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The Deryni Archives

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Title: The Deryni Archives (The title on the cover sporadically alternated between "The Deryni Archives" and "Deryni Archives" on issues #1-#11. Starting with issue #12, the title was "The Deryni Archives Magazine" or "The Deryni Archives The Magazine")
Publisher: Caer Deryni Publications (early editions, at least to #14), The Airsid Network (later editions?)
Editor(s): Katherine Kurtz (#1-#10)
Yvonne John (#11-#14)
Laura Jefferson and Julianne Toomey-Kautz (#15)
Yvonne Johnston (#16-#17)
Mary Greeley
Joyce Muskat
(note: Yvonne John and Yvonne Johnston are two different people and are aunt and niece)
Date(s): 1978-2009
Medium: print
Fandom: Deryni
Language: English
External Links: publisher
covers of issues #1-#14
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The Deryni Archives ("Deryni Archives The Magazine") is a gen Deryni zine consisting of fiction, commentary, and other material based upon Katherine Kurtz's series of fantasy novels about the Kingdom of Gwynedd and the Deryni.

From the publisher, "Have you ever dreamed of being Deryni? Ever thought that you'd like to spend some time in Katherine Kurtz's Gwynedd? Ever wanted to go play there with the characters you've known for years? Ever thought that life in Gywnedd, or as a Deryni, would be . . . if not exactly fun, then certainly never boring? Then we have a zine for you!"

The zine series was originally edited by Kurtz herself, but after 10 issues, she handed it over to others so she could concentrate on her own writing, coinciding with her move to Ireland. As of at least 2005, Kurtz still vetted all material published in the magazine.

There were often long gaps between issues -- three years between #12 and #13, and four years between #13 and #14.

About the Title

Notes: The title "The Deryni Archives" has been used both for this zine series, and for an anthology of Deryni stories written by Kurtz and published by Del Rey (1986). In addition (and to further confuse the matter), Kurtz edited and published a second anthology with Del Rey, Deryni Tales (2002) consisting of stories and essays first published in the "Deryni Archives" fanzine.

Regarding Fan Contributions

From the first issue:

About those editorial standards: very simply, they are these. The editorial staff will read and screen everything that is submitted, Katherine will go through it. Nothing will appear in THE DERYNI ARCHIVES that Katherine has not read and approved. We feel that, as the creator of the Deryni, no one is better qualified than she to decide whether or not astory or article fits into the Deryni universe. Iand the others of the editorial staff will offer our opinions and expertise on all of these as amatter of course, but the final choice will be Katherine’s.

Articles on any facet of the Deryni world will be welcomed, as will critiques and comparisons between the Deryni and other fantasy and/or historical worlds; likewise songs and poetry and art. Which one of us has not, at one time or another, "borrowed" aportion of our favorite fantasy world and its characters to write or imagine our own version of "What Happened After," or "I would have had him do it this way," etc" It is one of the marks of truly fine writing that creates characters so vividly alive that we the readers become involved with them and are reluctant to let them go at the end of each book. Therefore, THE DERYNI ARCHIVES will consider Deryni fiction by fans; and if it meets the editorial standards, it will be published.


From 2005:

As far as content, if you think another fan would like to read your story (and I'm just as much a fan as anyone else!), then go for it. The only thing we object to is badly-written MarySue stories. Are you familiar with the term? It's used in science-fiction/fantasy fandom to refer to a story that is (usually a first effort and not well-written) about the author's own self (variously disguised) who can do anything and who usually rescues the characters and then ends up in the sack with one of them... We can thank Star Trek fandom for this....

Actually, you notice I said poorly-written MarySues. I don't mind MarySues with the author as a character. I've written them myself. As long as it the storyline makes sense and isn't overpoweringly bad....

There is no minimum length. Come to think of it, there's no maximum either--except, I guess, that DA the Zine can't publish novels/novellas. There have been stories as short as a couple of pages and as long as 50 pages typed double-spaced. [1]

Issue 1

front cover of issue #1, Sir Lee McMahon
backcover of issue #1, Joyce O'Dell

The Deryni Archives 1 was published in 1978 and contains 35 pages.

It was edited by Joyce Muskat and Katherine Kurz, and published by Kurtz.

The art is by Sir Lee McMahon, James-Phillip Llewllyn, Mary Jean Holmes, Joyce O'Dell, and Katherine Kurtz.

Hello. You have in your hands the first issue of THE DERYNI ARCHIVES, of which I have the honour to be the general editor. I have known Katherine some seven-plus years (she says mine was the second fan letter she ever received), Ive read everything she has written, and I admire her extravagantly. I was very honoured to be asked to edit this journal (be honest--! was flabbergasted!), as I have no previous experience as an editor, and accepted the job with considerable trepidation. As it turned out, my trepidation was not unjustified. This issue comes out more m spite of me than because of me. I thank Katherine for her forbearance, the use of her typewriter, and the load of her front porch for a picnic table.


THE DERYNI ARCHIVES journal was conceived as a forum for all those people who, having discovered the Deryni world created by Katherine Kurtz, want to know more about it, to comment on it, and in some way to involve themselves in it. Through this journal you may also learn about, question, and become involved with the Deryni world’s creator herself, Katherine Kurtz. What THE DERYNI ARCHIVES eventually becomes depends, to a great extent, upon what you the readers want it to be.


Also coming up will be a letter column in which I will try to select letters containing your most often-asked questions, so that Katherine may answer them fully. (This does NOT mean that Katherine has stopped reading her fan mail! To my certain knowledge she reads every letter she receives, AND (Lord knows how) she answers every letter, and will continue to do so. What it DOES mean is that, once a question is answered in the letter column, we hope people will stop asking it, and she won’t have to answer that same question in three dozen MORE letters.)


One final note. In this issue and the next, we are fortunate to have some of Katherine’s own work to share with you. Perhaps in future issues she may share the outline of a new story or a small portion of achapter in progress. But do not expect to see major amounts of yet-to-be-published material appear in THE DERYNI ARCHIVES prior to its official publication date. However keenly it might whet our appetites to purchase the new book, we would not ask it or expect it from an author of Katherine’s stature. THE DERYNI ARCHIVES is your showcase, not Katherine’s.

  • Quill and Pounce, editorial by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • From the Duke of Corywn's Kitchen : Christmas at Castle Coroth, essay by J.M. Bishop (4)
  • About Our Cover: A Crash Course on Deryni Heraldry by B. Fraser (7)
  • Psi-magic-Laran: A Comparison of the Darkover Novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley and The Deryni Novels of Katherine Kurtz, essay by Dennis Jarog (8)
  • Update on the "Naming of Morgan" by Katherine Kurtz (14)
  • In The Beginning: The Birth of the Deryni Series, essay by Katherine Kurtz (15)
  • Deryni Fandom, In the Beginning, essay by Dennis Jarog (31)
  • Preliminary Dispatch from the Lord Commander by Zack Richardson (32)
  • From the Royal Wardrobe, essay by Fiona Griffiths (33)

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Sir Lee MacMahon

The Deryni Archives 2 was published in July 1979. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 34 pages. 500 copies were printed.

The art is by Sir Lee McMahon, James-Phillip Llewllyn, Lynne Czarnecki, Patricia Munson, Michael C. Mahaney, and Sven Allyn.

  • Status Report from Katherine Kurtz (1)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (2)
  • Our Cover Heraldry by B. Fraser, article (3)
  • A Rebuttal to "Psi-magic-Laran," essay by Fiona Griffiths ("A Comparison of the Darkover Novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley and the Deryni Novels of Katherine Kurtz.") (8)
  • Notes from Grecotha by Dennis Jarog (11)
  • Ex Cathedra: Architecture of the XI Kingdoms, essay by James-Phillip Llewllyn (12)
  • Lords of Sorandor, Part II, fiction by Katherine Kurtz (18)
  • Gwydion's Song, music by Katherine Kurtz (31)
  • Deryni Spellsong, music by Suellen Plonski (32)

Issue 3

front cover of issue #3, Michael C. Mahaney
back cover of issue #3, uncredited

The Deryni Archives 3 was published in October 1979. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 34 pages. 500 copies were printed.

Calligraphy by Caryl McHarney. Art by Michael C. Mahaney, Lynda K. Yamamoto, Caryl McHarney, Patricia Munson, Diana L. Paxson, Mary Wood, and Jay Freeman.

  • Status Report from Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • On Heraldry and Habiliments of the Order of St. Michael, essay by Katherine Kurtz & Michael C. Mahaney (3)
  • Decessi Mundi (Divergent Worlds?): The Known History of the Deryni, essay by Ereland of Dundarave (4)
  • Poet to Shadows, poem by Lohr E. Miller (6)
  • We Get Letters - with answers from Katherine (8)
  • Young Cathan, poem by Derek Foster (12)
  • Saint Camber, music by Katherine Kurtz (13)
  • The Burden of the Crown by Derek Foster (15)
  • From Cambers Library: Suggested Background Reading (16)
  • The Heraldic Field, Ordinaries, and Sub-ordinaries, essay by B. Fraser (17)
  • Of Interest to Miniature Builders, essay by Valerie Singler & Terri Nevins (20)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (21)
  • In The Beginning: The Birth of the Deryni Series Part III, essay by Katherine Kurtz (22)
  • Deryni Rising - The Proposal, essay by Katherine Kurtz

Issue 4

cover of issue #4

The Deryni Archives 4 was published in May 1980. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 38 pages. 500 copies were printed.

Art by Thomas Deitz, James Bozarth, Lynne Anne Goodwin, Mary Jean Holmes, Michael C. Mahaney, Lynda K. Yamamoto, Sweyn Allyn, Patricia Munson, B. Fraser, and Cathy Brown. Calligraphy is by is B. Fraser.

  • Progress Report from Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Our Cover Story by Thomas Deitz (3)
  • Basic Blazoning, essay by B. Fraser (4)
  • Arthurian Elements in the Later Haldane Kings, essay by Dennis Jarog (7)
  • The Final Spell, fiction by Derek Foster (10)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (12)
  • Lover to Shadows - Part I, fiction by Lohr B. Miller (12)
  • From Camber's Library: Suggested Background Reading (34)
  • A Diversion of Ranks and Files, crossword puzzle by E. Amber Drake (35)
  • The Choice, poem by Pete Hylton (36)
  • Cross-Universal Whimsy, poem by Dennis Jarog et al (37)

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Thomas Dietz
back cover of issue #5, Michael C. Mahaney

The Deryni Archives 5 was published in December 1980. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and Julianne Toomey and contains 36 pages. 500 issues were printed.

Calligraphy is by is B. Fraser. The art is by Thomas Dietz, Michael C. Mahaney, B. Fraser, Lynda K. Yamamoto, Lynne Anne Goodwin, and Sven Allen.

  • Progress Report from Katheine Kurtz (1)
  • Fair Fallen Lord, filk by Katherine Kurtz (to the tune of "Grey Funnel Line" by June Tabor and Maddie Prior from the album "Silly Sisters" (2)
  • Gnostic Influences in the Gywnedd Church, essay by Dennis Jarog (5)
  • Thank God I'm Deryni, music/filk by Deirdre & Mary Murphy (9)
  • Lover to Shadows, Part 2, fiction by Lohr E. Miller (11)
  • Cadency, essay by B. Fraser (26)
  • From Camber's Library: Suggested Background Reading (30)
  • The Paranormal: Definitions, Etiquette, and Ethics, essay by Orion Hubbard (31)
  • A Glossary of Psi Phenomena by Orion Hubbard (34)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (36)

Issue 6

cover of issue #6

The Deryni Archives 6 was published in February 1981. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 32 pages. 500 copies were printed.

Calligraphy is by is B. Fraser. The art is by Lynne Anne Goodwin, Sven Allyn, Dom Melchior, Lynda K. Yamamoto, Dineh Torres, and B. Fraser.

  • Progress Report from Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • The Lesser of God's Creations, essay by Dennis Jarog (4)
  • Notes on Matrix Technology, essay by Orion Hubbard (9)
  • From Camber's Library: Suggested Background Reading (11)
  • The Four Archangels, essay by Antoinette Brenion (13)
  • Gabrielite Invocation to the Archangels by Dom Melchior (poem or prayer) (16)
  • Windows on the Soul by Mary Frances Zambreno (story) (18)
  • Rushlights, essay by Beverly J. Miller (26)
  • A Liturgical Calendar (27)
  • Marshalling Arms, essay by B. Fraser (29)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (31)

Issue 7

front cover of issue #7
back cover of issue #7

The Deryni Archives 7 was published in October 1981. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 34 pages. 500 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by is B. Fraser. The art is by Lynn Anne Goodwin, B. Fraser, Lee MacMahon, Hannah M.G. Shapero, and Leslie Williams.

  • Progress Report from Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • A Matter of Pride, fiction by Leslie Williams (4)
  • Deryni Trivia Quiz (12)
  • Heraldic Badges, essay by B. Fraser (14)
  • Adsum Domine, music by Katherine Kurtz (16)
  • Season of the Sword Part I, fiction by Lohr E. Miller (18)
  • From Camber's Library: Suggested Background Reading (33)
  • answers to trivia quiz (34)

Issue 8

front cover of issue #8
back cover of issue #8

The Deryni Archives 8 was published in June 1982. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 36 pages. 500 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by is B. Fraser. The art is by Mary Jean Holmes, Marj Ihssen, Laura Jefferson, Hannah Shapero, Dineh Torres, and Lee Vibber.

  • Progress Report from Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • The Camber Embroidery: Report of the Royal Gwynedd Archaeological Society on the Findings at Dun Cymbr essay by Rhiannon Evans (3)
  • Season of the Sword Part II, fiction by Lohr E. Miller (6)
  • Titles and Forms of Address in Gwynedd, essay by B. Fraser (23)
  • The Myth of the Independent Episcopate, essay by Dennis Jarog (24)
  • Birthright, fiction by Marj Ihssen (29)

Issue 9

front cover of issue #9, Hannah Shapero
back cover of issue #9, Thomas Dietz

The Deryni Archives 9 was published in February 1983. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 35 pages. 300 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by B. Fraser. the art is by Hannah Shapero, Dineh Torres, B. Fraser, Peg Painter, Leslie Williams, Thomas Dietz, Patricia A. Munson-Siter, and Lynne Anne Goodwin.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Emergency Exit, fiction by Raphael Hytholay (4)
  • Vestments & Other Accoutrements, essay by B. Fraser (14)
  • Confitebor Tibi?, music by Peg Painter (18)
  • Thou Art..., music or poem by Peg Painter (20)
  • Times That Try Men's Souls, Part 1, fiction by Joan Marie Verba (21)
  • Untitled Poem by Karen Anne Weikert (34)
  • Untitled Poem by Rachel Luxemburg (34)
  • From Camber's Library by Katherine Kurtz (35)

Issue 10

front cover of issue #10, Peg Painter
back cover of issue #10, Peg Painter

The Deryni Archives 10 was published in Spring 1984. It was edited by Katherine Kurtz and contains 54 pages. 300 copies were printed.

This was the last issue edited by Kurtz.

The calligraphy is by B. Fraser. The art is by Peg Painter, Hannah Shapero, B. Fraser, Dineh Torres, and Lynne Anne Goodwin.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Eli Eli, poem by Rachel Luxemburg (4)
  • The Talisman, fiction by Marie Tichy (5)
  • Church Architecture, article by B. Fraser (17)
  • The Fortune Teller, fiction by Ann W Jones (20)
  • Times The Try Men's Souls, Part 2, fiction by Joan Marie Verba (27)

Issue 11

front cover of issue #11, Brenda Tropinski
back cover of issue #11, Brenda Tropinski

The Deryni Archives 11 was published in March 1985. It was edited by Yvonne John and Mary Greeley and contains 24 pages. 300 copies were printed.

Some covers were very light purple, and some a very vibrant purple.

This is the first issue not edited by Kurtz.

The calligraphy is by Brenda Tropinski, Diane Gonciarz, and Katherine Kurtz. The art is by Hannah Shapero, Peg Painter, Brenda Tropinski, Leslie L. Williams.

From the editorial:

It doesn't seem that nearly a year has passed since we read in DA #10 that Katherine was thinking of discontinuing publication of Deryni Archives because of her busy writing schedule. As we discussed this unfortunate decision, a ray of hope broke through our disappointment as we thought—just maybe—Katherine might let us combine our editorial skills and give DA #11 a try. With a few letters of correspondence and a phone call to Katherine (and a prayer to whatever saint watches over Deryni fans), DA #11 was underway. Our wide-eyed optimism and enthusiasm led you to believe that DA #11 would be available late summer of 1984. We apologize for the delay and feel you deserve an explanation—we did not have enough material to put an issue together.

We feel that Deryni Archives serves a two-fold purpose. DA enables Katharine to keep in touch with her many fans, and DA also enables you to take an active part in the Deryni world through your literary, artistic, and musical talents. In the overall scheme of DA, our role as editors is minor in comparison to your roles, not only as passive readers but as active contributors of publishable material. For without your contributions, Deryni Archives cannot exist. We encourage you, we implore you, to take pen in hand, enter the world of the Deryni, and let your creative instincts guide you.

Requirements and procedures of the editorial policy are simple. Materials submitted should be about the Joryni or inspired by the Deryni. Literary materials might include short stories and poems. Historical articles reflecting the time period of Kelson or Camber might include topics related to religion, dress, feasts, protocol, and military strategy. Artwork should reflect a Deryni or Celtic/medieval theme. Borders (including four-sided borders; are needed along with quarter to half-page illustrations and full-page cover art.

Inquiries regarding literary and. musical contributions along with the actual pieces of work should be sent to Yvonne; all inquiries regarding artwork along with the actual illustrations should be sent to Mary, (if you enclose a self addressed stamped envelope— SASE—we will answer any inquiries or give a status report on the material you submit.) Materials will be reviewed for publishable quality and edited as necessary. The edited copy will be forwarded to Katherine for additional editing and general comments. The edited copy will then be sent back to you for review. The final decision on whether any submitted material will be published in DA is Katherine's. We agree that there is no one better qualified than Katherine to decide whether or not the material in question fits in with the established cannon of the Deryni. Any material you submit and that is published will be credited to you. You will also receive at least one complimentary copy of the issue in which your work appears. With your support, DA #12 will be available in the fall of 1985.

We hope you will enjoy reading DA #11 as much as we have enjoyed editing and compiling its contents.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • The Quill's Point by Yvonne John & Mary Greeley (3)
  • The King Is Dead, fiction by Joy C. Harrison (5)
  • A Time To Talk, fiction by Julianne Toomey (6)
  • High Deryni, music by Chris Weber (16)
  • Holy Orders - A Brief Overview by Katherine Kurtz (18)
  • Deryni Word Hunt by Pam Poggiani (22)

Issue 12

cover of issue #12, Hannah Shapero

The Deryni Archives 12 was published in Fall 1986. It was edited by Yvonne John and Mary Greeley and contains 36 pages. 250 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by Diane Gonciarz, Pegasus (Peggy Hogan), Hannah Shapero, and Brenda Tropinski. The art is by Hannah Shapero, Pegasus (Peggy Hogan), Brenda Tropinski, Sharon Henderson, Debbie Grant, and Lynne Anne Goodwin.

From the editors:

Well, here it is at last—DA #12. Some of you may have noticed that this issue has a slightly different name— The Deryni Archives Magazine. The decision to change the name came from Katherine. She felt that the fanzine should be called something different from her book of short stories. After we discussed several possible names, we decided to just add the word "Magazine" to the previous name of this publication.

We would like to thank all of you who responded so quickly in ordering DA #12 when the flier was sent out and who patiently waited these so many months to receive it. We can explain the delay in two words—money and clavicle. Since the cost of DA is determined only by the printing and the mailing cost, there is no profit. Therefore, there is no money left over from the previous issue to use to print the next Issue. So what we do is wait until we get a significant amount of money through the orders from the fliers before we take DA to the printer. (This often takes about four to seven weeks.) The "upfront" money from your advance orders greatly helps us meet, the majority of printing costs. We recoup the rest of the printing and mailing costs throughout the year as we continue to fill orders for the current issue and for back issues. So, once again, thank you for returning your orders so quickly! You're probably wondering by now just what a clavicle has to do with DA #12. Well, as wo were just getting the last bits and pieces of DA #12 in order and ready for the printer, Yvonne took a flying leap from a bucking horse and—as you may have guessed—broke her clavicle. (Where is Rhys when you need him.?!) Needless to say, the injury put us behind schedule by several weeks.


Please keep the stories and poems coming in. We can use some factual articles regarding life, dress, etc. during the Middle Ages. If you are interested in doing any art or calligraphy please let us know. Please direct all inquiries, written materials, and art to Yvonne. She will be mainly responsible for editing material, keeping in touch with artists, keeping in touch with Katherine, answering letters of correspondence, and filling orders. Mary will be reviewing and giving her valuable feedback on all written material, as well as, all artwork. A new member of the team, Brenda Tropinski, will, as she has for the last two issues, be our consulting production editor. She has played an invaluable role in helping us lay out the fanzine and in encouraging us to try different approaches to the laying out and printing of DA. Katherine, even though she is now in Ireland, will still be writing a "Progress Report" for each issue and reviewing all written materials and giving us—and you, the authors—her comments based on her professional writing talents and as creator of the Deryni and their world.

For those of you who would like to keep in touch with Katherine, her address is [address in Ireland redacted].

If you wish to receive a reply from Katherine, please enclose with your letter two or three International Response Coupons (IRCs) from the post office and a self-addressed envelope. Katherine can redeem the coupons in Ireland for stamps to mail her response to you.

May we now suggest that you fetch a few warm scones and a cup of hot tea from the kitchen; find a warm, cozy, quiet spot; and enjoy reading the remainder of The Deryni Archives Magazine #12.

  • Progress Report by Katherne Kurtz (2)
  • The Quill's Point by Yvonne John & Mary Greeley (3)
  • Katherine's Favorite Scone Recipe by Katherine Kurtz (5)
  • Deo Volente, fiction by Sharon Henderson (6)
  • Deathwatch, fiction by Mary Robertson (32)
  • From Katherine's Library by Katherine Kurtz (33)

Issue 13

cover of issue #13, Lynne Anne Goodwin

The Deryni Archives 13 was published in October 1989. It was edited by Mary Greeley and Yvonne John and contains 40 pages. 300 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by Brenda Tropinski and Joan M. Verba. The art is by Lynne Anne Goodwin, Pegasus (Peggy Hogan). Hannah Shapero, Debbie Grant, Yvonne John, and Brenda Tropinski.

From the editorial:

Believe it or not, you actually have in hand issue number 13. We, over the past three and a half years, wondered many times if this issue was ever going to be a reality. The work on DA 13 was always sincere but always interrupted. Our first major interruption occurred when [much personal news snipped]

So after many ups and downs, DA 13 is published. We cannot thank Katherine and the authors and the artists featured in this issue enough for their understanding and patience. A special thank you goes to Brenda Tropinski for all her encouragement during those low times and for her help in designing and laying out DA 13. And last, but not least, we cannot thank all of you Deryni fans enough for your inquiring letters concerning DA 13. Those letters gave us the motivation at the times when we needed it the most to keep plodding along preparing DA 13 for publication. (Yvonne would like to apologize to anyone whos letter might not have received a reply. It was more than likely that the letter was put in some obscure, illogical place during the past year.)

You will notice that there are a few changes in this issue - First, the title has changed. Katherine felt that this new title, Deryni Archives: The Magazine, would cause the least amount of confusion between the fanzine and the title of her book The Deryni Archives. Second, we did more two-color pages in a variety of colors. And third, Yvonne and Mary have new addresses. (Mary is in the process of moving as DA 13 is being finalized for print. Yvonne hopes Mary packs everything very carefully. She is still leery of "13.") Your comments about DA 13 and any suggestions for changes or additions for DA 14 would be welcome.

Just a reminder to those of you who do not have a complete set of DA, back issues are limited and once the issues are sold, no more will be printed.

Now, we will let you get on to what you have waited so long for—some very fine literature and art from the world of the Deryni.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • The Quill's Point by Yvonne John, Mary Greeley, & Brenda Tropinski (5)
  • Genesis, fiction by Mark Klinger & Jeffery Olson (7)
  • Jehana, poem by Elspeth Aubrey (16)
  • Strange Alliance, fiction by Joy C. Harrison(reprinted in slightly altered form as "Alliances" in The Osiris Files #7) (18)
  • Deryni Word Hunt by Julianne Toomey (29)
  • Easter Revelations, fiction by Elizabeth A. Hlabse (30)
  • Burdens, poem by Mary Robertson (35)
  • Litany of St. Camber, fiction by Rose Falkowski (38)
  • answers to word hunt puzzle (40)

Issue 14

cover of issue #14

The Deryni Archives 14 was published in October 1993. It was edited by Yvonne John and Yvonne Johnston (aunt and niece) and contains 60 pages. 200 copies were printed.

The calligraphy is by Joan M. Verba. The art is by Shelagh Gorringe, John F. Fique, Hannah Shapero, and Brenda Tropnski.

From the editorial:

Yes! Deryni Archives: The Magazine is published! What a good feeling!

You'll notice some changes in this issue. Perhaps the most obvious is the lack of two color printing. Although, the two color printing is striking, it is also expensive. I agonized over the decision to go with two color or just black and white printing. As with everything else, printing costs have gone up in the last four years. There would have had to have been a significant increase in the cost of this issue to print it in two color. To keep the increase in cost minimal, I made the decision to just go with black and white. Another change in this issue is the short autobiographies by the authors and the artists. This change was suggested by an enthusiastic fan of DA. I think it is a good change. 1 encourage you to send me any ideas that you think will improve DA. I also encourage you to send me any comments, whether they be compliments or criticisms. It is your input that helps shape and improve your fanzine.

[much personal news snipped]

I can't thank my niece, Yvonne Johnston, (yes, she was named after me) enough in helping make DA 14 possible. She has spent countless hours reading, typing, and editing the material. Not to mention all the phone calls to prod (o.k. shove) me along. I also must thank her fiance, Steven Greco, for his help in typing the material when Yvonne could not. For all of Yvonne's interests and efforts, I think that it is only reasonable to make her assistant editor of Deryni Archives: The Magazine. I trust that she will play a major role in making future issues of DA possible. Yvonne was a Russian Studies major in college and is now director of special orders for a private bookstore in Champaign. An appropriate job for her as she is an avid reader, especially in the realms of fantasy. Yvonne can be reached at the snail-mail or Internet computer network addresses below.

[publication details about Kurtz' books snipped]

I know that many of you are wondering if it will take another four years to publish DA. I can assure you not! Matter of fact, I have enough material to start on DA 15 and hope to do so at the beginning of 1994. I will also, at that point start collecting material for DA 16. So please keep the written stories, poems, and factual articles coming. I'm in need of artists. If you are interested please let us know. Expect to hear from us again in about a year. In the mean time, enjoy DA 14 and all of Katherine's new publications.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Quill's Point by Yvonne John & Yvonne Johnston (6)
  • Beth's Journey, fiction by Julianne Toomey (8)
  • Magic Lost, poem by Elizabeth L. Baldwin (30)
  • A Deryni Letter, fiction by Mark W. Klinger & Jeffery D. Olson (31)
  • Death Debt, poem by Mary Robertson (40)
  • Thoughts on the Landscape and Geography of Gywnedd, essay by Shelagh Gorringe (41)
  • Elegy for Evaine by Anne M. Valley (45)
  • Deryni Saga Calendar, essay by Jack M. Baldwin (46)

Issue 15

front cover of issue #15, Julianne Toomey
backcover of issue #15, Julianne Toomey

The Deryni Archives 15 was published in July 1997 and contains 50 pages. It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and Laura Jefferson.

The art is by Shelagh Gorringe, Melissa Houle, Julianne Toomey, and Unknown Artist.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (1)
  • Editorial Introductions by Julianne Toomey-Kautz & Laura Jefferson (4)
  • Lullabye, poem by Mary Robertson (6)
  • Arilan the Talmud Student, fiction by Daniel Kohanski & Jay Barry Azneer (7)
  • Jodotha's Lay, poem by Anne M. Valley (28)
  • Return Home, fiction by Laura F. Jenkins (30)
  • Te Deum, poem by Loreen A. Baldwin (35)
  • The Greatest Gift, fiction by Melissa Houle (36)
  • Jehana, poem by Julianne Toomey (47)
  • Our Contributors (48)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (49)
  • Map of Gwynedd and Surrounding Lands by Shelagh Gorringe (inside back cover)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 15

When I first heard that there was a magazine dedicated to the Deryni universe, and that it included stories written by people other than Katherine Kurtz, I wasn’t sure what to think. I have loved Katherine Kurtz's work since that fateful day in 1983 when I picked up Camber of Culdi in the public library. I was happy, of course, to know that others shared my fascination with the Deryni, but leery of what might be in this magazine. (Some very bad Trek fan fiction comes to mind). Curiosity triumphed over fear, and with trepidation I wrote out a check for DA #15 and sent it off.

What a lovely surprise! First of all the message by Katherine Kurtz herself, authorizing your publication. You aren’t trespassing on her lawn; you’re watering her flowers. Her updates on upcoming projects were quite interesting as well. Secondly, the degree of consistency that the stories have with the original ("canon") novels. It wasn't a stretch to believe that this character could have acted in that way or that these incidents that happened in the gaps between the time frame of the novels could have happened. My favorite story was Arilan studying the Talmud.

Now the dilemma: I understand that there are 14 previous issues of your magazine. Where do I start? [2]

I just received my issue of DA. and I was really impressed. I wasn’t too sure about getting it as I’ve never been a real fan of fan fiction. (My first exposure was the early Star Trek books.) I was especially hesitant because the big story was to be about Arilan, who has been one of my favorite characters since “The Priesting of Arilan.” My worries were cast to the winds when I started reading! I’d like to congratulate both of you, and all of the writers, on a fantastic job. I’m looking forward to the next issue.

I would appreciate it if you could pass along my compliments to Daniel Kohanski and Jay Barry Azneer. “Arilan the Talmud Student” is a fabulous story, and they did a great job capturing Arilan’s character.[3]

Issue 16

front cover of issue #16, Carolyn White-Shilts
back cover of issue #16, Carolyn White-Shilts

The Deryni Archives 16 was published in 2000 and contains 103 pages.

It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and Laura Jefferson.

The art is by Melissa Houle and Carolyn White-Shilts. It contains clip art.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Editorial by Julianne Toomey-Kautz (4)
  • Deryni Ink: Letters of Comment (6)
  • A Midsummer's Questing, fiction by Laura Jefferson (8)
  • Contest!! (21)
  • A Healer Forsworn, fiction by Celia Grey (22)
  • The Lines of Fate, fiction by Carolyn White-Shilts (37)
  • Protecting the King, fiction by Susan Werner (38)
  • Deryni Trivia Quiz by Susan Werner (53)
  • Dhugal at Court, fiction by Melissa Houle (58)
  • Trivia Quiz Answers by Susan Werner (96)
  • Our Contributors (97)
  • Other Worlds of Interest to Deryni Fans (98)

Issue 17

front cover of issue #17, Melissa Houle
back cover of issue #17, Carolyn White-Shilts

The Deryni Archives 17 was published in 2001. It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and Laura Jefferson and contains 178 pages.

The art is by Melissa Houle, Carolyn White-Shilts, and Aislinn.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (2)
  • Editorial by Laura Jefferson & Julianne Toomey-Kautz (4)
  • Deryni Ink: Letters of Comment (5)
  • Lament for a Lost Land by Beverly Allen ("A song/poem of the long lost land of Caeriesse and its foretold return.") (7)
  • Dyeing for Justice, fiction by Linda Epstein ("A tale of a young Deryni lord named Padrig and his encounter with the infamous Rannulf, Lord Vaudemont (from early in the Camber books). Will Rannulf capture and subdue the lad or will Padrig surprise him?") (10)
  • The Messenger, fiction by Julianne Toomey-Kautz ("Bishop Alister and Father Joram set up a network of riders to warn the outlying border lords of the Lords Regents' intentions toward Deryni. What happens when young Lord Jonathan runs afoul of Baron Rhun's army out on "maneuvers"?") (21)
  • The Lion Rampant, fiction by Katherine Ward (vTells the story of how the Crimson Lion was commissioned by Queen Michaela and of the artisan who created it.") (53)
  • Deryni: The Musical by Melissa Houle and Linda Richardson ("You have to read these song adaptations to believe them!") (73)
  • The Lusty Festil Lass or Where are the Simple Joys of Tyranny?, songs ("Would have Lerner and Lowe rolling in their graves. These songs and many others are why we've taken to calling this collection Camber-lot. If you don't at least smile, you aren't human.") (74)
  • Choices, fiction by Mary Alice Kropp ("A young, recently-ordained Denis Arilan has a clandestine group who help smuggle Deryni out of danger. What will he decide when a boy is caught and is destined to be burned at the stake by Archbishop De Nore and Father Gorony?") (97)
  • Beds of Roses, fiction by Sharon Henderson ("Nigel and Meraude are on a greatly deserved holiday with their two children, Conall and Rory. They have received orders from their king to "relax and rest" or be considered treasonous. What does all this have to do with roses and gardening gloves? Read this delightful story and find out!") (113)
  • Crossword Puzzle by Melissa Houle (141)
  • The Unstained Gift, fiction by Kendall Boyd ("Kelson, Alaric and Duncan have received word of a remote village that has two trained, Gabrilite Healers. What do they learn? Can our two lovable rogue Deryni receive training in their Healing gifts?") (144)
  • The Princess of Meara, fiction by Marion Moebus ("Ever wonder about Deryni in our time? This story tells of Bronwyn, Princess of Meara, who doesn't believe in Deryni nor in magic - until she has an encounter with a strange man hooded and cloaked in grey. Her life cannot be the same again.") (161)
  • Our Contributors (176)
  • Domine non sum Dignus by Julianne Toomey-Kautz (This poem is an adjunct to the Healer's Hymn.) (174)

Issue 18

front cover of issue #18
back cover of issue #18, Carolyn White-Shilts

The Deryni Archives 18 was published in 2002. It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and Laura Jefferson and contains 129 pages.

The art is by Hannah Shapero and Kathi Spivey.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz (1)
  • Editorial by Laura Jefferson & Julianne Toomey-Kautz (3)
  • Deryni Ink: Letters of Comment (4)
  • Deryni On the 'Net (a short description of The Airsid Network) (5)
  • Ballad of a Dynasty's Dawning, poem by Beverly Allen ("Lyrical poetry about the founding of Lost Caeriesse that sank beneath the sea.") (6)
  • Undamned Deryni, fiction by Susan Werner ("Explores the question of what happened to the children of those Deryni who were blocked by Healers. One mother discovers that her son is not only Deryni, but also a Healer and she must decide what to do to keep him safe from his Deryni-hating father.") (9)
  • Camber's Conundrum: Crossword Puzzle by Kiri (26)
  • About the Deryni Role Playing Game by Ann Dupuis (27)
  • Close Encounter, fic by Mary Alice Kropp ("Tells the story of Sean Lord Derry and a most unusual meeting with...of all things... a mermaid! Or is she a sea nymph, as she prefers to be called. Do you think Morgan will ever believe it?") (34)
  • Where Fancy is Bred, fic by Sharon Henderson ("A riotous tale of Nigel Haldane, appointed Official Cupid to the Court of King Kelson, and what happens when he completely forgets the Feast of Saint Valentine - thus ensuring that the King also forgets his first Valentine's Day as a married man. Delightful scheming on the part of the lords and their ladies make this story one to be savored over and over.") (41)
  • Reconciliation, fic by Melissa Houle ("Focuses on the same series of events, but from the perspective of Araxie and Kelson. Read it to discover whether or not the men have to spend the night in the Royal Kennels for their lack of forethought!") (91)
  • Sheltering Branches, fic by Martine A. Lynch ("Tells the story of Kelson's and Araxie's oldest daughter, Evaine, who was born deaf. Now, as a young woman, does she find her own true love in Kelric, the Duke of Corwyn's son? Read this sweet story to find out.") (105)
  • The Ring by James Wittenauer ("A poetic recounting of a Haldane's first experience of the Ring of Fire's power.") (124)
  • Our Contributors (125)

Issue 19

front cover of issue #19, Kathi Spivey
back cover of issue #19, Melissa Houle

The Deryni Archives 19 was published in 2003. It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and contains 110 pages. Front by Kathi Spivey. Art Credits: Melissa Houle & Kathi Spivey

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz
  • Editorial by Julianne Toomey-Kautz
  • Deryni Ink: Letters of Comment
  • Spring Fling in Rhemuth Logic Puzzle by Kiri
  • Deryni Wall Map Information By Grey Ghost Press
  • The Oak and the Swan: A Caeriessan Epithalamion, poem by Beverly Allen ("Lyrical poetry about the great love between the two children of the founders of "Lost Caeriesse."")
  • Deryni Night Before Christmas, poem by Mary Alice Kropp ("An excellent Deryni take on Clement Clark Moore's classic Christmas poem.")
  • Return Journey, fiction by Susan Werner ("Sends two old men, who were young at the time of the sacking of St. Neot's, back to the place of their many memories.")
  • Hay is for Horses, fiction by Katy Colby ("The story of one Mearan widow's reaction to her husband's death at the hands of Donal Haldane. How she protects her children from the King's directives makes a gripping story!")
  • Conversion of Life, fiction by Samuel Wise ("A story in two parts. In A Soldier's Curse, two young men - little more than boys - meet on the Mearan battlefield; one must consign the other to prison. When he is much older, he seeks forgiveness from the other, who is now a priest. In part two, The Price of Faith, an old priest who is responsible for the test of merasha at priestly ordinations must decide whether or not to help Denis Arilan pass the ordeal. His actions are tempered by the earlier part of the story.")
  • Balachan Math, fiction by Sharon Henderson ("A sweet and wonderful story of Duncan McLain, at four years old, already impressing visiting prelates. It's also the story of his mother's care and concern for her Deryni son.")
  • Second Encounter, fiction by Mary Alice Kropp ("Another look at the mermaid. This time, Alaric Morgan gets to meet her and receives a warning of piracy!")
  • Heart of a Healer, fiction by C.H. Specht ("The story of Analia, who is good with animals and who comes to the attention of the Deryni Duke of Corwyn as a potential Healer.")

Issue 20

cover of issue #20

The Deryni Archives 20 was published in 2009. It was edited by Julianne Toomey-Kautz and contains 150 pages.

Art Credits: Melissa Houle, Kathi Spivey, and Pyracantha (Hannah M.G. Shapero).

"This Issue is Specially Dedicated to: Kim Bergman-Warriner (Sedina), Pat Nolan (Wrengl) and Susan Werner (Our Mistress of Complications) fellow fans who have passed on, whom we love and dearly miss.

  • Progress Report by Katherine Kurtz
  • Editorial by Julianne Toomey-Kautz
  • Deryni Ink: Letters of Comment
  • Our Contributors: Puzzles (Jumble and Wordfind) by Kiri
  • Soultide: An epic poem of Cariesse by Beverly Allen
  • I Shared a Dream by Cynthia Shipley ("A poem of gratitude to Katherine for reminding us that intolerance exists not only in the Deryni world, but also in our own.")
  • Journey of a Thousand, fiction by Julianne Toomey-Kautz ("What befalls when a young woman from the 21st Century is pulled into Camber's Gwynedd?")
  • Bequest, fiction by Melissa Houle ("A teenaged Alaric Morgan is learning that being an openly-known Deryni is not an easy thing.")
  • Forgotten Words, fiction by Sharon Henderson ("Duncan and Jared share a quiet moment to grieve Kevin's and Bronwyn's deaths.")
  • Vision of a King, fiction by Linda Epstein (aka Jessie) ("On Kelson's wedding day, as Jehana visits Brion's tomb, someone puts in a ghostly appearance.")
  • Demon Child, fiction by Mary Alice Kropp ("What if a Deryni child doesn't develop shields?")
  • A Midsummer Fancy, fiction by Martine Lynch ("Saint John's Day, Midsummer Day, sees Dhugal enjoying the company of a lady fair. Will it come to anything?")
  • Precious Gift, fiction by Cherie Cornmesser ("Kelson gifts Araxie with a ferret, who finds and makes more trouble than imaginable!")
  • Quarter Calls ("By a number of people from the now defunct newsgroup at alt.books.deryni - laughing out loud funny!")
  • Note about the Jumble Puzzle ("Due to an unforseen printing error it is unclear which letters create the solution.")


  1. ^ Fanfic question , July 20, 2005
  2. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Deryni Archives" #16
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Deryni Archives" #16