Doctor/Sarah Jane Smith

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Pairing: The Doctor/Sarah Jane Smith
Alternative name(s): DoctorSarah, FourSarah
Gender category: Het (usually)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Prevalence: Popular
drawing of the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane embracing and gently kissing, with Tardis in the background, and framed by a circle
Art from Starwings #1 by Martynn (1982), with the Fourth Doctor
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Doctor/Sarah Jane Smith is the het pairing of The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith from Doctor Who fandom. Sarah Jane's most popular pairing is with the Fourth Doctor, with whom she was a companion and had a close canonical friendship. However, there are many fanworks that have shipped Sarah Jane with other iterations of the Doctor, most commonly the Tenth Doctor and the Third Doctor, both of whom she met canonically. Recently, there have also been a very small number of femslash fanworks in the sub-pairing of Thirteen/Sarah Jane.


Common Tropes and Storylines in Fanworks

  • Reunion: after the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane parted ways, there were fics of them reuniting, sometimes with them permanently being together afterwards, or sometimes just the Doctor coming for a visit
  • Hurt/Comfort: usually with the Fourth Doctor being hurt and Sarah Jane providing the comfort. However, in Ten/Sarah Jane fanworks it is not unusual for Ten to be providing emotional comfort to Sarah Jane as she accepts the changes that have happened to the Doctor and her's relationship.
  • Episode Tag: codas to episodes that focused on the Doctor and Sarah Jane. Codas to the "Terror of the Zygons" arc seem to be a common choice for Four/Sarah Jane.




Sarah Jane/Fourth Doctor

Sarah Jane/Tenth Doctor

Sarah Jane/Third Doctor


  • Blue by TheFiendishBeatleBug (Sarah Jane/Four, Sarah Jane/Ten, Sarah Jane/Eleven)
  • Rescue Me by cosmicllin (Sarah Jane/Four)


Sarah Jane/Fourth Doctor

Sarah Jane/Tenth Doctor


  • Starwings #1 - multimedia zine, the first issue contains a Fourth Doctor/Sarah Jane story

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