Dover Publications Borders and Clip Art

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The borders and clip art in the commercially published books by Dover Publications was a popular way to illustrate and use design in print fanzines, especially in the 1980s.


Some zine eds credited their sources, but many did not.

Those that did not, mentioned the artist as "Dover" or, more often, didn't even mention the use of clippings.

Some examples of specific credits:

From Vice Verse #1 (1989): "ORIGINAL ART DECO DESIGNS by William Rowe, from Dover Books."

From the editorial of KSX (1988): "Credit where credit is due. The majority of the title pages for KSX and KSX II were designed by William Rowe and published in his Dover book, EXOTIC ALPHABETS AND ORNAMENT."

From the editorial of Intermission #2 (1985): "All was going well until she walked into a shop in town and found Carol Grafton's beautiful book... To Carol Belanger Grafton, for her book 'Art Nouveau Frames and Borders.' (Pub. Dover Publishing Inc. 1983)"

Fan Comments

ALIEN BROTHERS? Are we looking at the same zine? I borrowed a copy, and am so glad I didn't shell out even $5 for such a disappointment. Yes, there are some interesting graphics — though many of the illustrations/decoration are straight out of Dover's Art Nouveau & Victorian clip-art and display books, but a few of the artists are quite good...[1]

Your graphics are well done, also I have always wondered why more eds. don't avail themselves of Dover's fine offerings in that area. [2]

Throughout, the book is beautifully decorated with graphics from Dover Books' Pictorial Archive collection. [3]

Some Examples


  1. ^ Vel Jaeger in K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #31, comments about Alien Brothers
  2. ^ from a letter of comment by Maggie Nowakowska in the second issue of "The Princess Tapes" (1981)
  3. ^ from a comment about Shadows of Light (1988) from Datazine