Wonder Woman (TV series)

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Name: Wonder Woman
The New Adventures of Wonder Woman
Abbreviation(s): WW
Creator: William Moulton Marston
Date(s): November 7, 1975 – September 11, 1979
Medium: television show
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: on IMDB, Wikipedia page
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Costume design sketch by Donfeld for the “Wonder Woman” ABC/CBS TV series, 1976-1979

Wonder Woman was a television series from the 1970s about the DC Comics comic book superheroine of the same name Wonder Woman starring Lynda Carter as the leading role.

Canon Overview

The show's first season is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of Wonder Woman. Lyle Waggoner played father and son Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr.

Following the success of the Batman '66 comic book, with likenesses of actors from that TV series, DC Comics added four one-off Wonder Woman '77 comics (from 2016). Batman and Robin (and Batgirl) combined forces with Wonder Woman and Drusilla/Wonder Girl in the Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 mini-series. A subsequent mini-series was Wonder Woman '77 Meets The Bionic Woman.








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