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Name: a_belladonna
Alias(es): Atropa
Type: Fan writer, fan artist
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Cycling RPF, Asterix, Tintin, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Star Wars
URL: a_belladonna on AO3
a_belladonna on Dreamwidth
a_belladonna on Livejournal (friends-only)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

a_belladonna, also known as Atropa, is a Danish fan writer and fan artist.

She joined Harry Potter fandom around early 2004.[1] She was active in various Livejournal communities and also posted works to Thin Line, ETC Archive,[2] and Skyehawke.[3]

As of the 2020s, she is primarily active in Cycling RPF fandom. She has also written Tintin fics and promoted the fandom for Yuletide.[4]


Notable Fanworks




  1. ^ a_belladonna on LiveJournal. Untitled comment, Archived version on mctabby's HP Friending Frenzy post, 21 March 2004: "new to the fandom (and LJ)".
  2. ^ ETC Archive. Stories by Atropa, archived 4 April 2005.
  3. ^ Skyehawke. Author - Atropa, archived 5 June 2020.
  4. ^ a_belladonna on Dreamwidth. The Adventures of Tintin (comics), Archived version, comment on "2022 Yuletide Promo Post" in yuletide, 13 September 2022.
  5. ^ FF Deník. Turnaj, Vloženo: finde, Archived version, posted 15 January 2011.
  6. ^ arionrhod in lupin_snape on LiveJournal. April Showers Winners - Finally!, Archived version, posted 7 May 2005.