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Name: Darkhavens
Type: writer
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel: the Series, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural
Communities: bloodclaim
URL: LJ, http://slashverse.com/ (archived link)
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Darkhavens is a multifandom fanwriter, known for creating and building communities. Their personal website was slashverse.

Fannish Bio

Since November 2003 I have been totally addicted to Spander. I have a community here, bloodclaim, which is dedicated to the boys, and another one bc_updates for those who would prefer to receive the bloodclaim posts in digest form once a day.

In May 2005 I also became enamoured of John Sheppard/Rodney McKay of Stargate Atlantis. They snark and bitch and eyefuck and apparently have absolutely no concept of personal space. As an added bonus, the bad guys are alien goth vampire catfish called the Wraith.

Over Christmas weekend, 2005, I fell in love with Supernatural's Sam and Dean Winchester. I fell for the show in the pilot ep and haven't looked back.

I have also made a couple of tentative forays into writing:

EUReKA (Jack Carter/Nathan Stark)

Dexter (Dexter Morgan/Miguel Prado)

I will not mention the X-Files (Mulder/Krycek), the Oz (Beecher/Keller), the Harry Potter (Harry/Draco) and the non-Spander Buffy (Spike/Angel, Giles/Wesley) that has all been written for literati. ;)[1]

As a service to the Supernatural fandom (I hope), I created a community where writers and betas in the SPN fandom could find each other: spn_betas

I also moderate the multi-fandom weekly challenge comm slashthedrabble the multi-fandom fortnightly image prompt comm slashtheimage and two Whedonverse communities, alongside my co-mod entrenous88.

The noticeboard is the place to post links to any and all things Joss - fic, fan art, vids, meta, news, reviews, etc etc. If it's about Buffy, Angel or Firefly/Serenity, we want it at whedonverse_nb! And if that community is too busy to add to your flist, watch whedon_updates instead for a twice-weekly digest post linking to everything you can find on the noticeboard - and more!

I am also a co-mod at gpfg_studios, a Stargate Atlantis/SG-1 porn movie studio AU. We write porn about people making porn! What's not to love about that?[1]

Example Works



  1. ^ a b Darkhaven's Livejournal Profile, accessed 23 April 2024.