Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

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Title: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Author(s): Tassos
Date(s): first part posted 27 August 2006
Length: 44,926 words
Genre(s): crossover, gen
Fandom(s): Farscape/Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (LiveJournal)
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (AO3)
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow (Wormhole Crossing)

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Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow is a Farscape/Stargate Atlantis crossover series by Tassos (~45,000 words).

Summary: John Crichton falls through the rabbit hole. Again.

The story was written in response to the Crossing Over with John Crichton Challenge. It starts after the last episode of Farscape season 3 and is set in Atlantis season 3.

Crossover Themes

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow uses the Runner idea for a plausible crossover that makes it possible to take a different approach than the obvious one for a meeting between the Atlantis characters and Farscape's John Crichton. Crichton is a pilot and theoretical physicist which would make Sheppard or McKay the characters he would be most likely to interact with. However, getting turned into a Runner, after he falls through a wormhole and ends up in the SGA universe without a way back to the Uncharted Territories (wormholes, parallel universes and Crichton's bad luck are all canon in Farscape), gives him the opportunity to go native, Pegasus style. By the time he comes to Atlantis, his outsider POV is already established and sharing the experience of being a Runner with Ronon trumps all the other possible connections that might have been more prominent under different circumstances. One part of the series uses Runner!Crichton for a crossover with Supernatural where he meets Dean Winchester;[1] the story uses the SGA universe and the Runner concept without any SGA characters present.

Recs and Reviews

  • "Crichton ends up in the Pegasus galaxy, is culled, but becomes a Runner, and finally meets the Lanteans. The first part is entirely from Crichton's POV and the story has a great way to integrate Harvey and generally show us the wackiness that's the inside of his head. Once Crichton comes to Atlantis it's just as awesome. It has great interaction between Crichton and the Lanteans."[2]


  1. ^ Tassos. Untaken Roads, 25 December 2007. (Accessed 01 November 2008)
  2. ^ RatCreature. Crossover Recs. (Accessed 07 April 2011)