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Name: Amy L. Hull
Alias(es): Amilyn (LJ/DW/AO3/
Type: fan author, editor, moderator
Fandoms: Forever Knight, Star Wars, Bones, Early Edition, Stargate SG-1
Communities: FORKNI-L, FK Fic Fest (moderator)
Other: DW, LJ
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Amilyn is an author of fan fiction and poetry in numerous fandoms, including Forever Knight, Star Wars, Bones, Early Edition, and Stargate SG-1.

I'm a multi-fan who's been in fandom since about 1986 (though I attended my first con in about 1982), and have been fannish far longer. I used to write rarely, but enjoy editing and reading fanfic, and have recently been writing more and enjoying it a great deal.

When speaking of literature and storytelling, I think the most important concepts are that "We are all of us the heroes of our own stories," and that, ultimately, "We are all of us stories, in the end."

-- from Amilyn's profile page on LJ

Activities in Forever Knight Fandom

Amilyn is in the NatPackers faction (i.e. fans of the character Natalie Lambert). She was co-editor of the snail mail letterzine "The Raven" from November 1992 through Spring 1996. With Brightknightie, she created the FK Fic Fest gift exchange on LiveJournal, and co-modded it for the first two years.

Forever Knight Fan Fiction

The following stories are listed chronologically by date posted or published.









Fan Poetry

The following poems are listed chronologically by date posted or published.