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Caessius, I'm sorry... I mistakenly used a : instead of a /. I read that I need to 'move' the page, but I do not see the tab 'More' that is mentioned [here]. Can you assist? -- Jacksbrak (talk) 04:22, 4 December 2019 (UTC)

Hello, Jacksbrak! I saw your edits in the Recent Changes and thought I would help out by moving the page for you ^^ The reason you can't see the More tab is because only certain users on Fanlore have the ability to move and delete pages. But we're always happy to help out when it's needed :)
Thanks for all your hard work on the IT page (and others!) And welcome to Fanlore! --enchantedsleeper (talk) 22:32, 4 December 2019 (UTC)

Until I am at a better place for formatting my list of fanartist into something legible, I am moving the WIP list here and have removed it from this page, replacing it with a link to my page, and a short paragraph on different styles one may find within the fanart of this community. Jacksbrak (talk) 15:24, 12 January 2020 (UTC)

Proposing Deletion

I'm proposing that this subpage be deleted. I've already copied all the content on this page to the Example Fanworks section on the main page, and I'll be moving the examples to specific character and ship pages so that main page isn't so overwhelmed.

Having a subpage for fanworks isn't standards practice and isn't necessary. Fanlore isn't meant to be a extensive index of fanworks. This page isn't serving to organize internal links to Fanlore pages, and in my opinion these examples are less comprehensive when gathered on this single page than they would be when spread out on the proper character and ship pages. —caes (talk) 22:16, 24 January 2020 (UTC)

I really don't think I understand what part of this "We want to record both the history and current state of our fan communities - fan works, fan activities, fan terminology, individual fans and fannish-related events. Because Fanlore is based on wiki software, you may edit pages to contribute your own experience, knowledge, and perspective on your community's activities, its members and histories, and the material it has produced," doesn't align with recording what fanworks were produced within a fandom. This site is supposed to be here for fans to indulge and dig into the depths of what they and others were able to build and create together. On a more personal note, this is my main fandom, and I intend it to be my main fandom for a very long time. And I want to preserve as much of that history as I can while I can, because this fandom in particular is very good at eating itself. And what I don't record here, could not only be lost to history, but to the fans who do remain dedicated to it, and want to experience as much of it as they can. So... this is my plea that you not delete it. I don't believe this page is causing anyone any harm... Thank you for reading. Jacksbrak (talk) 00:02, 25 January 2020 (UTC)
It is great to have such an extensive number of links and examples to help fans find communities and fanworks in a current fandom like IT. And you're right, it's hugely important to preserve the history. I know I spend too much time on the Wayback Machine trying to find links from 20 years ago, only to discover that they haven't been saved. We would never suggest that these links don't have a place on the Wiki!
I think while the title of this section is Proposing Deletion, what Caes is actually suggesting is using the links here to flesh out character and pairing pages. So that these examples have the added context of information on the fandom that created them. That way someone reading about Reddie fandom, could scroll down to all fanwork examples in that pairing. There's also scope in IT to have some fandom specific trope pages, such as an Eddie Lives page with fanworks featuring that trope.--Auntags (talk) 00:46, 25 January 2020 (UTC)

Jacksbrak, it's not my intention to cause any distress, so let me clarify that proposing deletion applies only to this subpage, and not the contents on the subpage. I've already copied the contents of this page to various IT pages for characters and ships, so the content will remain on Fanlore. As Auntags pointed out, the issue I see isn't with any of this content, but the organization of the content. The standard format on Fanlore is for there to be example fanworks for specific characters, pairings, and tropes on the specific pages so that they're grouped by topic/focus. The main fandom page has an Example Fanworks section, but so does every page for a character, pairing, trope, etc. All records of fanworks have a place on Fanlore, but they should also be sorted so that none of the pages gets excessively long and hard to navigate. The examples on this subpage have all been easily added to those specific pages. So I proposed this subpage be deleted because it's not necessary to have a place to have examples in a single long list. —caes (talk) 01:47, 25 January 2020 (UTC)

caes and Auntags - So where should Gen fanworks with no particular tropes be located? And should trope pages be subpages?Jacksbrak (talk) 20:01, 26 January 2020 (UTC)
Great questions! Firstly gen works can be listed on a character page if its character-centric, or we could create a gen pairing page. For example if the relationship between two characters is usually the focus of gen fic, then they can have a gen pairing page. We'd just use a & between their names rather than a /, to denote that the pairing is gen. We can also create specific pages for works featuring groups of characters together, and specifically in IT fandom, we can have a page for works focused on the Losers club, and gen losers club works could go there. Whenever there's a trope or term in a fandom, they get their own page rather than a subpage.
Looking at this page again, it's only linked from IT and no other pages. So if Jacksbrak wants to keep this page, even just as a WIP page while they determine how best to organise links on other pages, then I'm unwilling to delete it. --Auntags (talk) 22:27, 26 January 2020 (UTC)
Auntags Thank you for your answers! I have saved them so I can reference them as needed. Well... I can just make a WIP page on my user page to sort things out before implementing them, like I'm doing with my Fanartists index. So it's okay if you guys wanna delete this. I also saved the page's coding for if I need it. Thank you for explaining and being patient with me.Jacksbrak (talk) 00:00, 27 January 2020 (UTC)
Okay. I am going to leave this page up for (at least) the two weeks required in our deletion procedure. Maybe other editors will chime in with ideas on how to organise links. --Auntags (talk) 16:59, 28 January 2020 (UTC)