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Name: Tritorella/HoniSoit
Alias(es): HoniSoit, Honi Soit, EvilSmurf [1], kickair8p, logophilos, Ann Somerville, Crushergal, Melissa Drac, Kathie, Chris, Christine, Shedoc, Mike, Eva, many others, some which appear to be at CYBERSTALKER ALERT, posted March 2004
Fandoms: due South, The Sentinel, Yami no Matsuei, Saiyuki, Weiss Kreuz, Highlander, Stargate: Atlantis, Angel the Series, others
Communities: HoniSoit's Due South Fan Fiction
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Tritorella (many pseuds) is a fan with a very complicated, combative, and controversial history.

HoniSoit's 2001 intro at FictionPress:

Joined Jan 8, 2001, id: 34766. I write Due South Fan fiction exclusively and now only Fraser/Kowalski slash. I do have somegen stories on my home site. Other fandoms I read in, but don't write are Sentinel, Stargate and Angel. [2]

Tritorella own self-description in 2002:

Tritorella is a loud-mouthed cow with strong opinions. She reads fanfiction and tells people what she thinks. [3]


Over the years, Tritorella has used some well-documented pseuds, and some pseuds that are less documented. [4] Many fans believe that some of the pseuds were used as sock puppets for trolling purposes. [5] Tritorella also claimed sock puppets were trolling her, and some fans believed these were Tritorella's own puppets. [6]

According to at least one fan, Tritorella outed her to her employer, citing her activities in slash fandom and posting the fan's pseud and real name on Tritorella 's website [7] [8] [9]

Other fans claim that she has stalked, harassed, and bullied other fans. [10]

Some fans were, however, supportive of "Trit." [11]


Some Sample Fanworks

  • The Cabin by HoniSoit (due South) -- a fan wrote: "What I love about this story is the very matter-of-fact treatment of rape recovery and it's exploration of the bleak concept that sometimes severe trauma leaves such terrible scars that even love cannot completely heal the damage. You would think that this would be a terribly bleak and melancholy story but somehow I merely found it refreshingly realistic. The bravery of people who manage to keep going each day depite the terrible things life can throw at them is highlighted - and I prefer that any day to the artificial "Romeo and Juliet" hystrionics of some stories." [14]
  • Glass Bells by Tritorella (Highlander) -- a fan recced it "mostly because it was so unexpectedly affecting, given that I usually can't take mpreg seriously." [15]
  • Comes a Scotsman, written by Diana Williams, Little Alex, Em, Layna, Tritorella and esjay with suggestions from Citosa. -- a fan recced it and said: "... Methos talks Duncan to orgasm! In a bar! With Joe watching! Best of all? Trying to decide just how much of Methos's story is true and how much is an utter load of crap. Most of it, probably, but at least it's smoking hot crap and I absolutely defy you not to get hot and bothered while reading this story. Funny, smutty, and just plain fun. Enjoy!" [16]

Tritorella's Views on RPF/RPS

[2002]: [ RPS is] such unmitigated bullshit that I only want it tatooed [sic] sans anaesthetic [sic] on the foreheads of all the apologists for RPS who infest various fandoms! <g>

Seriously, MacGeorge, you have encapsulated perfectly my feelings and objections to this pseudoliterature. For one thing, this garbage is going to do for fanfiction one of these days - some actor will sue for defamation and whether they succeed or not, the whole activity will be brought into the daylight and there will be no way TPTB will be able to turn a blind eye to it anymore. Slash will be the first victim. And then these selfish, stupid people will have ruined it for everyone, forever. But hey, their principal defence is that it (a) doens't hurt anyone and (b) no one tells them what to do, so I guess it's okay. Right?

And my other objection is - PW is a lovely guy. A nice, uncomplicated, family man with the same dreams and ambitions as every other person. I don't *want* him in a story with Methos! It screws with the fun of playing with the old guy's complicated psyche, his fuckedupedness, his baggage, his bad nasty past and its effect on him and those around him. If I have to keep switching out of that mindset and think, well actually, he's probably not that bad since such a nice bloke plays him, I can't get any handle of Methos himself.

However - there is *one* piece of RP fic (not slash) that is just a glory - was it by Merry Lynne? Where the characters went on strike over Archangel and the actors had to get on with it. I'm at Uni (about to be examined) so I'll hunt it up - I'm sure a lot of you know the piece I mean. *That* sort of humourous story causes no offence to any one. [17]

Highlander Writers' Workshop

In August 2002, Tritorella proposed a writers' workshop:

At the beginning of September, I am proposing to start a Highlander writers' workshop list. There will be a set agenda of topics, advised in advance, and the list will run for a time-limited period (at this stage, initially, six months). If there is a demand for it after that time, it may continue under a different steward.

The list will have the aim of increasing the quality and amount of Highlander fiction and will be open to *active writers only*. No lurkers, no spectators, no betas (unless they are also writers or, exceptionally, very active betas). New or wannabe writers may join subject to approval, and to accepting the terms of the list discussion rules. Please do not apply to join this list unless you are prepared to be active.

If you are interested in joining (or even running) this group, please email me off list either giving the url for your website, a link to an archived story, or a snippet of a work in progress. The list itself will be open on 1 September. Suggestions for topics, format and list rules are welcome.

Membership will be limited in numbers and subject to approval. A moderator or moderators to work along or instead of me is actively solicited.

Please feel free to forward this message to interested lists.

Thanks. Tritorella [18]

Some Fan Comments


12/21/2000: I'm not going to name names here, but I think most of you will know to whom I refer. If you don't, it's probably just as well and I'm happy for you. It's recently come to my attention that there is a person in this fandom (hereafter referred to as "X") who has been attacking and vilifying some good people. In fact, with her unrelenting viciousness "X" has managed to drive one of those people, a woman who has put in countless hours of personal time working on behalf of all members of the DS fan community, out of the fandom entirely.

"X" has also spent considerable time and energy in attacking another writer in the due South fandom (whom I'll refer to as "Y.") "Y" is someone I know quite well, both on the net and in 'real life.' Granted, I'm prejudiced, but in the time I have known her, I have found "Y" to be one of the most unceasingly moral people I have ever known. The idea that "Y" would go to the lengths that "X" suggests in order to discredit and attack her, is quite simply, ludicrous. Yet, due to "X's" near-obsession with her, "Y" also is being forced out of the fandom in order to have a little peace. This is, simply, wrong, and should not be happening. It frustrates and angers me that people continute [sic] to believe "X's" lies, even after she has proven time and again that she is not trustworthy.

I've known "Y" for quite some time now, and she is personally self-effacing, hates the spotlight and would like to just be left alone to write. While I interacted with "X" for a far shorter length of time, it became increasingly clear that she enjoys being the center of attention, that she is extremely provocative (and I don't mean sexually), can be malicious, and has an amazing capacity for deception, both of herself, and others. I eventually was forced to withdraw from contact with her for my own sanity. I will also admit that at first I found her to be interesting and allowed her tendencies to influence my own baser instincts. Note, I'm not trying to put the blame on her, she didn't twist my arm. I'm not proud of that. In fact, I nearly left the fandom after realizing that I had hurt people, but I hoped to be forgiven that incident if I behaved myself. Clearly "X" feels no such remorse or compunctions.

I don't advocate that extreme steps be taken against "X." That's no more right than her campaign of terror. All I can say is, please, stop giving this person the attention she so clearly craves, and do not take her at face value. She uses multiple anonymous e-mail personae to disguise her identity, and she has been known to forward altered versions of private emails in an attempt to bolster her own actions and to cast doubt on others. I have personally been the target of one such incident, and know of three others to whom she has done this. Please be careful what you say to her.

due South is, at a basic level, a show about morality. Fraser stands as example of morality in an immoral world. In my opinion, what "X" has been doing is a refutation of the basic heart and soul of due South. Don't let "X" continue to undermine the principles which drew all of us (okay, well, many of us) to the show to begin with. due South fandom is terribly fractionated already-- between the genfen and the slashfen, and that subset further fractionated into fans of the various pairings. I believe that if she does not stop, the eventual result of her actions will be to completely shatter what is left.

12/23/00: P.S. For those of you who still think "X" is the one being wronged here, I have just learned that "X" has contacted "Y's" employer and 'outed' her in a clear and obvious attempt to have her fired from her job. "X" apparently portrayed herself as a longstanding email friend of "Y's" who had stumbled across, in recent weeks, a very disturbing web site and mailing list that belonged to "Y." She struggled with her conscience but eventually decided that "Y's" employers had a right to know the things their employees do and included two URLs, which one assumes were for "Y's" website and the mailing list involved.

Now, not only is this hypocritical in the extreme, since "X" writes slash herself, but it's the most reprehensible and disgusting thing I've ever heard of in all my years in fandom. This woman has crossed the line, her behavior is unconscionable. In point of fact, one wonders if she's entirely sane, because what she is doing is nothing less than stalking.

Oh, and should she be tempted to contact my employers and do the same, my employers and my family already know I write fanfic & erotica of various kinds. In point of fact I was joking with my boss about it just yesterday. Needless to say it would be pretty pointless. [19]


Wank is priceless, for everything else there's Mastercard. This made me fall over and nearly pee my pants. I quote Tritorella: "What this is all about, about control. Controlling what their victims think, what their victims do, who the victims interacts with. It's about controlling opinions about their victims - and about these people (shall we call a spade a spade and name them as stalkers? why the fuck not, they love to use the word so loosely, let's use it when it's actually true) themselves. In fandom, it means the stalker wants to be the only to say which lists, which fandom a victim is involved in, to what extent, and with whom and on what basis - what they read, argue about, have opinions on, like, don't like, praise or deride." She should know, she wrote the fucking book on stalking. After finding out about this wank on a flist, I wondered what I could possibly say that hasn't already been said. I remember Tritorella Crushergal Honi Soit from dS fandom. The woman's had some many names I cannot keep track. But changing pen names isn't a crime, having a shitload of sockpuppets should be. Since we've all seen that list, I'll move on. Then, I remembered this Open Letter to Due South fans by a dS BNF about the Tritorella incident. (In the letter Tritorella is "X"). And to my surprise, the [2000] post is still up. (http://web.archive.org/web/20051212193948/http://kellie.mrks.org/fic/ds/openletter.htm) [20] It explains most of what happened in dS fandom when Tritorella, then Honi Soit appeared. After the 'incident' she fucked off to HL fandom, where it looks like more shit happened. Then to anime? I guess she'll plow thru every fandom out there until there's none left. [21]

I'm trying to find a tactful and neutral way to describe my past experiences with She of the Many Psuedonyms, aka Tritorella. Unfortunately, all that comes to mind is "batshit insane" and "OMG run, run now."

So, so glad I departed from the main of Highlander fandom before her arrival. So, so regretful that I did not depart from Due South with the same good timing. [22]


Over time I have got to know tritorella better. She is without a shadow of a doubt, an acquired taste. She's opinionated, she's blunt and sometimes she is rude. I have on occasion disagreed vehemently with things she has said on lists. This does not however stop me regarding her as an excellent writer, a great contributor to fandom and someone I have the utmost respect, admiration and friendship for. Of late she has kindly volunteered to host my Kink!Fic Challenge on her webpage and also to update it for me, even though she now has left the Highlander fandom. [23]


Many is the fan who's left their fandom over such tactics. Tritorella nearly single handedly killed Highlander fandom, and any other she entered...

Tritorella... Just typing the name makes me shudder. I changed my profile on archives where I posted my fic, including my Gen fic, once I realized just how easily she could out me. I was working in a school at the time. And standing up to her on behalf of others was what got me targeted in the first place, so it's not always in your best interest to stand up to bullies.[24]


I had a ringside seat and very minor involvement in the tritorella/honisoit/EvilSmurf/logophilos/Ann Somerville fan wank. That was, to put it mildly, some very fucked up shit and the skill with which this sociopath managed to manipulate events to put herself in a good light is terrifying even today. [25]


Such people when confronted in public, generally hide like the bullies they are. I know Tritorella came to a US convention once and was very very careful not to let on just who she was. A friend knew her on sight and said she behaved very carefully. But on list and behind people's backs, she was a stalker and a terror, to total strangers who'd done nothing to her. [26]

Some Further Reading/Meta


  1. ^ Recommendations?, May 12, 2001 comment at Critical Edge
  2. ^ HoniSoit
  3. ^ from Tee Hee, I've got Asbestos undies, me
  4. ^ CYBERSTALKER ALERT, post by calystarose, March 17, 2004
  5. ^ "EDIT: This was sent to my inbox. It is a LJ post where Tritorella, now known to all as Sockpuppet Queen of All Fandoms, admits she created a bogus LiveJournal to mock a person named Jeylan (see below for more about Jeylan). Can we keep our trolls straight in this fandom?" -- from When Fandoms Collide or BNF's Attack (May 12, 2004)
  6. ^ a very lengthy (155 messages) thread at Prospect-L that began June 28, 2002
  7. ^ Tritorella, comment by aukestrel, July 25, 2008
  8. ^ Tritorella and AuK saga (long, like a bad penny), Archived version
  9. ^ "Tritorella was in Highlander, the fandom that are its young.... I was not, but knew a number of people who were and had to deal with her crap. She was, IIRC, notorious for threatening to expose slash writers to their jobs, or families, sent hate mail, made a point of digging into Real Life, offered to contact studios, was generally vicious about every single thing someone did that she did not like. She is in the UK, and this was before stalking laws went into effect. Perhaps some of the older Highlander fen around could further elucidate, but she was a horror on any list and off them." -- quoted anonymously from a mailing list (Apr 1, 2016)
  10. ^ Internet Trolling: STGRB, Archived version, March 10, 2013
  11. ^ To the Wank Mobile! (2004.05.12)
  12. ^ Kink!Fic Update and Kink!Pic Challenge
  13. ^ "'What remains', and the other stories in that arc, can all be found here: http://freedom.aeglos.org/ziparchives/highlander/index.php And I would appreciate it if you could use that link for this and any other recs you might be inclined to make. That's the only place I can guarantee my stories will remain on the web. Thank you. Tritorella (no longer in fandom or on LJ)..." -- March 8, 2007 at Crack Van
  14. ^ Madrigal's Fanfiction Recs: Due South., Archived version
  15. ^ Highlander Story Structure Recs
  16. ^ Epic Recs, May 25, 2009
  17. ^ a January 2002 comment at Re: Actor or RP Fic (Was: Is there any HL)
  18. ^ Highlander writers' workshop list, forwarded post to alt.tv.highlander, August 24, 2002
  19. ^ from An open letter to due South fans (12/21/2000)
  20. ^ see An open letter to due South fans
  21. ^ Anonymous, When Fandoms Collide or BNF's Attack (May 13, 2004)
  22. ^ janegraddell, When Fandoms Collide or BNF's Attack (May 12, 2004)
  23. ^ A few words about Tritorella, post by d_moonchild, July 27, 2008
  24. ^ discussion, quoted anonymously from a mailing list (Aug 2, 2009)
  25. ^ shutupandrumbelle, January 26
  26. ^ quoted anonymously from a mailing list (Apr 1, 2016)