The Blood and Love Theory

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Title: The Blood and Love Theory
Author(s): portraitofafool
Date(s): 31 May 2011
Length: 6,521 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Read in Archive of Our Own
Read in LiveJournal

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The Blood and Love Theory is a Steve/Danny story by portraitofafool.


It started as a theory, a curiosity Danny wanted to explore further and something he could do for Steve because he seemed to need it. Then Danny started to need it, too.

Recs and Reviews

[shinysylver for h50-rec-room]

This is a very well written fic that explores Steve and Danny’s relationship. It contains some very heavy kinks but the author manages to handle them with such a deft touch that the focus of the story never leaves the trusting and loving relationship between Steve and Danny. Her characters stay very realistically in character as they deal with what this new facet to their relationship says about them. We know that the content isn’t for everyone but we can’t emphasize enough that this fic is about so much more than the kinks and is well worth a read.[1]

[shinysylver for crack_van]

This is a very well written exploration of some very particular kinks. The author manages to explore how Steve and Danny gradually discovered their mutual interest in painplay, bloodplay, knifeplay, and other aspects of S/M without making it feel like the fic is about the kinks. This fic is very much about the relationship between our leads and what the kinks reveal about the relationship and the characters. Too often kink fic changes the character to fit the kink, but here the characters stay very realistically in character as they deal with what this new facet to their relationship says about them.

This fic opened my eyes to how good kink writing could be. It transcends all expectations and I can't recommend it enough.[2]
