Duncney Week

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Name: Duncney Week
Date(s): 19 - 25 August 2012, 2013 and 2014
Moderator(s): CITPrincess
Founder: CITPrincess
Type: Fanweek
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama fandom on Tumblr and deviantART
URL: duncneyweek, Archived version on Tumblr

Duncney-Week, Archived version on deviantART

Banner for Duncney Week, created in 2012
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Duncney Week was a fanweek held in the Total Drama fandom from August 19th to the 25th in 2012, 2013 and 2014. It celebrated the juggernaut TD ship Duncney with fanworks of all kinds, such fan art, fan videos, and fanfics. It may have been the first Total Drama fanweek to be dedicated to a specific ship, beginning in 2012 on both Tumblr and deviantART before fully migrating to Tumblr in later years.[Notes 1] During November 2018, the Tumblr for this fanweek was deleted, but archives for it still exist on the Wayback Machine.

Duncney Week was hosted by CITPrincess, a BNF in the Total Drama fandom popular enough to have her own fan club[1]. This fanweek is not to be confused with later Courtney/Duncan fanweeks or fanevents.

The start of the week was chosen to be on the day Basic Straining, the episode of Total Drama: Island (2007) where Courtney and Duncan first kissed, premiered in the US.[2] It was inspired by Zutara Week.[3] It was also featured in Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar and was indirectly a reason for the kerfuffle of Mini Duncney Day in 2014.


Sunday : "Origins"

Monday : "Under the Stars"

Tuesday : "I hate thinking about you"

Wednesday: "At Your Window"

Thursday: "Music"

Friday: "Two A.M."

Saturday: "The First Time I..."


Monday: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Tuesday: Princess

Wednesday: Secrets

Thursday: Memories

??? (Prompt Unknown; Please Add Here If Found)

Saturday: 10 Things I Hate About You

Sunday: Skull


This year's Duncney Week happened from August 17th to the 23rd.

Sunday: Kissing Booth

Monday: Hate that I still love you

Tuesday: Drunk on a Tuesday at 2 am

No submissions for this day(?)

Wednesday: The Angel and the Devil

Thursday: Want you back

Friday: Obsession

No submissions for this day(?)

Saturday: Consequence

