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Title: Strays
Author(s): user: blackash26
Date(s): 2011-12-04 - Present
Length: 43k + words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Young Justice (TV series)
External Links: AO3 and LJ

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Strays is a batfamily story by user: blackash26 which is part of a larger verse called the Strays Verse by the same author. Strays originated as a prompt on the yj-anon-meme on LiveJournal.[1]

The first story is summarized as:

Batman is very happy with the way that Robin has picked up his training, his methods and his habits. Generally. But his protege showing up at the Batcave with two small children, Tim and Jason, clinging to him proves he's adopted one trait Batman would have rather he hadn't. It seems the batfamily has an incurable penchant for picking up strays, and Tim and Jason are only the beginning.



  1. ^ "BatFamily; "Can we keep them?"". yj-anon-meme. December 3, 2011. Archived from the original on 2022-03-08. Retrieved February 21, 2021.