Star Trek Action Group (newsletter)

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Title: Star Trek Action Group
Publisher: Star Trek Action Group
Editor(s): see article
Date(s): April 1973-October 2002
Frequency: six times a year, then four, then six, then four...
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek
Language: English

Subpages for Star Trek Action Group (newsletter):
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Star Trek Action Group is the name of the newsletter published by the UK fan club of the same name. It ran for 141 issues, from 1973 to 2002.

Some Issues Online

See ScoTpress.

Issue Summaries

Subpages for Star Trek Action Group (newsletter):



From a 1985 issue:

  • There will be six newsletters per year in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
  • We reserve the right to edit any material submitted to STAG for the newsletter or fanzines.
  • Letters to STAG will not be published without the author's permission.
  • We will only print zine and pro book reviews which are objective and give reasons for liking or disliking particular aspects. In this way, the reader can ascertain the reviewer’s standpoint and judge for themselves. We would like where possible to print two or more reviews of any one idea.
  • We will only publish fiction and poetry of a high standard in STAG zines. Material 
will be accepted on merit rather than on subject matter. (i.e. a good story as 
opposed to good grammar). All must be Star Trek-orientated. No fiction or poetry 
will be published in the STAG newsletter.
  • Adult material will not be published in general zines, but may be considered for a separate zine.
  • Club Charity: Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

The Data Protection Act of 1984

Issues published after 1984 included this notice:

"This is a statutory notice as prescribed by the above Act. In accordance with the conditions governing the maintenance of machine-readable records by non-incorporated members' clubs, The Star Trek Action Group must advise that the names and addresses of every member are held in a computer-readable format in order to more efficiently prepare and despatch the newsletters. The information is used for this purpose only, and will not be disclosed to any other party whatsoever without the specific consent of the Data Subject (i.e. the member concerned). You should also be aware that you have a statutory right for your name to be deleted from the computer record and for your newsletter to be addressed manually."

Slash and K/S

The premise of Spock loving Kirk was touched upon in issue #3, though a possible sexual component not specifically verbalized; there was some discussion of this relationship in some late 1973 and in 1974 issues of this letterzine.

The topic of slash and K/S was discussed at some length in 1987 with the usual supporters and non-supporting arguments. And then the issue was never mentioned again in this newsletter.


While most issues contained LoCs, fans' addresses were not printed.