Serge Protector

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Title: Serge Protector
Publisher: Sacred Stetson Press
Date(s): 2000
Medium: print zine, ezine
Fandom: Due South
Language: English
External Links: online here
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Serge Protector is a slash anthology. It was a print zine as well as a ezine. Artists are Crysothemis, Kellie Matthews, Sandy Steiner, and Diane Taurins.

Disclaimers and Copyright

The Due South characters, including Benton Fraser, Diefenbaker, Ray Kowalski, and others are owned by Alliance Productions. This publication is not sponsored, approved or authorized by Alliance Productions and is not intended to infringe on their rights in any way. Sacred Stetson Press and its publications are purely non-profit productions.

This publication serves as a non-profit scholarly work which reviews, promotes, and documents elements of characters in media during the 20th century. All ideas in this publication are expressed as a continuation of thought covering pop culture associated with television and movies.

The works contained herein are the property of the artists and authors; please do not copy or reproduce anything from this publication except limited excerpts for the purposes of review, without permission of the editors.

From the Editorial

In the summer of 1999, we decided it was a crying shame that there weren't any RayK/Fraser zines out. We thought it was even more of a shame that there wasn't a really superb RK/FR zine out. We know what we like, so we e-mailed authors and said we just might do a zine and would they like to contribute?

A looong silence, and then one day, the most marvelous stories we'd ever read in Due South started pouring into our mailboxes! (Who says putting out a zine is difficult? (When it came time to format this monster, I found out why people say that. Sheesh.) You should have seen the way these stories arrived in the first draft almost word-perfect, every one of them.) Each and every submission was a work of art. Our biggest thanks go to the authors. Without us, they'd still write stories, so we needed them more than they needed us. We're including e-mail addresses for the authors, so if you loved their stories, drop them a note and tell them so, okay? If you're rather send snail-mail, write to Sacred Stetson Press at our PO box and we'll forward notes.

Without us, readers would still read stories, so we thank you, too. From our place between the author and the reader, we hope you enjoy this zine. We hope you'll enjoy the stories and the artwork as much as we've enjoyed the process of collecting and offering them.


The zine is online here.

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

See reactions and reviews for Blind Justice.

See reactions and reviews for Away.

[Unguarded Protectorate]: In due South stories, I have a distinct preference for Fraser and Ray (okay, both Rays) to be fairly competent and fairly stable. Strange and damaged by their pasts, undoubtedly, but still sane and functioning. So it's a measure of Mairead Triste and Bone's writing abilities that I love this story: not only is RayK remarkably messed up, but we get to go along on the ride to see exactly how dealing with Fraser leads him slip-sliding down the slope of denial. Unguarded Protectorate was first published in Serge Protector and I'm delighted that it's now available on the Web. [1]

[zine]: Serge Protector... is probably the best Fraser/RayK zine ever published, and one of the best zines published, period. Everything in this one was just beautiful from the editing work right down to the breathtaking stories. [2]

[zine]: An adequate freshman effort from Sacred Stetson Press. [3]

[zine]: This zine is now online, but I admit to a bit of snobbery - to me, a zine is the best thing in the world. Anyway, this is the only anthology on my favourites list because I generally prefer novels (as I'm sure you've seen). The stories in this zine kept me engrossed, interested, and wanting more.[4]


  1. ^ 2001 rec at Recommended stories -- mostly due South, Archived version
  2. ^ Confessions of a Former Zine Slut, Archived version
  3. ^ from Lynn W., accessed March 7, 2014
  4. ^ quoted anonymously from a mailing list (April 19, 2002)