Time Lord

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You may be looking for the Doctor Who fanzine Timelord.
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See also: The Doctor
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The Time Lords are an alien people from Doctor Who whose homeworld is the planet Gallifrey who are known for the creation and attempted monopolisation of the ability to time travel.


Time Lords/Ladies are known by many names across the universe: the Sun Builders", "the Watchmakers", the Gods of the Fourth, the Superiors, the "Shadow People", "the House-Dwellers", "the Lords of Jewel", the "Archons of Time" and the "Race of Temporal Supremacy" or "Great Race". They are sensitive to timelines and able to sense past, present and future, including what should not happen. They are also seen as effectively immortal, due to their ability to regenerate a new body when a previous one was damaged or aged.

For more details on Timelord history, civilisation and customs, see the Time Lord page on the Tardis Data Core website

Prominent Timelords

Time Lord Fanon

  • In Classic Who, the Doctor was shown drinking Ginger Beer on several occasions. The 5th Doctor once got drunk after been served a spiked ginger beer.[1] This may have led to the fanon belief that Timelords get drunk on ginger beer.
  • Timelord's necks are considered a erogenous zone. This may originate with an 8th Doctor audio story, where the Doctor gets a back and neck massage.

Time Lord AUs

Characters who are not canonically Time Lords are sometimes made into Time Lords in fanworks, especially when they are shipped with Time Lord or otherwise immortal character. Rose Tyler and Ianto Jones are frequent candidates.

James Bond is a popular Time Lord in crossovers and fusions. Sherlock Holmes and Castiel are also commonly depicted as a Time Lords or incarnations of The Doctor themself. More recently, Philomena Cunk has been proposed as an option.

Example Fanworks

