives me something to shoot for. [1]
Sorry it's taken so long but here's my LoC on FIELD STUDIES 2. It uias every bit as good as the first one and I enjoyed it from cover to cover. The art was terrific as usual and Suzy's cartoons were a nice touch.
Everything was so good that. I can't single any one story out as the best. I am wondering if the girls who tried to rape Indy in Laura's story had their origins in the group who went to see TEMPLE OF DOOM at MediaWest. Sounds suspiciously that way.
Patricia's story was a plausible and funny explanation of Indy's misunderstanding with the Sultan of Madagascar. And the escape by roller skates and hot air balloon was priceless!
Glad to see there was one of Martie Benedict's absolutely hilarious pieces. The woman has a wicked sense of humor. Poor Indy! I could picture all he and Willie went through trying to be alone together. It had me chuckling for days.
T.S. Weddell wrote an excellent story. It seems to be accurate as far as the shield is concerned, and it really shows the light in which Indy holds his friends. Obviously he values them greatly. His flashes of premonition were good touches, too. Is it possible that our favorite archaeologist has the Force with him, or is that mere coincidence?
Anyway, thanks for a great Indy zine. I'm sorry there won't be a FS3, but I'm looking forward to CHOICE PARTS. Sounds like another winner. [2]
Just had to write and tell you how very impressed I was by FIELD STUDIES 2. The amount of research that must have gone into these stories was the single aspect that struck me most. I just don’t have that kind of dedication and patience. I became deeply engrossed in each of the stories, they all had strong, interesting plot lines and detailed backgrounds which brought the settings to life. And the gamut of emotions was well catered for, from having me almost hysterical with laughter—Laura and Martie's pieces—to a real chill with "Pact With the Devil."
It would take me forever to talk about all the details of each story that I liked most. I can't pick a favorite because of the different emotions evoked, they can't be compared, except to say again that the research was impressive and the writing style flawless. (I'm giving up. No arguments. I haven't got skill like this.) I will just pick a little bit of the things that are still fresh in my mind that really grabbed me. Your "Cryst al Skull", Cheree, fascinated me for its information on Hopi Indian culture and further back. How do you know all this stuff! On top of geology! I very much liked the relationship between Katy and Indiana, particularly the way you brought out the moral flavor of that time. This was stressed by Indy's leaving Katy’s house that night in spite of the danger of another attack from Compeche, but later he decided that the possible slur on their respective careers was far outweighed by the risk of death. I loved the description of the home, the cat, the food, the light in the bedroom, all the little details that made this a real place that you could feel, feel its warmth and welcome. Is your home like this? Like the reference to wear and tear and a little clutter. That’s a home, not just some place to park your bod. But the description of the Hopi kachina ceremony is unbeatable! It really grabbed you and hauled you in to feel the night air, the smell of smoke and most of all, the surreality and feeling of something beyond normal bounds of human experience. And that rattlesnake! Poor Indy! What nightmares he’d have! Good thing the corn mother was there to see him through it. Cheree, this whole zine deserves an award for quality, it really does.
Ann ’’Fate’s Helping Hand” was a clever possibility. Rene wouldn’t want to get his clothes dirty doing all the menial work, so to speak, so I can just picture him pulling something like this.
T.S. Weddell’s ’’Pact With the Devil” is nothing short of a classic. But the horror of remembering what happened to those Jews who didn’t escape kept me from enjoying this story as another adventure tale. The research was thorough and it brought back the atmosphere of those times vividly enough that it made one’s blood run cold. That little scene of Indiana’s vision of all that hair filled me with despair. Every time I think about these things, it really hurts. But we must never forget, we need to be reminded so that we can prevent it from ever happening again. For this effect alone, T. S. Weddell deserves a medal. (Ha! I made a rhyme!) By the way, what does T. S. stand for? Is it as in Eliot? Writes almost as well... ((Ed: T. S. Weddell is the author’s pen name...and I won’t reveal her identity without her permission, either.))
Scenes that stand out in my mind from this story are the above mentioned, plus Indy’s meeting with Hitler, the trip up the mountain fortress in the baskets and the subsequent discovery of Rosen's fear of heights (brave man), the crypt, Kristallnacht, the inscription and Indy’s victory in it, the reunion. Indy’s discussion with the two American intelligence agents, particularly their question about weighing lives in the balance and Indy's response. In my humble opinion you can only do what is right at the time, i.e., save the lives of the moment, you can't pretend to be able to so infallibly see the future as to sacrifice innocents and that is never right, the ends never justify the means. (End of sermon number 8,346!) Liked Indy's instinctive move to block the line of fire upon the woman and children and the German's reaction, ”We are not barbarians.” Shame they didn’t all feel like this. (And "shame" is rather a gross understatement.) Look, I could rave on about this story forever, just ask my mother, I already gave her an earbashing, so much so that she’s agreed to read "Pact". She took a very keen interest in the rise to power of Hitler and Indy’s words regarding Chamberlain's ridiculous blind speeches are my mother's word for word. That man infuriated her, and she foresaw the fall of Poland and was one of the first to figure out that 10,000 of their young officers had been cold-bloodedly massacred, not, as it turned out, by the Germans, but by the Russians. Anyway, I figured she'd enjoy this story as Hitler gets his, so to speak, and at least three human beings escape his mad genocide.
As I said, I was very impressed, but I didn’t mean to bore you to tears with my enthusiasm. I shall make an effort to restrain myself to essentials, like great, fantastic, etc., but I dislike giving adjectives of praise without specifics to back them up.
Jeannie Webster's "The Past is Prologue”. Gulp, I’d say Indy’s really in for it (maybe even something worse than the things I do to poor old battered Han! That’s not possible, Cheree mutters.). Is there a follow-up to these threats, er, story ideas?
Loved the cartoons, especially the V-8. Went back and reread ”A Day in the Life" to get the chill out of my system after "Pact”, and it did the job beautifully. Couldn’t decide to groan with sympathy for Indy or resume laughing cruelly at his incredible streak of bad luck. It’s a wonder he didn’t slit his wrists after finding that snake in the bed. Could have even made him, well, ah, you know, lose interest in pursuing further such adventures. And those semi-changed names didn’t fool me; shame girls, shame, but, umm, invite me next time, okay?
And Patricia D'Orazio's "Heart of the Scorpion"—LOVED IT!! Thank heavens that "misunderstanding" didn't turn into utter tragedy! Like Artemis and the backchat very much. This was high adventure a la TOD. Thank you, Patricia, for a great tale.
I shall now return to drooling over the cover, if I can decide on back or front, that is! Congratulations, Cheree and all, you've done it again, only even better! I'm really looking forward to CHOICE PARTS.[3]
Hi! I loved FIELD STUDIES 2! That’s it, cut and dried. Just loved it. There was so much talent packed in this zine that I don’t know where to start to give praise.
That cover alone takes away one’s breath. There are a lot of good artists out there, but Martynn consistently does the best facial likeness. And that’s the bottom line, isn’t it? That marvelous face, Wanda has no peers when it comes to action scenes and she does his body so-o-o nice. I can’t make two ends of a circle meet, so anyone who can draw brings out the awe in me. To be able to draw that likeness, at any time, in any situation, is such a gift.
I had stomach pains from laughing so hard at Virgil’s ”A Day In The Life”. Poor Indy. I did feel that she overdid his phobia for snakes just a tad. The man doesn’t have a classic medical textbook phobia, just a rather strong distaste for the slithering little slimy disgusting things! I don’t know if I’d even say that he’s afraid of them, just if he had his druthers, he’d rather not have anything to do with them. But I loved the story. It was funny with a capital F.
I also loved your "Crystal Skull.” Our two stories couldn’t be any farther apart if we were located in two different galaxies. Felt a little disappointed, though. Would have been sharp if we had similar ideas. Mine is coming out in FLIP 8, slated for January ’86, I think. ((Eds I highly recommend Barbara’s story! A wonderful, wonderful tale!)) You must have done a great deal of research or else this is a subject that you were already familiar with. Very impressive. This is one of the things that I love about Harrison. Because I am interested in him and his movies and because I enjoy writing on his characters, I have learned a lot about things that I normally wouldn’t have cared a fig about. Archaeology, for one, police work, space travel, etc. Through my fascination with Harrison, I have become a more interesting person to talk to. At least I can hold my own at a cocktail party! After writing my ’’Crystal Skull”, I can talk Mayan mythology up the ying-yang! But the background work that you must have done is very evident. One thing I wish you had done was to expand on the last scene where the true nature of the skull’s power becomes clear. It was over so fast.
Martie was as usual perfection. Her ”A Long Way to Dally” was priceless. Some of the best Indy stuff to come from writers stems from the humor that suffuses the two Indiana movies, and Martie makes good use of it.
’’The Heart of the Scorpion” was good but a little far-fetched in spots. But, then, was there anything in TOD that wasn’t far-fetched? Not to mention downright unbelievable, so I guess I shouldn’t be so picky. As I’m reading any Indiana story that doesn’t feature Marion, or pre-Raiders, if you will, I’m getting the biggest charge out of the different walks of life that the female characters come from. (Gads, that was awful grammar and phrasing!) I liked Artemis. I like a strong female lead for Indy.
’’Indiana Jones” by Beth Lentz was great. She had me smiling until my face hurt with her own "keen sardonic wit”. Large misunderstanding, indeed! Nothing like placing emphasis on the important things, one must establish priorities, after all.
T.S. Weddell’s "Pact With the Devil" had me riveted. It was excellent. This writer is so good, I wonder if she does any writing professionally? I have read other pieces by her and they are all very good. She also has done her research. It’s an upsetting story in parts, but I think this is what she was trying to convey and it works almost too well. The plot contrivances, the little in-jokes (anywhere by Madagascar), the dialogue was right on the money, and when Katanga showed up, I let out a very unladylike whoop in my parlor!
Sort of like when Luke blew up the Death Star!
Suzy's cartoons were hysterical. This is a gift, too.
All in all, I so enjoyed FIELD STUDIES 2 and am very disappointed that there won't be another. But the prospect of CHOICE PARTS (oh, Cheree, you are so bad) more than makes up for it. I want to let you know that I was totally thrilled and completely flabbergasted (love that word!) when you asked me to send something of mine your way. You've got the absolute pick of fandom's writers and I took the request as a definite compliment. Thanks awfully. Will see what I can do. I write though like an elephant gives birth, takes me forever from first lightbulb over the head to completed story. I just finished a Halloran piece that has been driving me to drink for the past two years!!! That one went to FLIP as Paula feels like she helped give birth to it what with all my complaining about it. But would love to be in the table of contents on this zine...[4]
Issue 3
Field Studies 3 was published in January 1994 and contains 126 pages. It features 11 stories by Cheree Cargill, Dani Lane, Z.P. Florian, Debbie Kittle, Juliet Sleeman, Jeannie Webster, T.S. Weddell, and Laura Vigil. Color covers by Wanda Lybarger and Dianne Smith. Interior art by Gerald Crotty and others.
- Casualties of War by Jeannie Webster, art by Gerald Crotty (Shanghai in 1932 was a wonderful and fascinating place, especially for two young boys learning the ways of the streets. Wonderful, that is, until an act of violence and a tall American forever changed the life of one of them.)
- Indiana Jones and the Scarab of Isis by Karen Finch, art by Z.P. Florian. (The Carnarvon dig in the Valley of the Kings was a wonderful opportunity for a new archaeologist like Indy. But a mysterious artifact and an even more mysterious woman lead him to a discovery he had not anticipated.)
- Adventurer for Hire by Cheree Cargill and Laura Virgil, art by Wanda Lybarger (If the places Indy had visited in reality were magical and intriguing, the places in his imagination went one step beyond.)
- Patan by T.S. Weddell, art by Dani (It had been nearly ten years since Indiana Jones had promised to return and take Marion Ravenwood away. Now, with her father dead, her life in shambles, and her future bleak, Marion knew who was to blame for her misery.)
- The Last Dragon written and illustrated by Z.P. Florian (A dark castle in the Transylvanian hills, a gruesome murder, and an enigmatic stranger lure Indy into an encounter from his nightmares.)
- Right Course, Wrong Semester by Juliet Sleeman (Called away to a pending dig, Indy entrusts his Archaeology 101 class to his father - the Professor from Hell.)
- Decisions and Revisions by T.S. Weddell, art by Martynn (Because of a foolish decision, Indy has lost Marion. Pride and despair bar his way to going after her and it takes a heart-to-heart with his father before Indy realizes that time is too fleeting to allow:regret to keep him from righting the mess he has made of his life.)
- ^ from a letter of comment in Choice Parts #1
- ^ from a letter of comment in Choice Parts #1
- ^ from a letter of comment in Choice Parts #1
- ^ from a letter of comment in Choice Parts #1