Styx and Stones (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Styx and Stones
Author(s): Alexis Fegan Black
Date(s): 1987, 1994
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: download here

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Styx and Stones is a K/S story by Alexis Fegan Black.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #32, and in Styx and Stones with illustrations by Marilyn Cole.


"Spock awakens in a new land after dying and waits for Jim, who is in a coma following a shuttle crash. Sequel: The Fallen."

Reactions and Reviews


The final story [in the zine], STYX AND STONES is perhaps the "weakest" of the three. It is an "after-death" story (sort of). As I understand it, Spock has become the "keeper" of the River Styx, and though he hasn't got a clue as to how this happened, he isn't alone long. When Kirk joins him (through a scene with some magnificent avante-garde writing!), the two begin their journey in paradise. And when Spock tells Kirk: "Our bed is one of soft, non-irritating mosses; and the pillows are the petals of a large flower, filled with down"... well that was enough for me. I could just see Spock preening those beautiful wings Ms. Cole depicted on the cover [of the zine], and I found myself sniffing with happiness as I completed the story. [1]


Reprint of an early AFB story (but one that I hadn't read) of K and S crashing in a shuttle accident in which Spock dies and Kirk remains in a coma for 4 years until, he too, dies. Normally and in the hands of a lesser writer, this would be a much too difficult type of story to take, but here it's done gently and metaphorically, so that the reader is led into the peaceful after-life that Kirk and Spock share. A river separates two banks, one side is Earthlike, the other is Vulcan-like. Kirk and Spock join in this eternal place and they grow wings. In a lovely passage, Kirk grows "the wings of an eagle." [2]


  1. ^ from On the Double #4
  2. ^ from Come Together #7